A lot of time has passed since i last invited you into my home and in that time I have added some new purchases and got rid of some others and over that time things have changed...it has been a while since I have taken any pictures, as you know my Nikon camera died on me and I am coping with a little cheap one...I don't really like the pictures it takes but thank goodness for photoshop!

  One thing that never stops though, is my hunt for vintage goodies and each week that I find trinkets, I come home and find a new place for them...so if you have been reading my blog for a long time, you will notice that the place looks very full up at the moment EeK!
For a while, I had been feeling like I was drowning in all my stuff and was yearning for a creating space of my own...looking at all you lovely ladies and your creating spaces...I was getting rather jealous :P, as when I did have a craft room in my old home, I didn't really have the time to use it...but now that i do have the time, I have no room! typical isn't it!...anyways...I have had a good old jolly tidy up and I have started to use the space in our house, as we need it...not as a show home anymore, but as more of a studio.
Freddy is a collage artist and is not happy in the colder months to be in the caravan...and I am a craft enthusiast that tries her hand at anything and I am often frustrated when I have to work in the Dining room, because it is the hub of the house and I always feel in the way of everyone...

So I have made Freddy a creating space in the Sitting Room;...we bought an old school double desk a while back and I have put this in there under the window where there is plenty of good light.  We have also decorated old IKEA drawer unit that was in our Bedroom, we have painted it white and covered it with papers on the front to match the decor...

The picture above is of the other side of the Sitting room...{my side} {lol, you can see what I mean by filling it up can't you ;D} ...

 I have also found a new crafting space in my Cold House {lean too} at the back of the house...I used to use it a bit, as a craft room, but it never quite worked, but now I have moved all of my crafting goodies out there...I have to keep it extra tidy though, as although it is the smallest room in the house, it also has a big chest freezer and a washing machine and tumble dryer lol!

{so I am in the right place to keep the washing up to date ;D}

 I love the light that the clear perspex roof brings to the room, it really makes me feel all creative...and today is no exception...I have made sure all my jobs are done so that I can spend a whole day out there...

I will take some pictures and show you the two creating spaces soon, as the ones I have taken are not up to scratch...in the meantime, please enjoy these piccies above...they are new pictures of the Happy House and well over due :D

What will you be up to this weekend? Do tell :D

Have a Happy Weekend my lovelies and I'll speak to you again soon,


  1. Completely love the colour scheme and all the cutsie bits and pieces!


  2. Such a darling space!! I love it.

    Amy Jo

  3. Your space is so inviting. I have a busy weekend and can't wait till it is over so I can play with my crafts.

  4. Gorgeous florals, always a winner with me, and I'm pleased to hear you both have a nice new space to work and be crafty! The w/end I am jamming and chutney-ing my way through several kg of peaches and plums!

  5. Right now I am sitting by our woodstove on this chilly evening. But earlier today I enjoyed some time reading magazines in my little trailer. Pure bliss! Love all your colours and cute things.

  6. You have more cuteness. :) Have you tried a small space heater for the caravan?


  7. Very full, but HAPPY. I love your colorful world!

  8. The same boring old pictures. This look has been done to death. ZZZzzzzzz

  9. What a nasty thing to say..if you don't like this look why are you here..Happy is a dear,sweet,lovely lady and deserves respect from her readers..Happy..the look of your home is just like your sweet name..Happy..don't ever change for your followers who love to visit you, your family and your lovely home..

  10. Aww Thank you Nancy :D

    Its a shame the person never had the gumption to leave their name ay!

    What are they hiding????

  11. Your world is so fantastic Rosie, I love it, and it's good for ma poor English to come here ! have a nice day and a nice word !

  12. Just stopped by to say I love love love the new photos and that I, too, have deleted my Facebook account! I do not miss it and am spending more time on my blog, sewing which I never thought I would and baking and cooking like a demon. Stop by at http://creatingandbaking.blogspot.co.uk and see what I've been up to as well. xxx

  13. Yummy Yummy! May you never run out of room!


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