Cath Kidston has decided to give Happy Loves Rosie a beautiful Country Rose day bag (above) to give away to one of my lovely readers...and I thought as you have all been so lovely, leaving comments about my Rosie's all deserve the chance of winning...

icon icon  

Just click on each item to view
But before I ask you to leave a comment, I thought I would show you some of the other lovely goodies and promotions that Cath has running ....
All these items are from Caths new range and would make wonderful Christmas Presents...Especially this Online Exclusive! - Receive a free button tin worth £15 when you buy Caths caravan sewing box...WooHoo! Get in there! lol!

Also these other items are special favourites of ours...

Just click on each item to view
Just look at these wonderful items...Hmmm! that beautiful boucle birdie cushion and faberooni retro clock...such divine items to add to your country cottage home or your unique designer loft apartment....not to mention that sewing bag and beautiful (matches the bag we are giving away) Purse...YUMMMMY!

...And look at this lovely Dot-to-Dot 16 piece dining set - Save £15 when you buy this spot-on tableware set. ...what better way than to wine and dine your friends...oOoOh we all love a bargain don't we ;)

Right then...lets get on with the loverley Jubbley you want to be in with a chance to win this Country Rose Cath Kidston Day Bag?

...Well then! get commenting and tell me...

What is the most unusual item you have in your handbag? or
What is the one item in your handbag, that you can't live without?
(Remember this is a family show!)

You can enter as many times as you like....Yay!
And the competition is open to everyone around the world! Double Yay!

I will be drawing this competition on the 31st October....if you want to add the button to your blog to give other people a chance to win...please grab the link on my sidebar...

And last but not least GOOD LUCK my loverlies xx



  1. This is spooky! I've just been browsing a few hours away on the CK site drooling a little! Great giveaway I'd love to be included.

    In my handbag I have98 things, my purse, make up bag, keys, ipod (in CK gadget case) note pad, pen, reuseable shopping bag, tissues and camera.

    Bee happy x
    Have a delicious day!

  2. Fabulous competition, who wouldn't want to receive this!! The most unusual item in my bag is a rock (from our garden) with the England flag painted on it, why I hear you say? Wherever I go I have a little piece of England that's always with me. Sad, mad and true! x

  3. Oh my goodness! That little bluebird pillow is so sweet!

    My 'has to be in my handbag' staple is my Avon lipgloss. I get yucky coldsores if I go without some pretty pink greasiness slapped on. :)

  4. What a happy give away!!! The item I cannot live without in my bag? My CREDIT CARD! :) Then it would have to be my smart phone! :)

  5. Unusual item in my bag right now? I have a Netflix DVD that needs to be mailed! :)

  6. What a fab giveaway. Item I can't go without is my tub of Carvex or Vaseline. I have very dry lips!

  7. Most unusual item, hmm, a tin of Donald Duck mini sweets from Disneyland Paris that I bought just to make up to a certain amount so my daughter could get a free 'Bolt' soft toy! xx

  8. Hmmm, well the most unusual thing in my handbag, (and I have one in every bag) is my antiseptic hand gel. With the amount of time I have spent in Medway Hospital lately I need it! My mum is back in there so they will be coming in for a lot more use.
    Glad your Rosie is better and thanks for the lovely giveaway.

  9. Mmmm just looked in my bag and the most unusual thing in there is...a piece of wool that my Little Miss spun at a recent local show.

    So glad Rosie is better.

  10. Brilliant Giveaway! My handbag is full of dog treats and poop scoop bags! oh and the odd dog too!

    I have a westie, two scotties and a chihuahua!

  11. Right now the strangest thing in my bag is a staple/nail gun. The can't leave home without it item would have to be Weleda Skin Food-for hands, lips, chapped stuff.

    So very glad to hear that your sweet girl is on the mend. That must have been so difficult on a dear mum's heart. Here's to good health and lots of everyday joys!

  12. Well what a beautiful bag and what an awesome giveaway!
    I just had a look in my own bag to see what I thought the most unusual thing in it is today and I reckon it's gotta be the St John's face shield! (the plastic thing you can use to give mouth to mouth). I sound like a bit of a saddo but it's one of those things i think if I take it out I'm sure to need it (a bit like always having to put the lottery on in case your numbers come up). I do hope never to need it but hey ho, it's staying for now :)

  13. Hello girls...I have that darling bag in blue dots and it is such a great one. All the pockets on the edge to put your phone and keys...stunning. I do so hope this brings you smiles as Cath can only do. Enjoy...I always have to have my migraine medicine in my bag and gum! I know I am such a drag. Smiles...Renee

  14. OH MY GOSH!! Yes please! Love the little owl and the birdie cushions and the purse and and and!!!
    The most unusual thing I have in my purse right now is a soccer (football to you guys in England) shin guard from my 7 year old! I carry a REALLY big purse!

