Well here we are folks...and just in time for Christmas...I have loved the build up to it, as I always do...all the buying and making chrimbo pressies...wrapping them up and decorating the house with vintage and modern decs.
Its been a lot easier too! and as it has been so cold and icy out there I have got alot of my pressies online....Fred (my hubby) loves his scrapbooking, so I have known what to buy for him! and Rosie gave me a long list and told me just to pick a few items for her....Bless!

Fred wrapped my pressies up (above) but never added any labels to them (he couldn't be bothered! lol! Men! eh!...so I had the fun of adding my own! ....don't you just love the sellotape that he used...so retro and cool! :o)

I had wanted to write this post last week...but no matter how many pictures I took, what with the darker days and the cottage being very dark and also being that I am a perfectionist! I just couldn't get the right bright focus that I like with my pictures....so I took hundreds, and then had to go through the process of sorting them all out...! phew! that was a job and a half!...Hello Max :)

We even went out today to get more last minute bits and pieces...we didn't really need anything! but i just sooo love the hustle and bustle, we started off in Gillingham, because we had to pick up another parcel that we had missed from the Post Office and i have gotta tell you about what happened! as Fred and I can't seem to go through life without funny situations happening to us and today was no exception lol!

As I returned from the collection point at the PO, Fred had managed to get himself into his wheelchair and he looked all snugly bugly...wrapped up in his winter coat, scarf and hat....I chucked the parcel in the back of the car, locked it and preceeded to push him along and to the shops....he carried my Cath Kidston Rose Bunch Messenger Bag,  bag on his lap...OooooH Betty! lol! and what with me in my Dingers and bright green checked coat...red scarf/ pink top / blue jeans....you could of probably seen us from SPACE! :))))
Well we only went along about 50 yards when suddenly! AND IN SLOW MOTION! Fred started to fall side-ways, as big as he is! you know when things happen in slow motion and all you want to do!....is let the ground swallow you up! lol!...well when I rubbed my eyes! I realised that the big wheel of the wheelchair on the right hand side, had decided to shear completely off! Yes OFF! and it started to roll...Yes roll! OMG! luckily a passer by caught it to save my embarrassment! lol! of me running throught the precinct after it!!! :))) but instead! and you know me by now! saw the funny side and started to roar with laughter...luckily I am a big lass too! and I managed to heave Fred out of the 'crashed' wheelchair and upright again!

LOL! OMG and its not even Christmas Day yet either...all that food that we have bought and all that drink that has to be drunk!...ah well we'll both worry about the diet in the New Year! hehehe!
Anyway, after all that Fred was fine...if a little shaken and because he cannot walk around much, we decided to go to Chatham instead....where we could hire a Mobility scooter, so it was easier for him to get around! :) Oh dear! wherever we go...we are laughing about something....! It was much better in Chatham and I had to do a bit of power walking to keep up with him - but that was a good thing...I needed the exercise :)
I hope you are enjoying the pictures....we have a real tree in the sitting room in front of the window with vintage glass baubles and hand crocheted  decorations and as the tree is drying out...every now and again we can hear the needles falling off.....sometimes in small quantities and some in avalanches of needles...Goodness! will this tree last until the New year?...at the moment it kinda looks like a twig tree....with too many lights and decorations on it!...It can be quite startling at times when they fall!..and Max growls and stares at it everytime they fall off lol!
The Dining room has my usual red, white and blue tree, with vintage and modern decorations....although mostly modern ones....and next to it we have placed the little vintage settee....with the Merry Christmas embroidery that Fred made a few years ago.

I have placed some of the smaller pressies, in our new 1950's basket, that I bought from a local charity shop for £2.00....can you see it below pictured right!...its beautiful made with cane and plastic in bright Happy colours....when I found it at the shop, Rosie and I took turns in carrying it home, because we both loved it sooooo much :)
Well my lovely lassies.... I am going to leave you now....I hope you have enjoyed reading this Christmas post and looking at the pictures....and that, between Fred and I...we have given you a few laughs along with it :)

So from all of us at Happy Loves Rosie,
We sure do hope, all of you, have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year.


  1. Merry Christmas to the 5 of you. I love all the decorations and the gift wrapping looks amazing. Wonder what's in that big CK bag. xox Yvonne

  2. Marry Christmas to you all. Kxx

  3. Wow it looks wonderful. Merry Christmas.

  4. Thanks for sharing your beautiful decorations for the holidays and your stories..they always make me smile..have a wonderful season, and don't mind the feasting..thats what holidays are for!♥

  5. Love all your beautiful decorations!!!! Thanks for sharing! Happy Holidays to you too!!!

  6. Merry Christmas!

    Have a wonderful time,

    Victoria xx

  7. Happy, Merry Christmas to you, Fred, Rosie, Daz, and Max!

  8. Merry Christmas! Love your blog.

  9. gosh, you're sweet!

    am adoring your cheerful blog!

    wishing you a continued season of merry, healthy & yummy!

  10. Happy your Christmas cottage is gorgeous. It was worth the effort with the photos. I'm going back to look at them all again, and then to catch up with Fred's blog. Wishing you all a specracular day of eating,drinking and merry making!
    Love jacqui

  11. Hope you had a lovely Christmas and wish you a fantastic New Year!!

  12. Enjoyed hearing about your adventures. Laughter is such good medicine isn't it? Merry Christmas to you and all your rollicking bunch!
    Many Blessings to you too.

  13. Wowzers! I am certainly much happier after looking at this lovely things. So much detail. I love anything red & white so I had a field day here.
    Maybe you would like to do a Valentine's swap? I am currently on the lookout for vintage cards.
    Take care,

  14. Goodness me, such stories and pics! I just adore all you share here. Warmest wishes to you all for a truly HaPpY Christmas and delightful New Year!!!


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