I am so proud and chuffed to be featured in this wonderful magazine's Christmas Edition...(I have a 7 page spread!) Mollie Makes was set up in July and since then has enjoyed a steady rise in sales and subscriptions...and that is because of one thing....its damn good!

This is a craft magazine for the 21st century...A lot of gals and guys these days have brilliant talents and now with most of us having the internet and writing blogs, joining Etsy and Flickr...these are all mediums to show the world how creative we are...Mollie Makes encapsulates all of this into one magazine...and it is Brilliant...I totally take my hat off to the whole team ;).

Issue 8 has everything and more...first of all, it features my home and how we decorate at Christmas...The lovely Judith Wilson interviewed me and has positively written the most fantastic article that has ever been written (in my opinion)...she has really captured my personality...her words even made me chuckle...thinking at the time...that is soooo me!...

But also it has plenty of beautiful christmassy things to make and proper patterns and careful instructions that even the total beginner can follow....you will also recognise a few names from the craft book and blog scene...like in this Issue...Tilda showing you how to decorate your home with beautiful makes from her series of books...Oh and me! lol!

Another great deal for subscribing to this mag is that they are giving away...A roll of fabrics by The Makery worth £36.00 oh what a deal breaker! Aye! I don't know why they are doing this...as they are by far the best craft magazine on the shelf to date!...I suppose its a way of saying thankyou for making us great, as nearly all of the previous back copies are sold out already...so come on gals get subscribing and get making!...

Meanwhile, you will have to buy Issue 8 from your local newsagent...or HERE (you can buy from this link if you are overseas too ;))...you will also get a free calender for 2012 with the prettiest of pictures to display by FRYD by DESIGN...How delightful ;)


Right...so what if I said I had a spare copy to give-away to one of my lovely readers!...

Yay! I can here you all shout ;)...

Well please leave a comment about what you like making for Christmas...has it been a tradition every year or have you just decided thats what you want to make for Chrimbo 2011? ....

You can enter as many times as you like...with different ideas....of course...and I will be drawing this on Friday evening (Dec 2nd My Birthday) so I shall blog about who is the winner on the Saturday (hopefully in the morning)...depending on, if I have a hangover or not lol! (As I will of been out on the town with Rosie and friends ;))

Good Luck and have a fun weekend.
Love Happy x


  1. I love making Christmas gift tags every year. Blog land got me hooked on them and now they're a tradition for my packages.

  2. Hello Happy,
    this year I intend to make a gingerbread house that DOES NOT COLLAPSE!!!
    I have a cunning plan that involves propping it all up from the inside with a gingerbread brick!
    Love jacqui

  3. Congrats on the article. I would love to read it in full! Please count me in..and if I don't win I'll just have to buy it! :o)

  4. Ive heard of this mag but unfortunately cant get it in my neck of the woods, so a copy would be a fantastic gift! Makes this Christmas are bunting, trees, cards, baubles and the list never stops growing xx

  5. Ohhhhh what a lovely giveaway! I like to make snowman soups for Christmas. My whole family really llook forward to them :-)

  6. I bought the mag' yesterday and noticed the feature straight away. Congratulations, you've got a lovely, creative home.

  7. oooh congrats on being featured in molly makes! i loveeee the mag and definitely will go and buy it! dont want to miss this special issue! what a lovely giveaway!! i always wanted to make hollyberry christmas ornaments from felts but just need to find the time to do crafting, or reindeer felt or handpainted christmas glass baubles! good luck to everyone!

    susan (missr4in@gmail.com)

  8. Woohoo! 7 page spread I so can't wait to read that..your lovely van is also in Vintage caravan magazine here...I will be having a Happy Fest!.
    I love making our special celebration Christmas cookies each year. What makes them even more special is that we only make them at Christmas, we give the ingredients as gifts to friends ( with the recipe of course) and we cook them Christmas morning..Yum full of oats, raisens, walnuts, and M&M's ..
    Kiss Noises Linda

  9. I made a fab real gingerbread house last year and cant wait to make one again soon! xx

  10. Hi...you deserve this recognition...you work so hard, and are so lovely to work with...congratulations...xx

  11. Oh! Congratulations for the 7 page feature! What am I making this year? Well, dolls, as always and biscuits, because I'm translated to the USA and everyone makes cookies and little rabbits, because rabbits are for Christmas, right?

  12. I have a thing with ♡angels♡! Xmas and angels go well together, so i will be making more angels this Xmas!!
    Here are some example i made:
    Have a nice weekend!