  15. I ALWAYS carry a wee piece of beach glass in my wallet...a reminder of my favorite pass-time, walking the sands in search of sea gems.

  16. Since I work full time, I always carry my tare panda teacup and a few Bigelow Green teabags with me to and from work. Sometimes I will carry it with me on my days off, just in case. I cannot be without my tea!

  17. Such a lovely giveaway! I keep doggie biscuits in my bag.
    Continue to get better, Rosie!

  18. since i am a passionate gardener and i sometimes carry in my handbag seeds and cuttings from the gardens i have been walking by.

    i do love Cath Kidston creations, which i always need to purchase from England, since in Finland we do not have any of her gorgeus things.

  19. Ooohh I love Cath Kidston!!
    My bag is like a Mary Poppins bag, with 4 kids I have everything from band aids to play mobil men , hair brushes, camera, lolly pops to stop meltdowns!!

  20. Oh my giddy aunt....more lovely giveaways.
    The thing I must carry in each of my (now drab-looking by comparison) bags is a pen. Or pencil For when inspiration strikes and I must must must make a comment or scribble a sketch. x

  21. Wow!!! What a great Giveaway!
    I really love Cath kidston!

    I have a Pip-studio bag and i have a view things i always have in my bag; wet towels (for the dirty faces of my girls) and my Blackberry. And i always put my sunclasses in my bag, i cant live without it.

    Love from Ilona
    The Netherlands

  22. I love that little owl! It's calling my niece's name!

    in my bag....the most unusual thing I have in there is....toilet paper. It's a small travel sized roll of toilet paper. One never knows going into a toilet if there's going to be paper or not!

  23. I just read about Rosie..I'm so glad she is doing better and going to be ok!!

    The most unusual item in my purse I'd say is a used no longer glowing glow stick..Im lame I know..nothing exciting in there! :)
    Love your blog greatly!

  24. Lovely giveaway.
    The most unusual thing in my bag is my Dorset Button. It is tiny and delicate, I bought it a few monthas ago and have never taken it out.
    Julie xxxxxxxxxx

  25. Great giveaway! I always carry à book with me. Luckiliy I have à very big purse ;-).

    X Debby

  26. OMG this was at the top of my birthday present list and as it wasn't amongst the presents this morning I guess I'm not getting it? Fabulous giveaway!! Strange things in my handbag well I always have shells and bits of seaglass as I seem to pick them up everytime I'm at the beach with Daisy..
    Hope Rosie is getting better every day
    Big Hugs
    Pene xx

  27. Would so love to win that bag!!! neeeeddd!!!! The item I could not be without is a pen a notebook. I have a head like a sieve and have to write everything down! Sue x

  28. There are so many things in my handbag I can't live I have to pick only one ;o)

    I have a little pouch I made and that caries all the essentials..nail file, little mirror, tissue and paracetamol! :o)

    Thanks for the chance to win :o)

  29. The weirdest thing in my bag? I carry a mouth guard for mouth to mouth resuscitation - the habits of being a nurse!

  30. Oh golly gumdrops! This handbag is on my wishlist!I love Cath Kidston's designs...drooool....Of course, like most women, I carry LOTS of things around in my handbag,but the one thing I have to have on hand is my tape measure! Just in case I have to measure the size of a lovely piece of furniture or other knick-knack I stumble across, that I might want to give a new home! Please enter me in this draw, as I would love love love to fill this bag with all my very necessary tat!

  31. Hello from Portugal.

    The most unusual thing in my bag is a toothpick.

    I'm going to add it to my blog:

    Kisses, Alexandra

  32. Hi,
    i am from the netherlands and am follower for a few months..
    I hope you are all steady again after everything you've been through.
    One month ago I bought a look a like cath kidston bag (it was a cathy kingston) But that was really fake, the zipper doens't work and other things are not how they use to be.
    So I would love to have a real Cath Kidston bag!! I always carry my purse and organiser with me in my bag.. And my mobile for when something is worng on school with my kids..And so much stuff I don't really need every day ;)
    What a beautifull give away!

    (Sorry if my english is not perfect)
    Have a nice day!

  33. I always have dog poo bags(nappy sacks actually)in my bag and the odd dog biscuit as well.
    I've just been catching up with your posts and was very sorry to hear of all the trauma you've been through with Rosie and the awful experience you've had with the NHS.I think many of us have been shocked by the treatment of the elderly in our hospitals at first hand.I certainly have.

