Is totally delightful!
My lovely Mum invited me along to one of her outings that she arranges for the WHSmiths retirement Dad used to work for them and my Mum has organised the outings for this group for about 25 years now...
On the way we took in some wonderful sights.

Before we finally arrived at Somerset House.
When we arrived it was still quite light.
There was time to take a few pictures...
And have a look in The 'Tiffany Shop'!

Where it was filled with wonderous delights, large chandeliers and glorious baubles!
 And lots and lots of yummy stuff!
We had a hot chocolate in the very posh cafe, with seats made for extremely tall people! lol! and watched as they smoothed over the ice for the next batch of brave skaters!
By then it started to get dark and all the lights started to twinkle!
And the Magic begun...people started pouring out of the doors opposite with their skates on,  it was totally magical...and sooo Christmassy!...I didn't have a go! I can't skate! and neither did any of the folks we were with, but it was wonderful just watching them all and listening to the Christmas Carols and drinking our Hot Chocolate!

Do try and get there over really is special....take the tube though! as unless you are on a coach trip like us...there really is, nowhere to park!
And of course no outing is worth going on, without a trip to the Shop!
lovely things in there!...
The trip ended with a tour of the London lights...singing Christmas carols and then having good ole Fish and Chips in an Old English Pub down in the vaults on Fleet Street!...LOL! we had only just been shown where Sweeney Todd supposedly had his Barber shop!
(Thank goodness we had fish and chips and not pie and chips! lol!)

The trip was totally fabulous! what more could a gal wish for!...needless to say a good time was had by all and I was able to spend some lovely time with my beautiful Mum....Priceless!

Speak soon my lovelies...


  1. Ohhh I wish I could be home for Christmas! Looks lovely! Lx

  2. What a wonderful outing!!! Someday... sigh!
    Merry Christmas and thank you for sharing your pics!!! :o)

  3. Ohhhh everything is just
    It seems Christmas is
    even more magical in
    amongst all of the
    beautiful buildings
    in Europe ~


  4. Very nice pictures an a very lovely Mom you have.
    Greetings Sabine

  5. How lovely, i wish i could pop into London Town at Christmas time, ive wanted to do it for ages, and ages!

  6. Hello! I'm one of your Canadian Followers, and co-incidentally just finished watching a documentary called "Christmas in London" that, of course, showed the Somerset House ice rink in all its glory!
    I really enjoy your blog-have a wonderful holiday season!

  7. It looks fabulous, I've never been to Somerset House I think it's one for next years list.

    Victoria xx

  8. It looks wonderful and I love the way you say such wonderful things about your Mum. Have a lovely Christmas with your family and a fantastic New Year.
    M x

  9. I would just love to be skating there...fabulous

  10. What a wonderful trip!!! How about Harrods, did they decorate windows? I remembered they decorated windows in Fairy tale theem It was so beautiful!


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