Your bedroom is your sanctuary from the rest of the world more than any other room in your house. It’s here where you spend most of your time – albeit unconscious for the majority of that time – and so it’s here where you can truly be yourself more than any other place in your life.
So this is the room that is more about you than any other room is. This isn’t a room to make smart and perfect for the benefit of others, nor to make too practical and functional. Instead, it’s a room to do whatever you want to in – to make it really yours.
So what’s the best starting point? Well you may think a great starting point is to look for ideas for inspiration – but there’s a better place and that’s within yourself. Remember; a bedroom is where we make the transition from consciousness to unconsciousness and back again each day – so in many ways, it’s the most important room in your life. And as you drift off to sleep each night, your thoughts take you wherever you want to go. So dream up your perfect sanctuary from the world - without trying too hard. This should be a pleasurable and gradual task Think about your perfect room and how it would look and feel, what colours would be in it and what features – then start to think about the practicalities.
From this sort of beginning, you will be able to create your own ideal space whether it’s small and cosy, big and open, bright or dark, minimalist or packed with a myriad of your best-loved knick-knacks.
So spend time letting your ideal room build in your head. Give a lot of consideration to your interior look – but don’t try and rush the process. The feel of your bedroom (or specifically, how you feel about the room) is imperative; you’re trying to create a space you love - perhaps more than any other here.
As well as the bed and furnishings – don’t forget the entrance. The door to your room should be a door that marks the transition from the active part of your life to the restful, self-indulgent one as much as is practicable. So the door itself is important and should complement not only the rest of the house – but more importantly, the look and feel of your most special room; your bedroom. 
There’s no excuse not to find the perfect door to your sanctuary these days. Be a little different...go to a car boot sale to find something cheaply that some-one else wants to get rid of!  Go to an reclamation yard - you'll be amazed at ll the goodies you can find there!
A heavy door, or one that is well soundproofed (and which is well fitted) will make an enormous difference to the feeling of separation of your bedroom from the rest of your house – and this is highly desirable. Treating the bedroom as a sanctuary rather than just another room, and keeping it as quiet as you can, will help you become calmer, get better sleep, and “zone out” from the world in a way that is good for all our states of mind.  The trick is to treat the room as special for you – and to try and let your innermost thoughts design the space as far as you possibly can.


  1. My bedroom is always te last room to be sorted out or decorated, you are right it is our sanctuary and I am going to make an effort to get it just how I want it - I love your bedding and the cute bunting, just my cup of tea. Great post

  2. I agree completely! your bedroom is so cute and very happy!

    Amy Jo

  3. I´m miniaturist but I love your style and I´m glad visiting your blog. Hugs.

  4. I especially like your 2nd. bed picture!

  5. Thank you for this happy and inspiring post. I am in the middle of a bedroom transition with log furniture. I have turned it into a Three Bears Bedroom because of my love for Fairytales and growing up at Once Upon a Fairyland my childhood home. Love coming back to your blog! I've been gone for a year and oh, it feels so good to be back in the land of happy!

  6. Thanks for all the great ideas! My room is in dire need of organization and an update!

  7. Ciao, ti ho trovato per caso e non ti lascio più il tuo blog è bellissimo...
    sono tua nuova follower, se ti fa piacer a dare uno sguardo al mio blog ne sono davvero molto felice...
    ti aspetto...


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