I have been gathering together some more ideas to decorate Rosie's room as she feels like a bit of an update in there...Personally I feel that I have never quite got it right in there...and therefore due to that fact and also being that she is quite untidy! I have never featured her room much on here!

I feel she she needs something a little more quirkier...and so does she!

We have already painted the Fireplace wall Cerise and I have added touches of Zebra print here and there...she also loves the vintage Pin Up Girl pictures that we have collected over the years, so they are all in her room...I think we might repaint some of the frames, to make them look a bit more Retro Modern...

So we seem to know where we are going with the whole Updated idea...

LOL! This project has been pending for a few weeks now, with pieces of spare furniture scattered all around the place...so I'll keep you posted and share the updated pictures with you once we are done!

The pin board above is of some ideas that I have found on the web...if one of the pictures is yours...please let me know and I will credit you ;)

What are you currently updating at the moment?


  1. I love the idea boards you have. I can't wait to see your finished project. I need a bedroom and studio update. But nothing can be done until I have a serious garage clean-out!

  2. I really like your ideas on your board. Looking forward to the big reveal.

  3. Your blog is beautiful, so funky.

  4. What fun, some really cute ideas on those boards. I cant wait to see what you guys end up doing. I am updating the garden. :) Yay springtime.

    Have a great rest of the week.



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