These are the Christmas Magazine Shoot pictures that have been included in Annabel Magazine, so I thought it would be nice for you to have a sneek peek before it comes out…And Here they are! I am now famous as a stylist in Europe! [Blushing ever so much].

 And a BIG hello, to all my new visitors and followers…you are all very welcome here 🙂

These are the pictures that have made it into Annabelle Magazine…this magazine is a great all round read, full of current affairs, fashion, family life and titbits…without all the rubbish that we get in our mags over here!

I am so proud to be their main Christmas feature, they wanted not only my Christmas decorations, but also other parts of my house…I know I have blogged about this before, but I thought I would show you the final outcome…there is a LINK HERE to the article…it is in German…but you should be able to translate it at the top of your browser…in Google Chrome.

It translates rather oddly into English…but it is a very quirky piece of literature, written by my lovely friend Rebekka Kiesewetter, she visited us…asked a few questions and voila! she came up with this brilliant article all about us!

 And as I have said before my good friend Joanna Henderson, took these lovely pictures…

one of which, she took of me and Max having a little cuddle!…Even I like this picture! and I don’t like many of me!

 Remember all these pictures were taken in October…and stupidly I took them down…huh! a good idea at the time, but not now I have to put them all up again! lol!

I have only just returned from my Mum’s…she had arranged for me to see ‘Singing in the Rain’ in London (Brilliant…go see it!) and I also celebrated my Birthday at her house and we had a meal out…I like to go and visit her, I can look after her, and put her socks on to keep her tootsies warm, poor love! she has never been able to put socks on herself, due to her limitations, but we have found a new gadget that she will be asking Father Christmas for this year….anyway I had a lovely time over there, visiting her friends, getting her Christmas shopping all done and wrapping all of her presents…a job she hates, but I don’t mind 😉 I always have to have neat corners…so you always know if a parcel is wrapped by me or not 😉

Right…I am signing off now…I hope you are all good.
Keep well my lovelies.

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