  34. Lovely giveaway. I just love Cath Kidston, and her bag is to die for! I can't live without my sunglasses. I drive 2 hours to and from work, so forgetting them would be disastrous.

  35. The thing I cant live without that lives in my handbag is the antibacterial handwash you use without adding water. I volunteer in a charity shop and use it there, also when I take the plastic to the recycling bin and get covered in gone off milk lol

  36. And now the most unusual item in my purse is a can of peanuts. I took them to work to snack on and then forgot to take them home. You know, I've been wondering my purse is so heavy. :)

  37. Just having a rummage around my bag and I have pulled out a ball of wool, a rather over-sized pen, 2 chocolate biscuits, a child's toy, 25 pence and a list of things to do as long as my arm with only one thing crossed off!!

    This is the norm for me I must admit! I do get the odd surprise when the children throw things in (last week included a big (but important stone), endless leaves and twigs and a caterpillar smuggled in!!)

    Wonderful giveaway,

    Thank you


  38. Would love to win such a wonderful bag!

  39. I could not live without my Android Incrdible and my planner. My whole life and everything I need to do is in that planner!

  40. Hmm. The most unisual items I EVER had in my handbag must date back to when our boys were little. The day I discovered that I'd been carrying around two bottles of Macdonald's water and two plastic Happy Meal toys for a whole week was the day I decided to buy a smaller handbag! It worked (lol). Thanks for this great opportunity to enter your giveaway, Happy.

  41. My most unusual item is a shower curtain hook (actually, a couple dozen) and I know that being a mother of invention yourself, you'll appreciate what they are for: Everything!
    Because I sell my handmade goods at a weekly market, I use them for suspending various things from the frame of my canopy such as my signs, my circle scarves, etc. I also end up gifting other vendors with them because when they see me using them, they are always wishing they had some! The thin metal ones, you know, rather like giant pear-shaped paper-clips...12 a dollar at the dollar store...
    Love the bag so much, fingers crossed!

  42. Great giveaway! Item I can't live without?? a little tin of vaseline!

  43. Friends usually accuse me of turning my handbag into a suitcase of sorts! Funniest thing...I got pulled at airport security for a search once b/c of a suspicious item...If I purchase anything of value I never pack it, I always carry it on. I had to explain that the "item" was a cherry pitter! I had been looking for one for ages and found one at a store while visiting a friend! That prize was not going to get lost so I put it in my purse! The security guards had a great laugh and had to show it to all the other guards incase another one ever showed up!

  44. Dear Happy, what a lovely give away! I am a great fan a you and Cate Kidson!

    I always have my purse with a picture of my little Frederike in it as very beloved thing! And the most unusual is a clothespin haha!

    Dear regards from the Netherlands, Dagmar

  45. In my bag I have an old screw cap from a wine bottle....often its better value to have a bottle of wine when we eat out but I'd better not drink the whole bottle at that moment. So I take the rest home for later! (pubs tend to keep the screw caps)

  46. omg-what a gab giveaway, in my bag i have items from day trips with the girls-i.e a pebble, shell, toy and believe they r my good luck charms

  47. what a great giveaway!! I adore Cath and would just love to have a bag of hers : )
    The strangest thing I have in my purse is a little mixture of rubbing spices in a piece of tin foil. The thing I cannot live without are my sunglasses. Thanks!!

  48. Oh thank you for the giveaway. I'm so glad Happy is better! The unusual in my purse is a small can of mace spray! And I can't live without my camera at all times!! Thanks, Dorothy

  49. I meant to say I am glad Rosie is better! But I'm sure Happy is better now, also! Thanks!

  50. Hmm, Polycell exterior pollyfilla and a sample tin of Farrow and Ball. Doesn't everyone? : )

  51. Oh, and I've just remembered there's a bag of pork scratchings in there! Not for long...

  52. I love the bag, the pattern is so cute! The one thing in my bag that I cannot live without is my iPod. Seriously I can't leave home without it. I think its because I have such a short attention span!

  53. nail scissors. Not so crazy. Except that I've been looking for them for months and haven't cut my girlies' nails in all that time. They may have resorted to picking:( Cath Kidston is my favorite and my best!

  54. I love everything Cath Kidston has done! The one thing I have to have in my purse is the list of books I want to buy in case I come upon a used bookstore.

  55. What a great giveaway! Love Cath Kidston and those other items above are to die for, love the cute owl!!

    My 'must have' item in my handbag would have to be either paw paw ointment.

