Festive Christmas Front door

I won't go into too much detail, but this year has been one of the most awful years of my life, I didn't mention too much on here because I know a lot of my lovely readers have problems of their own and come over to my blog for a bit of a cheer up, so to keep telling you all of my misfortune wouldn't boe well!

Happy Shabby Christmas

The year didn't start off too well when my Hubby was diagnosed with Bladder Cancer...as you can imagine that knocked us all for 6...luckily it was caught early and treated quickly and now he has had two lots of 3 monthly checks and he is still clear of it...thank goodness!
Happy Christmas Tree
We were just getting our lives on track again and planning ahead, when he fell down our stairs, from the top to the bottom! with a brief trip to the hospital in the ambulance, they checked that it wasn't broken and sent him home again, only to miss that he had snapped his patellar tendon in his right knee...he was in agony at home....spending most of his time in bed and just about managing with two crutches...I wont go into too much detail here, but things were bad and very miserable....
upside down christmas tree
Again, we were just about getting out and about again...mainly me pushing him around in a wheelchair...because the hospital advised that there was no way he could have an operation because of his weak heart...he would have a 2 in 5 chance of having a stroke or dying!...When we decided to go out for dinner to celebrate my birthday with our kids and their partners...
baubles and teacakes
He was managing on two crutches, for very short walks...20 paces at the most and because we parked outside, he didn't have far to manage...the thing is, it was raining and the floor in the restaurant was wet....!
westie dog at christmas
and you have probably guessed where I am going here...but his crutch slid on the floor and he fell over again, but this time on his left side taring his other patellar on his left knee!...
bright Christmas
So to cut a long story short and the fact that I wasn't going to go in to more detail than was necessary, he has been in hospital since, and he hopefully will be discharged before Christmas Day...meanwhile all the preparations are going ahead for our dining room to be transformed into a bedroom for him, because he will never be able to weight bare on his legs or manage the stairs again!
christmas lights
shortly after that my Mum had a nasty fall too and had to have 8 stitches from her forehead to her eyelid...her poorly face looks like an aubergene right now, but thank heavens for small mercies that she had not broken any major bones as she is 84!
christmas dining
So as you can imagine, what with all this going on, I have not been in a very Christmassy mood! It is all happening around me, but it feels like I am standing in the middle...and Christmas lights and circumstance are swirling around me! Hence not much of a Christmas vibe on my lil' Ole blog here!
 shabby chic christmas

I will try to make it all lovely here, I have bought a white blossom LED Christmas tree and I have found some vintage baubles without having to venture into the Garage, through the undergrowth that is the garden!...I have been moving furniture around today, so that Freddies all singing all dancing state of the art hospital bed can go in the corner of the dining room...

Life will never be the same for us...but we are ready for the challenge, with the help of our family around us, we are tough cookies...so roll on the New Year!

...and to new beginnings...

I hope you are all keeping well and are not having as much bad luck as us at this time of year!...and please if you can send us some luckier vibes for the New Year...I would very much appreciate that ;)


  1. Oh my gosh! 2014 was certainly not a good one for you! Me neither. I hope you, Freddy and family are doing much better in 2017. Merry Christmas.

  2. Thank you so much Tana...sorry to hear that you also had a bad 2014...I hope you have had better luck since...we sort of have, but getting used to Freddy not being able to walk anymore is Pants! still onwards and upwards ay my friend xxx and a Happy Christmas to you too...Love Happy and the Gang x


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