Autumn Gardening – My Patio.  

You know what! I never used to like Autumn! The colour of the leaves on the trees, although beautiful to most people just reminded me of the fact that they were dying…I am not an orange lover anyway, I could never stand orange or purple! well in home decor anyway! but somehow in the garden, they can be forgiven and orange a purple can look quite lovely together!

This year I am trying to change my mind on the Autumn thing and it has been fairly easy! My favourite time of the year has always been Spring! The spring bulbs and blossom has always got me excited and the thought of everything coming to life…well you just can’t beat it!

But I can’t just love Spring can I?
I do love Summer too, everything that wants to bloom tends to bloom in this month, but lately it has been so flaming hot, I have lost quite a few species over the summer months and as I am getting older, I just can’t stand the heat like I used too! So I tend to sit indoors out of the sun, like a beached whale, as the heat totally grounds me lol!

So as the Autumn approached this year and the weather got cooler,  I started pottering about in the garden again.  As you probably know from previous posts I have had a Summerhouse built in the garden and have also had a privacy fence extention added to our original fence (see below).  A lot of money was spent on these things and I didn’t have any budget left for buying any extra plants, so I just relied on my perenials from the previous year and all my shrubs of course, so the garden still looked pretty enough!

So now Autumn is here, I have been going to my old haunts (I never buy a plant full price if I can help it!) and picking up all kinds of bargains.  I love buying a poorly looking plant and nursing it back to life and this Autumn weather we have been having has been perfect for that! Sunshine and showers have been on the menu most days and this has been the perfect medicine for perking up the saddest of them.

I have really enjoyed prettying up my patio these last few weeks! I didn’t realise how many pots I had!  The whole garden is looking pretty fine too, although very wet and damp! I have been pottering around adding more bulbs here and there too, as I had a pesky doormouse problem in the Summer and a lot of my bulbs got eaten.  I am not sure which bulbs will be flowering next year, but I figure if I add a few more, hopefully it will balance out the damaged ones.

I really do love Gardening, it keeps me grounded…It’s true you know, just by spending a few hours outside in the fresh air definitely makes you feel  better, I have suffered from depression for most of my life and nothing has helped me as much as spending a few hours in the garden each day!

Mind you it can get very addictive!…As these days you can find me there mosts days, come wind, rain or shine!

Bye for now my lovelies.

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