  13. memories is what i love making the most every xmas

    from zoe ross


  14. i started a new tradition last year of making a december/xmas scrapbook making sure that for every day we made the most of the fun and excitement of the build up-this year i will make mine out of old cd's

    from zoe ross

  15. this year we intend to make our own paper chains to hang up in the front room and im sure the girls will love doing this as much as i will!

    from zoe ross


  16. I think It's fab that youre featured in Molly Makes'It's a total favourite of mine.
    I love making dry fruit garlands ,with hearts,gingerbread men and Angels,they smell and look lovely,very festive.
    Need to get it started :)
    P.S Fab giveaway
    xx Manda xx

  17. Well done on getting into the mag. Every year I make a hand stitched ornament for each of my kids. The eldest gets to choose usually but this year I have done her a surprise one using a quote from Little Women. All my hand stitched ornies get a tree of their own. x

  18. I adore this magazine...not so easy to find in Canada..and POM POMS are on my list of Christmas JOYS this year...wreaths...garland...pure joy. xoxoxoxoo Thanks for the chance and congratulations....what a lovely feature...xoxoxoxoxo

  19. I was just writing a blog post and popped over to do a link to your lovely blog and found you were also doing a Mollie Makes giveaway.
    The article is excellent, love your home, it really does show a very "Happy" Christmas.
    Carol xx

  20. Paper decorations are a must for me...stars and baubles.
    Congrats on the article is looks great!


  22. Oh I bet that's a wonderful article on you. I would love to see it. Your decorating is so unique. Every Christmas I made something different, the last few years it's been felted and beaded ornaments like little cottages, a tree, a deer or polar bear.
    This year I realized enough of those so I must switch. I'm about to make some nice place mats this year.

  23. I enjoy making ornaments with my mom. We make them every year for shut ins at our church.

  24. This year I am making crochet scarves & fingerless gloves as gifts for my girls. I would love to win the magazine with your fabulous feature in it.

  25. I make my mummy a handmade black cat for her collection every christmas - all shapes & sizes, differing mediums - sometimes they are sewn, sometimes sculpted, sometimes junked together

  26. Congratulations on your feature in MM!
    This year I'm making table runners!(for the second time!)

  27. I've also made damson gin - not all of it will be given away though!

  28. Just discovered your lovely blog and you are on my blog list! I try to make a home made gift with the kids for the grandparents.
    If I don't win, where can I order this mag? Living in Africa. . .

  29. :) congrats! I love making cakes for presents. I make christmas cup cakes, put them in an old biscuit tin, with tissue paper and chocolate coins, wrap them up with a big bow and stisk some cndy canes on the top. :)

  30. I have made pretty garlands with cards leftover from last year. Also I am making candles for pressies.

    Congratulations on getting in the mag. :-)

  31. we hold a little holiday tea party every year, and all the girls make an ornament for their tree.

    would so love to get my hands on a copy of 'mollie makes'. thank you so much for the chance!


  32. This year I'm also making fabric gift bags to put the bottles of damson gin in!!!

  33. Congratulations on the mention what a lovely achievement ;-)) dee x

  34. the girls aged 3 and 5 are going to make pressies this year due to financial probs-they r going to decorate jars with stickers and ribbons and fill with biscuits (homemade of course)

  35. congrats on ur article-it looks fab, last year i started making felt decorations for the tree-i made a gingerbread man, snowman and tree so will try and carry on the tradition

    from zoe ross

  36. ooooooooooo i keep thinking of loads of homemade things to do!!1 sorry for taking over the comment part-pompom garlands to put round the tree in red and white as i made garlands for in my craft room

    from zoe ross


  37. I can see why you were in that magazine! I absolutely LOVE LOVE your home! I am going to make my cut out cookies in all of the lovely shapes (stars, bells, snowmen,etc). Its been a tradition ever since my kids were wee little ones! Blessings to you!
    Tammy in Michigan

  38. Hard for me to find this magazine locally, so I'm thinking of subscribing! Thanks for the give away!

  39. I love making cookies with my daughtr, gingerbread men and sugar cookies!

  40. Happy, you must be busting buttons with pride from having your talent recognized by all these wonderful magazines!

    What do I like to make for Christmas? Well . . . besides fattening food, lol, I pretty much stick to paper crafts. That's what I enjoy the most!

  41. Someone always gets a quilt from me. This year it's my granddaughter and one of my grandsons. Am also making little dolls with embroidered felt faces for my children in Sunday school.

  42. ...homemade biscotti and sweets and hoping to make family and friends feel happy and relaxed (trickier than than everything else put together!)
    And have a lovely, lovely birthday
    ; )

  43. im on the look out for an egg free yorkshire pud reciepe for myself to make as when i cud eat eggs i wud have them with everything!!!

    from zoe ross

  44. I'm going to try a recipe from the book River Cottage Preserves for candied orange peel dipped in chocolate! - it looks yummy!

  45. after xmas shopping 2day and noticing the price of some decs for the table, i have decided to make my own confetti using a xmas punch and pretty paper and decorate plain baubles with names for place settings-it means more when handmade i think

    from zoe ross

  46. My daughter wants a new bag - so I'm cutting out a 241 tote (Pattern from noodlehead) for her, I should get it finished for Christmas!


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