I’ve been pottering about in my autumn garden these last few days and it’s amazing how my plants are still flowering and trying to look their best!  Even the ones that are shedding their leaves are looking beautiful!   The colours are changing as the plants and tree’s take all the nutrients out of their leaves and start to store their goodness for the colder months.

I am trying as much as I can to make sure the leaves that have fallen are in contact with the soil so that the worms can do their job in breaking them down and making more soil…at this time of year I also add as many worms as I can to my compost heap as they help to make the most perfect compost.

I’ve planted up all of my winter bedding, added ‘slug gone’ to the vulnerable plants and bought a heap of small cut bark to mulch over the roots of the whole autumn garden, along with chicken manure pellets to nourish the ground.  There’s lots of jobs to do at this time of year and its lovely going out there in the fresh air and pottering around.  The time flies and before I know it, it’s time to put the dinner on!

My Ribes is changing in colour, all the leaves of this plant will fall to the ground soon, but in the spring it will greet us with pretty cascades of small pink flowers which are so pretty and so worth waiting for.  The Fuchsia seems to of started flowering again and so is the Salvia Hot Lips! Even though we have had a few Morning frosts! perhaps they are getting more hardy these days!

The Holly looking plant with those lovely spikes of yellow flowers is called Mahonia and I love it at this time of year.  She really does put on a good display of yellow flowers from November to February followed by black berries which are edible, but I like to leave them for the birds to nibble at!

I like to frequent my local garden centers at this time of year, as you can find lots of shrub bargains.  Plus in my local Dobbies store they are putting out all their Christmas decorations, which is always a delight to look at! I have been meaning to get our Christmas decorations out of the loft for a few weeks now, but time flies so quickly.  Now we are approaching mid November, so I will have to get my act together soon.  I want to be able to sort them all out and have plenty of time to plan what I am going to display this year, plus it’s such a fun thing to do!

You can’t beat a Hebe in the garden, I have quite a few scattered around, all varying shades and sizes.  It’s a lovely hardy shrub that looks good all year round and particularly looks good at this time of year, when they start to flower.  One thing I would like to do, but the rain has stopped me from doing it, is mow the lawn!  I did it a few weeks ago and thought that would be it, but now it has grown so long again.  Grr!

autumn english garden

What have you been planting in your garden lately?
Can you suggest any jobs that we all should be doing before winter finally kicks in?

Bye for now

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