The Collage Artist – Freddy Harris.

I love the Collage Artist, Freddy Harris…well of course I do, he is my Hubby! So I have added here just a selection of my favourite pieces that he has created over this year! I hope you love them as much as I do…and that they give you plenty of inspiration to create something just as wonderful…

A few of them have been created whilst he has been waiting for an operation on his knee…he has had to have plenty of rest and has been confined to his bed…hence his art station is now in our bedroom…there is so much in this room now…our decluttering has all gone out the window and it wont be too long before we are going to need an alternative storage solution for everything…I have so got to pull my socks up if we are going to get straight by Christmas

There are lots of hidden meanings in his work and he covers many different subjects. If you would like to see more, Please visit his Instagram page HERE …and come back here and tell me which ones you like or have favourited.

Speak soon,

PS he has got a hell of a lot better since this post, so I have updated the link above…you will be in for a treat if you click it, He is so talented…
Let me know what you think! xx

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