Sorry I haven’t been posting on hear for a little while again…

I have just been super busy and as I said before, not really in the mood for Christmas at all…I just can’t get in the spirit of things…However rather than hosting the main event at our house, we are now all going over to my Mother in Laws home in Essex…I know it will be a bit of a drive, but I really couldn’t face all the work this year, especially as I have felt so downtrodden lately.

These winter blues are not going away too quickly and I just can’t seem to focus on anything much…

I used to be such an enthusiastic creative type of person…but i seem to have no hobbies at the moment and everything seems such a chore…let’s hope it is just a blip and I can achieve everything that I want to in the New Year!  I suppose the answer to that is to not set myself such high goals…dont have a list as long as my arm so to speak…otherwise that will put the cat amoungst the pigeons!

pretty vintage and modern Christmas decorations

I hope all of you are keeping well and having a Jolly build up to Christmas…I often think that it is the build up that is the best bit…even though I am a bit of a ‘bah humbug’ at the moment! going out and hustling and bustling in the crowds to by Chrimbo pressies…wrapping them up, going out for drinks with friends, watching Christmas movies on the telly…can all be so exciting…

I think unless you have children in the house though,  the christmas spirit kinda dies…I have been searching for that Christmas spirit for years now…and wondering whether I will ever find it again!  Memories of childhood can bring it back into your mind for a while and also when my kids where little…ahh that is when it is so lovely, because afterall isn’t that, what it is all about!…seeing the hapiness in their little faces…

When they get a bit older…all it gets to be is WANT WANT WANT…and then the Christmas Spirit is lost again…it’s a viscious circle…

But Hey Ho…don’t listen to me…

Have you found the answer to keeping the Christmas Spirit alive now that you are older?
What has been your best Christmas Ever?
Do please share…

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