  56. hi, First and foremost, hope Rosie is feeling better :) Strangest thing in my handbag, tho not *that* strange, is a tin of kate aspen band-aids complete with lips printed on them.. for kisses better of course. Lovely CK things!!!

  57. Would love to enter this, my mum loves CK and she would adore this, unusual things in my handbag, euros, left over from portugal, crochet hook and wool, well u just never know, but the funniest unusal thing is my son's goo toy, is disgusting, makes farting noises and has face eyes in it, but always makes him laugh

    Glad that rosie is on the mend, finally

    :) xx

  58. Love this bag and the polka dot plates. The items I always keep in my purse are my migraine tablets. I wouldn't want to be stranded in an airport without them..EVER. So glad your chicklet is better.

  59. Great giveaway! I am between bags at the moment as I no longer need my toddlers nappy changing bag and yet haven't started to use my own hnadbag again. The thing I always carry around with me though is my stick of lipbalm and a pen and notebook. I had a lovely owlie book but my daughter left it at Tescos! Grrr... xx

  60. The most unusual thing in my purse...wet ones...I wash my hands after being everywhere..and I've actually had other people ask if they could have one too! :)

  61. Great Fab Wonderful Giveaway!!!!!!

    Ooh - well my handbag is nothing short of a health hazard. However currently I suppose the most unusual thing I have in it is a snail - a bright pink, dead, snail. It is my daughter's dead pet, that she painted and we have to go everywhere with it. She also insists on putting a lettuce leaf in there occasionally - which is annoying - and rather smelly. I say this is the most unusual - but like you said - this is a family show. Please be assured the same fate would not be held for this CK bag xxxxx

  62. What a fabulous giveaway, ive been eyeing up CK's new range. My handbag is usually full of crappy bits, along with the essentials. Currently the most unusual thing in there is a book on baby animals (my sons fave) which has to go everywhere at the mo. Scarlett x

  63. Fantastic giveaway, you are spoiling us!

    Had a quick look in my handbag and probably the one item in there which I can't live without is a little mini game of Operation which keeps my son entertained for hours when we are out and about or waiting in the doctors surgery!

  64. What a fabulous giveaway.....Just having a good rake around my handbag and found a power ranger and a Lego jack sparrow,just what I need in an emergency haha,both courtesy of my 5 yr old son
    X Manda X

  65. Just discovered your blog & Cath Kidston's site! I am in love!! Happy new follower of Happy Loves Rosie!

  66. Well the most unusual thing in my beautiful handmade 'Happy Loves Rosie' bag is my midwife notes! I am due to give birth any day now (already overdue!!) and have to have them on me all the time. Bit different from the usual lipgloss etc! Makes it even more real every time I look in my handbag that I soon will have a new little addition. Winning would be great and mean I still get to sport my beloved flowers even if the bag is filled with nappies!!
    Love Lucy xxxx

  67. ooooh! these CK products are all fabulous!! that bag would make me so very happy! thanks for the chance!
    (happy to hear your daughter is ok!)
    xo natalea

  68. Hello Happy!great competition! the most unusual thing in my handbag I have just discovered,is a vintage Lucite door handle,no idea why it is in there,must have a sort out! Hope Rosie is on the mend.xx

  69. What a fab giveaway - I just drool over Cath Kidston handbags!
    One of my Persian cats loves to snuggle up and have a little snooze in my handbag although I do refuse to take her out of the house in it!
    Poor Rosie, what a horrible experience for her - wishing her a very speedy recovery!

  70. ooh, so pretty!

    I guess it would be the toy train that belongs to my baby girl. What I can't live without...lipstick!

  71. oh my! would love a chance to win the fab CK bag!

    my one item in my bag that i cant live without would be my pink camera, snapping pics is my greatest obsession wherever i go!

    good luck to everyone!

    susan (

  72. unusual item in my handbag would be Tabasco bottle or a few small red chillies as i cant eat without a bit of hotness whenever i eat out!

    lovely giveaway! good luck everyone!

    susan (

  73. What a fantastic giveaway! The items in my bag that I cannot live without are lip balm and my compact camera.

  74. I cant live without my lip balm, my lips are always dry and cracked.


  75. What a fabulous prize.

    Most unusual thing in my bag are poo bags and a chew toy that belongs to my dog.

  76. What a super giveaway! Most unusual item is a part for the filter of a fishtank. And my most useful is definitely my mascara - hate to be without it.

  77. Probably the most unusual item is that I always have a crochet hook and some thread in my purse. Just in case, I am waiting somewhere and have a minute. The items are lovely,expecially the tote bag. Thanks for the chance to win.

