vintage santa on a decorated holiday unit

 Get Ready to Deck the Halls: Christmas is on Its Way

The days are much shorter, and there's a certain crispness in the air that can only mean one thing – Christmas is on its way! The most wonderful time of the year is just around the corner, bringing with it a flurry of excitement, joy, and the promise of magical moments. As we dust off our favourite ornaments and untangle the mountains string lights lol!  let's explore the anticipation and festive spirit that comes with the approaching holiday season...

old hooks decorated with christmas decor and merry christmas spelt out in lexicon cards

The Countdown Begins

With each passing day, the anticipation of Christmas builds. The calendar pages flip, and the date draws nearer, marking the annual return of a season filled with goodwill, merriment and celebrations. It's a time when the world seems to sparkle a little brighter, and the promise of holiday cheer is just around the corner. The countdown to Christmas is not just about marking days; it's a journey into the heart of a season that captivates us all.

red christmas berries and a spode jug

Decorating for Delight

One of the first signs that Christmas is on its way is the transformation of homes and public spaces into winter wonderlands. The familiar scent of pine from freshly cut Christmas trees fills the air, and colorful lights begin to illuminate the darkness. Whether it's hanging stockings by the fireplace, adorning the tree with cherished ornaments, or wrapping presents with care, the act of decorating is a joyful ritual that heralds the arrival of Christmas.

flowers in a jug with a red felt christmas tree and a silver deer

Shopping and Giving

The hustle and bustle of Christmas shopping and folks singing Carols as you go about your daily life are undeniable signals that Christmas is just around the corner. As we weave through crowded shopping centers and browse online stores, there's a special thrill in finding the perfect gifts for our loved ones. The art of giving takes center stage, reminding us that the true spirit of Christmas lies in generosity and thoughtfulness. It's a time when small gestures carry significant meaning and bring smiles to the faces of those we hold dear.

settee in a corner decorated for christmas

Festive Flavors and Culinary Delights

Christmas is a feast for the senses, and the culinary delights associated with the season are an integral part of the celebration. From the aroma of freshly baked gingerbread cookies to the warmth of a cup of spiced eggnog, the flavors of Christmas evoke a sense of comfort and joy. As kitchens fill with the delicious scents of holiday cooking, it's a delicious reminder that Christmas is just around the corner.

large father christmas ornament

Creating Cherished Moments

Beyond the decorations and festivities, Christmas is a time for creating cherished moments with family and friends. Whether it's gathering around a table for a festive meal, enjoying classic holiday movies, or singing carols by the fire, the season is an opportunity to forge lasting memories. As Christmas approaches, the promise of these heartwarming moments becomes a beacon of joy in our lives...

But lets not forget the people in this world that are homeless in poverty and fighting wars through no fault of their own and how sad it is to see in this day and age!  You would of thought that in this 21st Century of ours, that there would be no hate!  You would of thought that the men of previous times would have learnt their lessons from the amoungst all these Christmas celebrations...let's take a little time out and pray that soon there will be Peace x.

vintage christmas baubles in boxes


As we eagerly await the arrival of Christmas, let's revel in the excitement of the season. From the twinkle of lights to the joy of giving, the signs are everywhere – Christmas is on its way. So, gather your loved ones, embrace the festive spirit, and get ready to deck the halls with laughter, love, and the magic that only Christmas can bring.  Make sure you have visited your vulnerable neighbours and make sure that they are warm and have a special place to go...why not invite them to your home, what with all the festivities!  One more guest won't matter...and it won't be long before the most wonderful time of the year is here to fill our hearts with warmth and our homes with the spirit of the season...

Love to you all always xx

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