My Summerhouse She Shed Part 2.
Well here we have it! my new painted Summerhouse She Shed…I’m not sure what I want to call it yet, but it’s going to be one of those, and depending on how I use it, which I haven’t yet because I am still in the process of ‘doing it up’…it’s been a long process as I have given the inside a good few coats of dulux matt white…this is such a lovely paint, it’s quite chalky and goes on like a dream. I just love the canvas effect that white gives a wall, you can dress it up anyway you like and it will always look good…especially if you like to change your decor up a bit…you can just buy different accessories!

The Colours
I decided to paint the exterior in a light blue, the actual colour is Coastal Mist from Cuprinol, I bought a 5 Litre tin and gave the whole summerhouse a good three coats. Freddy wanted me to paint it grey and I wanted to paint it white, then I went to B & Q and found this colour which I think was by far a good compromise, especially as my favourite colour is blue [it goes so well with all the colours that I love…pink, reds and greens] Although painting can be quite a tedious task, I actually enjoyed it, I played my favourite music and painted to the beat…dreaming of the day when I would be able to place all of my lovelies in their new homes…you know, all the pieces that I couldn’t bare to part with, when I was supposed to be ‘chucking out my chintz’ lol! I didn’t!
Fun Finding Furniture
It’s been so much fun searching for the furniture too…I have discovered Facebook Marketplace and have been buying everything locally. My first purchase was a large wire locker unit, it was a bargain at £20…then I was lucky enough to spot a 1960’s kitchen cabinet another bargain at £50, it was quite dirty and very shabby but nothing a good sanding down and a lick of paint couldn’t sort out…I am currently painting it blue although the colour I choose was a little bright for my liking so I have paled it right down with a good dollop of white and it is starting to look lovely…I want to dress it up with vintage seed packets and timeless floral postcards, it looks stunning in my minds eye so hopefully it will turn out ok.
I am so blooming messy
As you can see I am quite a messy painter and have had to keep a few old clothes back especially for the job lol! a couple of pairs of leggings an old linen dress and a couple of baggy T-shirts have done the trick as they are so comfy and now, every time I venture out into the garden I seem to be wearing them teamed with my painterly red crocs…and somehow I seem to get paint in my hair and all over my body…oh yes I get in a right old state and it is not a good look I can asssure you that! Freddy reckons I look arty lol! But somehow when I am in that get up, I seem to attract people and all and sundry can knock at the door just [I am sure] to get a peek of my supposed arty self lol! Cos I can get myself all dolled up and looking not bad for a 50 something wannabe rockabilly and no damn person will ever knock at my door then will they NO! hahaha!
Anyway…I have added lots of pictures for you to check out my progress! I hope you like what I have managed to do so far…I am working on my own that’s why its taking forever but I hope to be bringing you another installment soon as I need to get it all finished before the winter sets in…
You can catch up with part 1 Here
What projects have you been up to lately?
Bye for now my lovelies
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