  78. Oh I love that CK bag - in fact, have been drooling over it this week!!

    The thing I can't live without in my handbag is my purse. Not because I like spending all the time, just I am a worrier, and always need it on me in case I get lost/stranded/in trouble...etc you know, likey scenarios but could happen!!

    The most unusual thing in my bag at the moment is a needle and thread... can't even remember why they are in there now!

    Jenny xx

  79. A fabulous competition, I have a Pip-studio bag and I have a view things i always have in my bag, towels and my Blackberry. And i always put my sunclasses in my bag, also.
    replica watches

  80. I love this competition and enjoy to take part :)
    One thing that used to be in my bag is a plastic ring with the union jack that a very nice lady gave to me as a present on a flea market. I haven´t got a perfect idea whtat to do with him and because of this it´s still in my bag since a lot of months.
    Just one minute ago, as I told our younger daughter about your giveaway, she told me to use it as a keyring, and this is what I will do in a minute! So it will still be in my bag the next months!!!
    lovely hugs

  81. As you know when raising kids you end up with some pretty strange things in your bag. Half eaten fruit, the odd sock or two...
    The thing I can't live without in my purse would be my tiny apple-shaped zipper pouch that has my emergency dental floss, lotion, band-aides, and chap stick. It's super handy!

  82. Great give away - please count me for a chance to win.

    Most unusual thing in my handbag? Well, right now it is full of Conkers, Acorns and other 'special' Autumn things that the children have to collect on their way home from school - don't worry I do draw a line at snails!

    Jumbleberries xx

  83. The item in my handbag that I couldn't live without? Easy my little notepad and pencil. I like to carry a little jotter all the time just in case a 'brilliant' idea suddenly comes to me when I'm in the middle of the supermarket or somewhere :).

    Jumbleberries xx

  84. Please don't say you can't send out of UK!! We unfortunate ones don't have CK in our country :( Items in my bag... so many of them... Also most of the time I need to carry items for my husband, I've been known to carry motorcyle parts! For myself, spare socks :) Ebru

  85. Most unusual? a piece of upholstery fabric that I'm trying to find braid for - I finished the chair nearly 3 years ago but I'm still looking!!

  86. I have to have my Burts Bees chapstick everywhere I go - especially one in my handbag!

  87. I <3 the bluebird pillow almost as much as your blog!! The give away is fabulous! Most unusual item in my handbag right now is an itty bitty little light bulb that I've been trying to no avail to find a replacement of. Every hardware store I go into, I look for it. One of these days! Thanks for the change to win something CK!!

  88. I was on the CK website today looking at the Christmas stuff I need! LOL! I guess the most interesting thing in my bag is old candy....hmmm. Fab giveaway! Cheers from across the pond!

  89. Hi!
    The most unusual thing I have in my purse at the moment is my lomo actionsampler camera. Used it last week but it's still there.

  90. I always carry green tea in my purse ~ it's my favorite. Fantastic Giveaway!!! Have A
    Wonderful Weekend!
    Nancy xx :D

  91. I have just been catching up with all your posts and found your lovely giveaway. I just love these Cath Kidston bags and would be over the moon to win one ! My bag is full of rubbish including dog pooh bags, sweets, pens,phone, makeup,purse ,keys etc. However I nearly always carry a spare bag inside my bag. This is usually one of the Cath Kidston fabric book bags which are great to carry any shopping in that I pick up when I am out and about especially unexpected charity shop finds !
    Ann x

  92. Most unusual is probably cogs as my youngest boy is always collecting them, my item I always need is a pen (pref one with ink!!) as I forget everything and need to write it down when I'm out and about, I usually do this on reciepts though (I have loads of them in my bag too), great giveaway x

  93. The most unusual thing in my handbag is a bottle cap. Somehow it got in there over the summer and I love the way it sounds when it hits coins and other items. I can't live without my lip balm. Thank you for the wonderful giveaway!

  94. Whauw how wonderful this giveaway is! I'm totaly in love with Cath Kidston. Last year my doughter and me visited London and I bougth a beautiful scarf..
    But in my bag are... Well the problem is I use different bags for different occasions and every time I forget to take things like my agenda or keys or licons from one bag into another. But I'm always in for a new bag to take on new occasions!

  95. Item I can't live without is my pretty Monsoon purse. Most unusual item? I often have some sort of Kinder Egg toy in there... Yeah I'm only 29 :P.

  96. Wood love to enter this if it is still okay please. Unusual item in my handbag...lately it would have to be CD's of MRI & CAT scans! LOL

  97. The most unusual thing in my handbag is a little tool kit you get in Christmas crackers. It does produce some strange looks but it's VERY useful. Haha.

