Before I show you how we have decorated for Christmas at the Happy House this year...I thought I would show you some pictures from previous years....and have a little old natter at the same time :)

Christmas is such a Happy time of year and I love to go mad! (don't we all!) and for years now I have loved the decorations and all the rushing around....probably more than the day itself! once the presents are opened and you have a rather large dinner in your tend to sleep entirely through the Queens speech! (shhh! I didn't say that! lol!)

This year I want to follow some traditions that I have missed over the see I am quite a spiritual person...watching THE BIG SILENCE on tv made me realise how much of a Christian I actually am! and I have finally realised that that is what is missing my from my Christmas!
When we are young, we learn about the true meaning of Christmas, we even take part in plays about the Nativity, we go home and write our lists to Santa and it all becomes rather clear that the two come together...
But now my kids are older...there is no Nativity and Santa...just WANT, RUSH and PANIC!..and we seem to of lost, the true meaning of Christmas, which is such a shame!....
This year I plan to change all that and I am going to go to can't blame me really!...when you consider that I have this lovely Church at the bottom of my road....there really is no excuse....
I live in a lovely Parish, it really reminds me of the East End 30 years ago, when everyone said hello and looked out for each other, plus you can meet some of lifes loveliest people in Church can't you...well that has always been my experience anyway!
I might even go to Midnight Mass....that is something I have always wanted to do, but in all my 45 years, have never been....
I hope you are liking my pictures...they have been taken over my years of blogging, some of them you might remember and some you might not, but I recently found a some old disks and one of them had a lot of Christmas I thought I would show you some of them :)
When I was looking through them all, I thought...oh I hope we still have that and I hope we still have this...and hey, when I got all the chrimbo decs out of the loft, I found everything! only thing I have gone through them all, I have wanted to put everything out on show!LOL!
...luckily we have been collecting vintage christmas decorations, for about 10 years some of the very expensive ones that you see going for a BOMB! on ebay...will be in our if any of you stylist folks out there want to do a Christmas photoshoot, you had better hot foot it round to Happy's House!
We have cute ones...
shiny ones...
pretty ones...
I have quite a collection of these...sooo pretty aren't they and a tree wouldn't be right, without a vintage angel on top now would it :)
Here are some more pictures to get some ideas from....
This room I keep changing around....our wonderful friends Margaret & Maddie from the Rectory Sales will be delivering to us a wonderful old shabby chic cupboard with lots of lovely shelving (perfect for very needed storage) in the New year so I have been shifting everything around to make you will see changes here in my new pics!

This is a piccy from our old house....
It was at least 3 times bigger than where we live now!

Downsizing is soooo fashionable you know! lol!...all of my bestest friends are doing it!

Thing is though, when I look around at what we used to have in this house...I think I might have it all in my new one too! lol! I call it cosy living! lol! some will probably call it a cluttery mess!
I so love filling my home with the things that I love..I can honestly say that everything I look at is pleasurably pleasing to me, it might be the colour, the patterning or the texture...but it all looks soooo yummy and inviting in my eyes!

Red and pale blue, always is a favourite colour combination of mine, but I have learnt to like other colour palettes like pinks and greens, browns and blues...experiment with colour folks! brave! its fun!

You can see the different ways in which we have used berry wreaths...I love these, and now I have some plants expecially for this purpose growing in the garden, I also have ivy and holly, so really I should be making some fresh ones...

These plants look lovely in the winter months and they are something (apart from the Ivy) that you don't really notice until Christmas, when you need them...and they are there sitting all pretty and ready to use for your Christmas projects :)
Until next time my lovely blogging friends...Keep well and warm!

Love Happy x


  1. Your pictures are always so pretty :) Thanks for putting a smile on my face :)

  2. Christmas picture heaven! Thanks for sharing and I hope you get to go to church. I miss this too, our daughter went a church school so was quite involved. No longer the case as shes older.

  3. I love looking at your pictures. You ought to make a picture book! You say your house is cluttered, but that would suggest it's messy and I think far from it. It looks to me as if everything is considered and has it's place. You seem to have a real skill at pulling different things together and making them work.

