tommy homeprides book
Well gals it looks like summer is nearly over!
I don’t know about you, but I have had cold feet and have had to put on a cardigan and some socks this week!

retro kitsch bluebird collectables

Usually I don’t feel the cold…as I suffer from dreaded hot flushes…!

So could this be a sign that at last my menopause is on its way out!
(Please please please lets hope it is lol)
cute deers and enid blyton vintage books
Our summer has been a lovely one…I have been out on lots of day trips with my Mum, we visited Bourton-on-water for the day! I know! what a long way that was…5 hours there and 5 hours back again…but it was still a lovely day, the trip was broken up with a visit to a garden center…a cup of tea and a lovely piece of cake…which went down rather lovely may I say!…

roberts radio cath kidston wallpaper

We have had trips to the Theatre and to the beach, Southend on Sea, Margate and also Brighton…all of the trips were lovely days, all arranged by my lovely Mumma, (you know she is 84 and is still arranging outings and festivities for her WHSmith retirement Group!) she’s Marvelous ain’t she!

vintage roses

I have fought a loosing battle with the Caravan and the Garden this summer

As for the Caravan, (white one not the green one) well I have cleaned it up, but still not painted it…I might actually sell it next Spring…its just a redundant space at the moment…and my electricity bill since my Daz has moved out has been halved,..he used to use this van like his own living room, so all through the year he either had a fan or heater on in there! (I really miss him though!)

vintage camera case and cloth bag

and as for the garden….
I employed a couple of gardeners…that I might rename as choppers! yes that’s it!
I employed a couple of choppers to do the garden for me…what a mug I was!
Nearly £200 later…(over a course of a few weeks) I wished that I had of done it myself!
what a pair of wally’s they were indeedy!

chop chop chop a kid could of done a better job…so I sacked them and now my garden is more overgrown than ever lol!…Oh well I’m not going to fret over it…
retro wallpaper and lamp

I hope you have all had a lovely summer…what have you been up to?
Are you feeling the weather changing?
Have you turned the heating on yet?

Bye for now.

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