  98. I totally LOVE that gorgeous bag!!! Probably the weirdest thing I have in my purse is dog bones...chewies...I always keep them in there to keep my girlz busy!

    Thanks for the chance to win!! Love her stuff!!

  99. Wauw already so many poeple! I would like to take a change too. Nothing strange in my bag just the normal stuff a mommy needs and
    something old: my phone,
    something new: a little camera something blue: a pen.

  100. I have to have lip gloss for our 5,000 ft. dry air. Love all these goodies - that little blue bird pillow is adorable!!

  101. put me down for it ...I want it!!!

  102. Hello! The most unusual thing in my bag is a Thomas the Tank Engine purse containing tickets for our local miniature railway!

  103. What a wonderful giveaway,Id so love to own a CK bag,The handle on my very old bag as just broken today and has been put back together with a saftey pin.Not a good look! Nothing really unusual in my bag but the item I cant live without is peppermints,I suffer from terrible indegistion.xxxjulie

  104. Here I am entering again! Well the one thing that won't be in my new CK bag (when I win it!!) is rubbish! lots of which appears to be lurking in the bottom of my current bag!

  105. A st Christopher medal and a blue whistle - lot of muggings and hijackings in our area. Thank you so much for the opportunity to win a gorgeous Cath Kidston bag. I love roses!

  106. most interesting thing in my bag......hmmmm......10 corners ripped off pizza boxes! (buy 10, get 1 free) :) In my defense, it took awhile to collect them. We Americans don't eat pizza every night;) I would LOVE a Cath bag big enough to hold pizza boxes AND my huge stash of coupons. Cuz a girl has got to save $ where she can to afford Cath:)

  107. I apologize for the "indelicate" nature of my response. I went to the lab for blood tests the other day, and they gave me a routine "take home, poop smear, test kit" to mail in. Still in my purse, UNUSED of course. Sorry... I hope you weren't eating.

  108. Oooh I'd love to own that bag! Wait, I'll go and get my bag...I just found a rag rug circle that I made in a class a few weeks ago. I can't live without tissues, I always have them in my bag and if I don't have a bag with me, I have them in my pocket. I love your blog, I haven't been to visit for quite a while, but I'm so glad I came today!

  109. The one thing I carry in my handbag that I literally cant live without is my blue ashtma inhaler attached to my very chic handbag sized spacer.

    Good luck to all who enter, its a lovely giveaway<3 xxx

  110. Can you tell I LOVE Cath Kidston and I want this bag SUPER bad?!?

    I can't live without my Burts Bees chapstick! Not only do I have one in my handbag, but next to my bed, in my desk at work, in the bathroom ... Some may say I'm addicted :)

  111. OK, seriously, I've loved CK forever but have never had the funds to splurge on a bag - I would *die*

    I can't live without my Burts Bees chapstick! Not only do I have one in my handbag, but next to my bed, in my desk at work, in the bathroom ... Some may say I'm addicted :)

  112. I can't live without my Burts Bees chapstick! Not only do I have one in my handbag, but next to my bed, in my desk at work, in the bathroom ... Some may say I'm addicted :)

  113. My can't live without/unusual item in my handbag is my Lucky Ted, purchased in Blackpool when I was nine. He has lived in my holiday bag,school bag and then my college bag, progressed onto my Uni satchel and finally when I started handbag. For a few years he even lived in the baby changing bag when I had my two children. He has seen me through every 'o' & 'A' level and Degree exam I have sat by wishing me luck quietly from my bag. He was in my hangbag when I passed my driving test, got married, honeymooned and admitted into hosiptal for happy times when I gave birth and sad times through a coma. Every new bag I get has to have a special Lucky Ted compartment for him to live.I would never be without him.x

  114. I have just looked in my handbag and a few of the more unusual items that I have found are a cookbook, a cake of soap, a satchet of plant fertiliser and a stapler. It must be time for a clean-out!!! - or time to transfer the contents to this beautiful CK bag.

  115. I haven't been over here for a while - and am mighty glad I got here in time to enter this splendid giveaway.

    I can not leave the house without lip salve - and end up with at least three in every single bag and one in every pocket.


  116. now, when I worked, when bored, we girls would have a random 'what's the most interesting/bizzare thing in your bag' day. I always won. I often had a spare pair of boys pants. Thankfully my boys are past that stage now - it'll be a spare pair for me before too long!!!
    fee x

  117. The thing in my handbag that I MUST have with me and can't live without would be a tube of hand cream........the most unusual item would probably be an empty altoid tin, just in case I need a container for something. Love your blog!