    I love the upside down xmas tree, did you have to hang that from the ceiling?

  4. Beauty beyond compare!!
    I agree that this would make an awesome book!
    You just made my day so much happier!!
    I love how you put things together, and your inspiring words to match!!

    I will link this to my post right away!

    "spreading the seeds of smile at a time! "

    Sussex, Wisconsin USA

  5. Love these colorful and cheerful photos - exactly what I need! :-)

  6. I loved looking through your pictures and the decoration of your home! I love, also, that you have decided to turn the clock back a bit and enjoy the True meaning of this season! I always wonder how we got so far away from it all...when did we decide that WE should be the ones to receive gifts on Jesus's birthday!?! Enjoy your season way over we will also here in a little town in Pennsylvania, USA!

  7. I have loved every one of your images!
    What a great post :)
    Thank you!

  8. What a gorgeous Christmassy post. I loved seeing all your pictures. I love using red all year but at Christmas it just comes into its own - so warm and bright and festive and gorgeous!


  9. Your photos are lovey....I really enjoyed looking at them. Have a wonderful day.~

  10. Aren't the old vintagge decorations the best? Had a bit of nostalgia looking at that girl on skis and the bunny pushing the barrow..I can remember such things when I was a child..wish I had those ornaments now, but whenever I see reproductions of that type of thing I usually add a few to my collection..thanks for sharing them.

  11. what a fabulous post... love all your things, want them all, its so lovely to look around your home and it make it you smile, Happy Christmas

  12. Hi Happy
    I do hope you get to midnight Mass this year, you wont regret it if you do as it's an amazing start to Christmas.
    I love all your vivid colours they look stunning.
    You are so right about the fact that the true meaning of Christmas spirit get lost somewhere along the rush and gush of present buying and eating far too much for one day. I am as guilty as everyone, so this year along with one of my sons, his girlfriend and a friend of thiers we are all 4 of us working in a Christmas centre for the Homeless in London run by the charity 'Crisis' we will work an 8 hour shift on Christmas day and again on 27th. I have written a post about it.
    Have a wonderful Christmas, your house looks so festive by the way.
    M x

  13. Just divine...all of it!!

    Thankyou for sharing, it's so inspirational.

    Merry Christmas!


  14. Hi Happy, your house decorated for Christmas is a visual joy.. and cant wait to see what you have done this year, i think a magazine should feature your Christmas home as it would make a wonderful spread and better than any home I have seen in this Decembers issues or for a few years come to think! hope you get all your hearts disires this Christmas spiritual and consumer, bestest wishes,Linda x

  15. Your Holiday photos are pure Christmas Enchantment!

  16. I love your photos - old and new homes alike! And I popped over to see your local church via the link - it looks great and I think you'll love it at Christmas time! Midnight Mass really is good (if you can stay awake - I'm getting bad at that!)

  17. Sooo wonderful pictures, thank you!
    Many greetings from germany

  18. I love your x-mas decor! I find it very refreshing. Day after day looking at other blogs that look so similar, so I just revive and view yours. Hugs,Jess

  19. I so enjoy your posts. The bright colors and vintage items make me smile. I love your style too! I am so glad you seem to be feeling a little happier these days. I hope everything is going good. I have been praying for you. Drop me a line if you need more prayer anytime, any reason. Love you girl!

  20. stunning as ever happy!! you never dissapoint!

  21. Merry Christmas and God bless you in 2011. Love your blog and all you beautiful pictures. Thanks for sharing.

  22. lovely post, beautiful pictures! Happy weekend, love Maaike

  23. What a lovely blog!!I have 'taken' one of your freebies and put on my blog...thank you!!!

  24. There seems to be so much more warmth and love in the old decs. Love seeing your pics of all your treasures.
    Thank you for sharing! :o)

  25. Oh my, what a lovely place to find myself! Lots of fun goodies here; truly this is a Happy Place! I'm a new RSS follower. Love your blog design!


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