vintage rose glasses

Well guys and gals...I have started the cull...slowly slowly sorting through my belongings, making piles of 'to go's' and 'to stays' and also piles of 'not sure's' is very difficult, because most of the things I have got, I really really I want to keep everything, but through fear of getting buried underneath all this loveliness...some things have simply got to go!
vintage french enamel
So rather than show you all the mess i have made! and honestly! there has been plenty of that! I thought I would show you some new pictures of the things that I have kept and the new arranging of the above picture has been taken from the cold house, where I make my also houses my washing machine and tumble dryer in there...I have stuck to a mainly red white and blue theme...I love all my French and British tins...I haven't been able to part with any of them...well not yet anyway!
happy loves rosie style
hahaha...s'cuse the dust...I took the pic above before I had dusted everything...rotten job, but someone's gotta do it ay!

french mannequin

...and you can slap my wrists if you want..but I have been buying in some lovely beauties that I just cannot resist lately! I know! I can hear you telling me that is not the point of a clearout! but I just couldn't resist these (above) lovely vintage rose glasses, they are a set of six and in perfect condition and..well! I have got rid of quite a few other odd one's, so surely I am allowed a few newbies!?!?
vintage french tins
My next challenge is the shelf all needs sorting out, as the first aid tin has nothing in it and the bread bin is a first aid tin OoOOp's, so its all a bit confusing and although it looks quite pleasing to the's just need a general sort out and shape up!
T G Green
Anyways...I'll keep you all updated with this cull as the weeks progress.

What have you been up to this week?
Speak soon my lovelies xx


  1. Hello Happy, I sooooo get you, it's hard sometimes to let go of bits & pieces you have grown to love! But as hard as it is sometimes once it's done it can be very freeing, well so I tell myself when ever I have to face up to a little declattering myself. Have a great week.
    Anna x

  2. I'm decluttering in Iowa. Had my diabetes checkup this morning -- all is well here but wouldn't I love to stay home for about a month?

  3. Oh gosh, I love those tins! I have been doing some decluttering too, haha. I admit some I decided to store instead of donate. Progress in small steps at least. Wishing you a happy week! ~ Hugs, Heidi


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