maileg christmas elf

A Happy House Christmas…Its getting very near to december and here in the happy house we have been getting the place all decorated for the holiday season…This year above all years, I have really noticed the dark nights and I hate them! I suppose it is because I have more to do in my day…and I need the light to do them!   Gardening has become a true love of mine as is visiting my Mum, we have such a lovely relationship now and I want to go and visit her often…

So the fact that the day light is getting shorter…is not fitting in with my routine at all! so decorating for christmas and getting lots of twinkly lights up is helping me get used to the whole business! (Roll on Spring she says!)This year it has been a combined effort…Freddy has been buying lots of modern decorations and I have put out the vintage pieces that I can’t live without…First of all we hardly had any red! but eventually I got my way! ( I nagged and nagged! lol!) and as soon as the red was added it felt right to me…I just cant live without it!So as you can see in the pictures I have got my way quite a lot…I have told Fred that if he wants to get rid of the red in the New Year that we are going to have to have a ‘Divorce’ he just laughed! but I am adamant…(did I just spell Adam Ant? lol!) Ok Ok so I am not going to leave the deocrations up…but I am going to bring down, from the loft, all the red vintage pieces that he had thought, I had sold! hahaha! me not silly…as if I would of sold any of it anyway! 😉

So I will leave you with the first set of my Chrimbo Pictures…and I hope you enjoy them!

christmas cushions

father christmas at Happy's House

vintage and new blue baubles

christmas hydrangea wreath

pop up christmas tree at happy's house

christmas lego camper van

christmas baubles and inspiration

hamptons at christmas

happy house christmas decorations

I hope they have given you a little inspiration…I will be adding some more soon…Have a great week…

Bye for Now my Lovelies,

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