Well here we are again gals...my next room that I am going to show you...that I have 'spruced up' is The Cold House ...this is my little 'lean too' on the side of my kitchen, that houses my washing machine and tumble dryer...and as you can see some other stuff ;)

I painted the shelf units in this picture (to the right)...the smaller one red and the larger one blue and it really does set off the pieces that I have displayed on them now...I am in love with these colours...(luckily I had the paint already in storage) I also painted the handles of the Kitchenmaid unit red (they were yellow)
The white tall shelf unit above was originally pine and when I fisrt bought it I had every intention to paint it white...but time passed and I hadn't done anything about it!...but look now with a coat of paint it sure does look great and all my bits and pieces look lovely on it...don't you think?

Heres a closer look at them...
A bit early I know, but I found this little Christmas Card in a draw and it was too cute to put back in there, so I have displayed it here.
Pretty and Happy Shabby...it was really refreshing displaying our things differently...at one point I did think I was going to run out of bits and pieces...but after a couple of trips to the storage unit and a few searches through draws and cupboards...I had more than enough ;)
The picture on top of the dresser was fading so I framed this stamp wrapping paper (from Urban Outfitters) and I think it really looks great up there!
(see another thing I found in a draw that I had forgotten about!)
either I am loosing my mind or we have fairies in the house! lol!

I pinned pictures on the wall here...well really I needed frames, but the times I have gone out and forgot to buy them, or they weren't the right size!...so I have decided to pin them up here and there just how they are...you will see alot of that around my house in the coming weeks...I cant stand bare walls...I have to have them filled to the brim lol!
Now this is the other side of 'The Cold House'...as you can see there is a window here and behind that is the kitchen...so here I have displayed my french shelf that was originally in the Sitting Room...yes that is two spotty bowls the same! I must have forgot I had one already  Eek!
This display unit was a french grey colour...looking a bit wishy washy, so out came the red paint again! and a few coats later it looked like this. (I am currently using Surf (£3.00) and Yellow Lenor (£2.00) from Wilkinsons a brilliant deal and smells luverley)

...and I have displayed some of my art and items I had in cupboards that goodness knows what I was saving them for...I definitely need to get my sewing machine out soon because there are so many things that I want to make for the house, with my stash of material, ya know the score...cushions, curtains, aprons etc...but I am running out of November...and soon it will be December! Chrimbo decoration month! Geez! I might have to invite you all round to mine to help me get organised! hehehe! Imagine that! A sewing party, with Cheese and Wine!....Hmmm! Heaven ay!

Well I hope you like all the changes...Please please please let me know what ya'll think and I hope I have inspired you to decorate your home the Happy Shabby way...perhaps as a tip though...get Christmas outta the way and start in January...otherwise you will be as stressed as me! lol!

Speak soon my luverlies,



  1. Oooh it's a little wonderland of goodies!
    nattie x

  2. That's so inspirational!


  3. Hiya Happy......I love what you have done to the lean to....always wanted a lean to...they look like they could be such fun spaces......have a super weekend...hope Rosie is feeling much more herself now.....I've done a blog post and the brooch I bought from you features on there......love it!


  4. That is just amazing, I can not believe that it is your lean to, it looks like the sweetest little shop
    I would be in the best mood everyday if that was where I did all the dirty laundry!

    Have a lovely weekend


  5. It all looks so bright and tidy :)

    Bee happy x
    Have a delicious day!

  6. I love your blog, I love your home and all love all your stuff! I've been reading your blog for a couple of years, and it just makes me happy. I'm from Canada and a huge Cath K fan. My husband has to bring me a suitcase full of it on any UK trip. Take care, keep up your strength, and keep making your world happy and beautiful!

  7. Love it all! How could you possibly run out of bits?! I love the Kitchenmaid. It is so lovely, the windows and all. We have something sort of like that in the U.S. we call a Hoosier cabinet. I have always wanted one since they gave my grandmothers away before I was old enogh to ask for it. Thanks for sharing. If it wasn't raining I'd go run out and paint something now!

  8. Oh Sweetie you have the flare for putting things together that ought to go. I love what you come up with and all your great color combinations. I even like your washing soap box!!

  9. WOW AND DOUBLE WOW....i love it. Do you know you are the only person that could really turn my head to the shabbychic way and a bit away from retro. But no instead in the new year i may have to start buying a few more bright shabbychic and putting it with my retro home as i think this works well to. Im loving the kitchenmaid the red and white work brilliant. You have a great eye for colour and style. Have a lovely weekend, dee x

  10. That's the prettiest laundry room I've seen since the advent of the Cath Kidston bathroom!!!
    Luv jacqui

  11. Happy, it's so gorgeous and quintessentially so HappY- lovin' it!

  12. I so enjoy visiting your bright, colorful, cheerful World... it makes me Happy just beholding all the Color and Fun Styling... LOVE IT!

    Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian

  13. What a cheerful spot to be in! And I got a chuckle out of the red painted shelves. My dad painted everything he came across just about the same colour. He did word working and it made it easy to pick out what he made!
    Thanks for sharing a peek into your happy home! :)

  14. Oh Happy I just love your design sensibility! Everything is a feast for the eyes... I especially love the little red sewing machine and all your shelving. Love it.

  15. hi Happy, just stumbled upon this post. It *looks* like you have everything in your laundry except a washing machine - hilarious :) Looks so gorgeous, well done. cheers Trish.


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