My Colourful Vintage Craft Room.

I thought it was about time that I showed you my colourful modern vintage craft room, it’s great that I now have a space to call my own rather that it being in the cold house in the Cottage where we used to live.  I have this room and Freddy has taken over the sitting room downstairs, but that is another blog post indeedy!

happy craft room

Goodness knows what is happening to my pictures…they are definitely blurry, but I have tried so many times to ‘deblur’ them that I have decided to just give up and to get on with this post instead!   Anyways this is one of the corners of my humble little space,  It’s definitely colourful and the house is modern and so are the shelves!  I collect vintage bits and bobs and its my craft room, Hence the title of this post!   But I must admit it has taken me an age to get it just how I wanted it!

computer and printer in a vintage craft room

Coming from the cottage and into this modern space threw me a bit, it was ok at first, but then when we had all the work done to make it Freddy proof my brain couldn’t get into gear…We threw everything into the old house, that’s why we had to move from it, it was totally unfit for him, but in this house there is plenty of room for him to move around and my brain was back on track to spruce the place up again!

vintage enamel kettle and knitting needles

We have changed so much to make it a cosy home for us, but last year and over Christmas it has been very gruelling as we have had to isolate…Yep whatever the Government have told us, that we have done!  and for a few months there, we where very depressed (weren’t we all!) But now I can see a light at the end of the tunnel…We will of all had our second COVID vaccinations by the middle of May, so not long to wait now…This gives me hope for the summer months and I now feel that I can start to look forward again…perhaps even go out and about, to start looking for more Happy Finds?

land girl doll by made by mim

Talking of Happy Finds…Look what I got for Christmas! My Mum bought me a Made by Mim Land Girl Army Doll!   I have always wanted one and I was thrilled to bits when I opened it.  Mim is so talented, these dolls are totally made by hand, you can check her out Here  she also makes gorgeous fairies and Rosie the Riveter Brooches (mines coming up soon in another pic!) but you’ll have to be quick if you want to buy one of her makes, as they sell like hotcakes!

…And look at those delightful china japanese ladies…they were a present from my lovely son and soon to be daughter in law…they so know what I like! well I did give them a BIG hint lol!

ikea shelves with vintage tins

I do love my dolls, yes even at the ripe old age of something over 50…(I’m not saying anymore!) I still look on-line for them every so often.  When we moved I did get rid of a lot of them, but I found this one before Christmas, she is so gorgeous, definitely a looby loo of some kind!  Her hair is a bit dirty, but someday I hope to sort that out and perhaps make some new clothes for her…

As I was saying before…I do find these shelving units so handy for adding all my collections, I know they are modern, but they are just the best for storage.  I have tried all different ways to store material, but I have decided these have got to stay.  I can see everything, I even have the old Cath Kidston patterned baskets to shove things out of site along the bottom shelves, which is very handy too.  I did find another storage type unit, which is made of wire, but it is in my summer house, I did think of bringing it in here, but it looks so nice, that I have decided to leave it in there for now!

vintage rose fabric and happy birthday sundries

See what I mean…You can add lots of pretty things to this type of unit…I love changing each section up when I am bored and by re-arranging it all, it helps you realise what you have and also it makes it really fun!  I often say to Rosie that I could open a shop in my craft room and we laugh about it!  I loved to play shops when I was a kid…being an only child my imagination would run away with me, I used to love playing with all my toys!  I think that is why I love collecting memorabilia from my past…it is still so much fun!

vintage woman magazine and cards

Just a few more of my favourite things…

vintage rose curtains

stationary diamontes and roses

In the near future I hope to be opening a little shop here on my blog,  you might have seen the shop sign above and wondered if it will ever happen! Well you know it just might! Now I feel like I am starting to get my mojo back again and what with the lighter evenings appearing, I feel like it just might happen!  Thing is it takes me so long to do anything these days!  Technology is running away from me faster than ever! Yikes

But I have a little too much stuff, so watch this space!

Land Girl brooch and cath kidston jar

And here is my Rosie the Riveter Brooch…isn’t she lovely! Bought for me by my lovely Rosie and her Fiance.  I haven’t worn her yet…as I am currently residing at windowsill bay! LOL! but rest assured when I do go out and put on my glad rags and a bit of makeup, ill be wearing my brooch as proud as they come!

vintage buttons books and quirky collectibles

I hope you have enjoyed looking at all the colourful corners of my vintage modern craft room…It was lovely to catch up with you all, I hope you are all ok and that you too are feeling a lot better now that Spring is nearly here!

What have you been up too?
Have you been creative in lockdown?
What will you be doing this weekend?

Keep Safe my Lovelies x

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