Well, it is at that time in life for Decluttering our Home and Minds, things are going to have to change, we are going to have to move! this house is no longer a Happy House…I have divorced myself from it already…the love has completely gone for it…so many bad things have happened of late that I feel it is time to move on. So I am getting rid of a lot of my clutter to prepare for a house move.

As most of you know, we are renting, which makes it easier and quicker to get the ball rolling! but I have to find the right house this time, one that we will want to live in forever, so the search might take a little longer…I did want to move to Norfolk at one point, but have now decided to stay put in Kent because that is where our children are and I couldn’t bare to be far away from them.

The next place has to be all on one level as my hubby can no longer weight bare on his legs, he has been bed bound since Christmas, apart from a couple of days out here and there!…so you can imagine morale is very low here!

 So the decluttering process has started once more, but this time it is serious, because in order for my hubby to have a better quality of life we must have more room for him to get about in his wheelchair… to be able to have access to a bathroom and to be able to get out in the garden…you know the kinds of things we all take for granted in our own homes.

At the moment I am at that stage where everything is a mess…that’s why I have not blogged in a while…apart from the fact I am still so blooming depressed at the unfairness of it all!

Anyways chin up ay!

I have become closer to my Mum, we have worked things out and decided to put the past behind us and look to the future, this way I am able to go over to her home to get a break and spend some quality time with her…she is the reason actually why I am getting better at decluttering, she told me that she loves me and that she is proud of me, and that I don’t need all the clutter around me anymore because I have her love to replace it…and that is all I needed to start the process.

I have got rid of 10 black sacks of clothing, I was taking it to the charity shop but did a detour to the Cash for Clothes Warehouse! and bagged myself £20.50! I felt a bit guilty, so I have been taking bric-a-brac to the Charity shops promising myself not to buy any of it back :)I am also accumulating hoards of things for a Boot Sale this coming weekend, I was going to do it yesterday, but a lack of tables (remember I gave everything away at my last bootfair including tables ~ silly me!) proved a big dilema!

Right so after all that dribble…Just updating you all! Yes my Big White Cheltenham Sable Caravan is now FOR SALEI was going to do it up…but how life changes!It is a little worse for ware…there is some damp on one of the seats…which also needs a new seat pad and it needs a good clean…inside and out (it has lived under out big tree) but other than that it would make a lovely craft room, business adventure, getaway for someone.If you are interested in it please email me with a serious bid to purchase it…


I hope all my Friends of Happy Loves Rosie are well…Love to you all.

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