  118. What is the one item in your handbag, that you can't live without?

    Well, it's hard to decide between my iphone - actually I not able to live without and my pencil to draw down what inspirates me!


  119. I have just looked in my handbag, I didn’t find really unusual things. Maybe the screwdriver supply, we never know….:)
    The thing I can't live without in my handbag is my wallet.
    natasa- @ freemail . hu

  120. Oh I just love love love your site and a competition with just hours to go....!!!! So exciting.

    Well this is a little strange...BUT I have a little piece of old grotty fabric that was once my pillowcase as a child and became my 'snuggy blanket'.

    I sucked my thumb until I was about 33 - so until very recently. Could not sleep without sucking my thumb and having my snuggy rested on my lip.

    Ah after some healing therapy on a juicing retreat where I went on a 'Journey' to help with my depression - I was at once and somewhat unexpectedly cured of being a thumb sucker.

    But still a few years on the snuggly cloth comes with me and helps me when I am sad or lonely, afraid. A little rub between thumb and finger brings me great comfort.

    Much love form
    Molly-Mole xxx

  121. I can't live without my Cherry Cola flavoured lipbalm in my handbag. It reminds me of winter and tastes delicious! Yum xxx

  122. The most unusual item I have in my handbag right now is a packet of cheese. I bought it reduced from Tescos for my lunch yesterday but then didnt get around to eating it! Uh ohhh xx

  123. Another thing I cant live without is a packet of polos in my bag. Not chewing gum though.. yuk! But polos.. mmm! xx

  124. I can't leave home without a pen, tiny notebook and measuring tape...never know when I might find a wonderful junking treasure for our home!
    thanks so much for the giveaway - love Cath and love your blog!!!!!

  125. Also cant live without a compact mirror and hairbrush :) I've stolen my neices Minnie Mouse one ;) x

  126. Gorgeous giveaway! The most unusual item in my bag is a wrench and I have absolutely no idea why! Recently I left my bag in a charity shop changing room. As soon as I realised I quickly run back to the shop where a couple of sweet old dears where rummaging through it looking for an address for me. They both raised their eyebrows at me as they past me my bag.

    I had all sorts in there a wrench, tape measure, stanley knife and a bunch of rocks from the beach. I can only imagine Hubby must have put them in my bag when we went to our sons to help him decorate. Very embarrassing!

  127. Hello there...from France :))
    I will take it as a lucky sign that I was just this morning surfing on the online CK shop and finding everything oh so tempting...
    Anyway, I guess the most unusual item in my bag swiss Knife! Every member of my family gets one on their 18th bday.
    Mine has a screwdriver (wish it was sonic ;) ), a "tire bouchon" (those who like wine will know what it is :) ) and I love it!

    Take care of you, of your little Rosie and hope to hear from you soon...

  128. Love the bag and yes please enter me to win! The most unusual thing in my handbag is my manicure set. It is in a red velvet trifold and I carry it everywhere. It has nifty scissors, clippers, files, and a tiny screwdriver to help in case of emergency!

  129. Hmm.. I bet everyone says their phones - but I guess my blackberry is pretty essential.. and it looks pretty in its cath kidston case - which i'm sure would be even better if i were to win this bag to go with it ;) xxxxxxxx

  130. I do love a bit of CK, not just her bags, patterns etc but her handcream too, if you haven't tried them - do so now! On holiday in Cornwall a few weeks ago, lucky enough to visit her store in St. Ives, bliss.
    My handbag - always a spare £1 coin, a tape measure (well clothes vary so much, no matter what the size says) an opaline crystal angel and a cross with the words of the poem "The Cross in my Pocket", this last item was in my late Mum's handbag, now it is in mine.
    Carol xx

  131. What a fabulous giveaway! I guess the most unusual item in my handbag is a small tape measure I bought years ago at JoAnn Fabrics. It's got sewing motifs all over it. And time and again that little tape measure has come in handy ;-)

  132. The strangest thing is my purse is probably a couple dozen bottlecaps! I collect them to make crafts, so whenever I'm out and someone removes one from a bottle, I snap it up!

  133. The one thing I can't live without in my purse is a pen! It is amazing how many times a day someone (including me!) needs one and the one hiding in my purse is the only one around! And I'm always afraid I'll need to leave a note in an emergency. :)

  134. I was so sorry to hear what happened to Rosie. I hope she is doing better now and healing well. You are so thoughtful to host such a generous giveaway. One thing I cannot live without in my handbag is my little credit card case, for obvious reasons ;-)

  135. my tape measure- a cute one of course :)

  136. I don't have anything unusual, but the most important item I my purse besides my keys would be my iPhone! Can't live without it....thanks for opportunity to win! I love your blog!

