I went out today...to the BIG shops in town...I didn't really know why I was there or what I wanted to get, apart from the usual daily supplies...milk, bread and marmite! lol! yep we seem to be getting through jars of that stuff!...my son Daz is very keen on it at the moment! so we are going to hide this pot...so at least we have some for ourselves, when Rosie and I, fancy some! lol! 

 ...Anyway...back to the subject! so sorry I often go off on tangents like this...my mind is all over the place, most of the time! lol! first sign of madness! or just getting older!...well before i knew it, I was coming out of Wilkinsons with a 6ft white artificial Christmas Tree! complete with 200 white fairy lights! Quell Horeaux!

This is the place I want to put it....but I already have my twig tree there...perhaps I might put it on the table!...perhaps not!...perhaps I might put it on the floor over the other side! perhaps not! lol! Oh anyway...I got caught up in all the people and the merry little jingle playing over the tanoy!...I know I was humming...I like humming! My Nan used to hum a lot!
Watch this space...hopefully if I get the time or energy, I will try to do something with it tomorrow, but of course I will show you, if I do mange it! lol!

Time is ticking on!
Bye for now.



  1. I love visiting your blog because I LOVE all your fab pops of color.

  2. ..ooh in love with your pink typewriter and can't wait to see you tree up and decorated.....funny how those strange things happen!x

  3. Love your blog and all the colour <3


  4. Our niece bought a white Christmas tree this year. It even shimmers with opalescent needles on the branches. I positively drool when I see it. The white lights make it glow and sparkle.
    Now I can't wait to see yours too! :)

  5. I can't wait to see your tree! Your blog is just wonderful. It always makes me HAPPY! xo

  6. all those stores are just waiting for us to get caught up in a moment of christmas madness! lol! cant wait to see your tree.


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