My Angel is sat at the bottom of my topsy turvy Chrimbo Tree.
Well here we are...with less than a week to go until the BIG Event I thought I had better update you on the frolics at the 'Happy Household'!...and my goodness what a roller coaster of a couple of weeks we have had too!

It all started with the death of my Packard Bell soon as the insurance runs out, you know you are on 'the rocks' so to had been over heating for a while...but then one day the computer SAID NO! and that was that...!

Our Upside Down Christmas Tree..this is actually a great tree to have
 if you don't have much floor space.

...luckily I have a separate hard drive which I save everything it is not too bad...just annoying, as your computer remembers all your passwords etc...! but as most families computer is not the only one we have in the I have commandeered Rosie's computer, which is a newer version of mine, so I am up and running again...for a while there though I was enjoying the split! lol! It was kind of like an amicable divorce...I was able to buy and wrap presents...get the decorations up (phew! a weeks work on its own! that is!) and do some housework...

Happy and the Gang love bright colours
As you can see I am taking the opportunity to show you our decorations this year...whilst telling you about the crazy things that have been happening!....I hope you like them ;)

Well the next thing to go wrong was the Hoover...there's me, putting the decorations up and you know all the bits that get left on the floor...glitter...berries...drawing pins (ouch!)...fluff! I thought, I had better Hoover all these bits I switched 'Henry' on, when there was a cranking kinda noise! know....that expensive kinda noise! rather than a fuse needs replacing! So I left the hoovering and started to dust pan and brush the carpet instead...not a good look for me! ha! plus not very efficient there were still quite a few offending bits and pieces on the carpet that only Henry could deal with!....Arrrrgh!...

Our Pipe cleaner Tree bought from Paperchase a few years ago and decorated with handmade crochet and vintage glass decorations.

Then Freddy came home from visiting his Mother....and decided to fix it by turning it on! (what a STUPID dufus!)...'I thought you might of overheated it'...he said! lol!...but poor Henry was definitely dead :(, he had served us well...much better than computers do these days anyway...he was 7 years old...whereas my PC was only 2! 

Vintage glass baubles always look stunning just on their own.

Goodness knows what is happening...I can't recall breaking any mirrors or walking under any ladders...but despite all that I suddenly realised...bad luck usually arrives in threes!...and the third bit of bad luck was hilarious!

We have been meaning to buy a new bed frame for ages, as the slightest move in our bed makes it creak like hell!...and you can get accused of doing all sorts of things...when all you are guilty of is just turning over!... 

More vintage glass baubles...put them on cake plates...this is something we have been doing for years and they become decorations in their own right...they are so pretty like this.
Well the other night...I went to bed early...and I got into a lovely sleep quite soon! when the next thing I heard was Freddy getting into bed with a rather large thud! he had misjudged the bed and had kind of fallen onto it and without any warning the bed frame totally collapsed into like a sloping motion on his side, for which he started to roll back out of the bed again! 
My lovely vintage Christmas Card from Rosie...we also sell similiar in our shop ;)
Gosh my reflexes are good! I quickly grabbed hold of him before the bed frame collapsed completely to the floor!...there was silence for a moment...and then all we could both do was laugh our heads off! was one of those moments where we kept explaining to one another what had happened...but couldn't speak for laughing...luckily no-one was hurt during the crashing of 'said' bed...but we literally laughed ourselves to the bed was now on the floor, but still very comfortable! lol! (its that lovely Tempur mattress...I would recommend that to everyone) as it was still comfortable with metal posts underneath it in a heap :)  

This lovely felt doggie dec we found in Wilkinsons they sell for just £1 each...what a bargain!
So that was our three things! expensive lot to replace, but luckily, our son Daz bought us a Hetty Hoover the other day for a Chrimbo pressie, so I was able to hoover up all the bits off the carpet...rather than do another 'does my bum look big in this wiggle'! with the dustpan and brush ;) (not a good look in your comfy dressing gown and slippers!) lol!

Pretty wall decorations and a lovely lavender linen heart that smells divine!
I was supposed to of shown you the rest of the house and how I had re-arranged it in the Dining Room and the Sitting Room...but what with all the shanaligons...(is that a word!) that has been going on...I have run out of year!....hopefully, you can get some idea in these pictures I have shown you....

Upside down Christmas Tree in the Mirror...and one of my Nan's china crinoline ladies..all adds to the Happy's Christmas ambience.
These pictures are from our Sitting Room...ah yes...plenty of trinkets in might have noticed...I did paint the 1960's unit can just see a snippet of white above!...I prefer it to the teak...but I do love the tatty old I might replace that in the New Year...we'll see :) 
Here I have a display of Vintage Christmas Cards above the french coat hooks..I have always kept them in the box, but this year I thought whats the point of  having them if I don't put them on display! so voila!

Also this week I have given Max a trim and he looks divine! (I'll post piccies soon)...and we have bought a divan base! which is so much better for the back! ...well so the Salesman said anyway ;)...the arrival of that made me all the more determined to re-arrange the bedroom which is something I have been meaning to do for a while...but I was going to wait until the New Year!

So as you can see we have been extremely busy, what with one thing and another hehehe! which makes me can't help thinking of that saying...

'A tidy house is the sign of a broken computer'

Yep! I guess that is true! lol!

Bye for now my lovelies...I hope to be back with some more piccies for you in the next couple of days :)




  1. I remember when my laptop died and I can't believe how much I got done without it!!!

    Glad you've managed to cross 3 things off going wrong although why do these things always happen at Christmas?!

    Victoria xxx

  2. Happy, I'll email my details....I'm so thrilled to have won the mag!

    Thank you!xxxx

  3. O bless your heart they say everything comes in three's lets hope your good luck starts again in the new year ;-)) Your house and decorations look gorgeous and so colourful, i have never seen an upside down tree before but its very cool i have to say ;-)) Have a wonderful xmas, dee xx

  4. Love your decorations Happy! especially the upside down tree. Sorry about the bit of bad luck there.. hopefully the rest of the holiday season will be filled with sweet blessings!
    merry Christmas!

  5. The decs are looking splendiferous, it has to be said. A fab burst of colourful lushness on a grim Monday morning!
    Have a great Chrimbo and new Year!
    Z xx

  6. What a wonderful dose of color for us as well as a good dose of reality. Things break. Especially beds. :)

  7. It is true we can get so much done while the computer is down but oh, how we miss being bathed in it's pale blue glow as we connect with all our friends. 8D
    Thanks for sharing pics of all your gorgeous decorations! :)

  8. Love the upside down tree! How is that done? I have seen these on TV before and would love to try it. Merry Christmas!

  9. Your decorations look lovely.

    We once had a collapsed you we were'nt up to anything, honest! So funny though, its like a scene out of a bad sitcom.

  10. No one can put together colors like you can girl. I love this look in your house for Christmas!!

  11. your home looks great
    love the tree and all the wonderful colors

  12. An upside down tree. You are brilliant!


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