  137. I just looked in my purse to see what may be in there husbands wallet! Sometimes when were out he'll ask me to put it in my

  138. I also posted this on my facebook page and my blog too!,

  139. I'd love to enter!
    My fave vintage item is a lovely old quilt that never fails to make me feel better!


  140. Most unusual thing is a dolls head - my daughter broke her barbie and I keep forgetting to take it out! Makes for an interesting conversation when someone needs my number and I'm hunting for my phone ;P

  141. Much like most women, I have a million and one things in my handbag (how do men cope without one?!).

    I'd say the most unusual item is a mini sewing kit - some needles and a variety of threads, buttons, big nappy pins and smaller safety pins, some scissors and some paracetamol - which although nothing to do with sewing is a must!

    You'd be amazed how much it actually gets used. And I always feel so good whipping it out whenever it's needed!

  142. I can't go without a pretty hankie in my bag and the most unusual thing would have to treats for my sweet Rugby Girl.

  143. Oh lovely! Would love one of these!! Most unusual thing in my handbag at this moment....Dracula's teeth (belonging to my 7 year old!).
    I couldn't live without....a pen and notebook /diary.

  144. I looooove your blog and your creations.What an inspiration!!! I wnat to be part of the cometiotion for thiw amazing most bizzare item on my purse is a little dry roseflower in a small little box( my grandmather gave it to me years ago,before she died) and I can not go anywher without my personal diary book!!It is always on my bag for thw last 25 years....Wish me luck!!!!

  145. Hi, Oh wow I would love to win that bag!

    Ok, the most unusual thing in my handbag... I guess it's my scissor and some string. I am a florist so I am always prepared for flower challanges all day long, even those days when I am off ...

    Hugs Emelie

  146. Ooooh wowsers! Me, me please put my name in the hat!

    The most unusual item in my bag...... a stone given to me by my counsellor a few years ago to remind of how far I had come :)

    Take care!

    Jo x

  147. Hello! Firstly, your blog is sooo pretty- I love it! Secondly, lovely giveaway! I'd love to enter please. So what's the most unusual item in my handbag. Well it changes daily what's in there and there's not that much that is unusual, but
    I have a lamp-torch keyring which is great for finding missing items or wanting to read when it's dark when travelling in the car! My keys are the most indispensible item as I'm literally doomed if I can't find them!

    Oh and I'm following now!

  148. ooooh, no I'm not! I was just to about to go and click on follow but I can't work out how! Please help!

  149. oh have just found a gnome wearing a pair of flippers in the bottom of my bag (must belong to my granddaughter! i hope?)or is it a santa?

  150. It may not be that unusual but I am still getting used to having an epipen in my satchel in case of an allergic reaction to shellfish - boo!

    Maybe more unusual for others is the set of calligraphy pens that I always have in my bag!

  151. a ck give-away...
    count me in!

    the one thing i always have in my handbag...
    my iphone (in a ck case, of course).

    thanks for the chance, happy. love your cheery site!

  152. I would really really love to win this bag!! It's so vintagey!!!!!

  153. Ooh you can't beat a bit of Cath Kidston, I love the cute bird cushion! The most unusual item(s) I have in my bag are what I can only describe as a 'nature collection'. During walks to and from school my three children are always picking up various small stones, twigs, acorns, leaves, flowers and give them to me as gifts. All are very gratefully received and I can only just about bear to throw them away when my bag gets a bit weighty at the bottom.

  154. Lovely bag, the most unusual item in my handbag is a genuine Swiss army penknife. I bought it back from Switzerland for my dad who so sadly passed away earlier this year. Firstly it reminds me of him,
    secondly it has so many useful tools on it including a cork screw! xx

  155. I have a positive pregnancy test in my handbag!!! I had it to show my mother, who I was meeting for coffee straight after doing test. I'd like to keep in baby book, though bit weird to be trapsing around with it... especially since baby due in ten weeks! Show's the state of my bag xx

  156. The most unusual items in my purse - a small tool kit of screw drivers with various attachments, measuring tape, my sudoku puzzle pencil with eraser, and combination lock. I have the usual things too - keys, cell, lipstick, billfold, etc. Please enter me into your giveaway too. Florida, USA

  157. Im in two minds as to whether or not i should show my girlfriend this page! she'd love to see all the CK items but will probably kill me that i didnt come across it when the freebie was up for winning!replica watches uk


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