Well I am soooo excited...

We have arrived!

For it is the Eve of The London Olympics Opening Ceremony!
Us Brits are sooo proud to be hosting this event for the third time in London.
The Opening Ceremony has been kept under wraps and although the Officials have told us that it will not be as spectacular as the Beijing Olympics, because we are in recession..I still feel we have it in us to be brilliant!
 Its that stiff upper lip and onwards and upwards attitude that makes us who we are and I have a feeling that it will be special anyway.
On the 'One Show' in the week, Chris Evans said there will be a giant sized Voldermort walking over the English Countryside, when fifty Mary Poppins will fly down with their open umbrellas to capture him lol! He said its true...me finks not!
 In the week Rosie received two free tickets to the 5-a-side Para-olympic football, she had been nominated by her college, for working so hard through the year, we are so chuffed for her, as she really is an inspiration to all who meet her...I am only sorry that I couldn't thank the person who nominated her...so I am officially thanking you here now...plus you try and stop me rocking into the college in september to find out who it was and give you a great BIG Kiss! :)
Rosie is going to watch the opening ceremony in Rochester Castle grounds on a great big screen...what a lovely atmosphere that will be...so if you live near and see her there...go and say hello.

Well I had better go...

Don't forget to ring your bells at 8.12am tomorrow morning!

Where will you be watching the Opening Ceremony?
Do Tell!



  1. Congrats for having them in your wonderful city! You must be over-the-moon excited! We will be watching them at home as time allows. I hope you are having a wonderful week- xo Diana

  2. You have to have one of the prettiest most colorful blogs I have seen. Just pure EYE CANDY. Yum!

    Congratulations from across the pond. Last Olympics near me, was the 1984 in LA. The soccer games were held at Stanford Stadium and we lived near there. That's about it.

    I sure hope everything goes off well and we're praying for no violence.


  3. So excited for you all!!! What could be more exciting and more appropriate than London - no where else, that's what!!! Will watch from home - would LOVE to see a giant Voldemort pursued by 50 Mary Poppins - hahaha - what fun! ENJOY!

  4. We will be watching here on the farm in Missouri! Sounds like super entertainment! Congratulations to your daughter!

  5. I'll be watching from home in the beautiful Ribble Valley (UK). I've not got Olympic fever yet and not sure I will but I am patriotic and will watch the opening ceremony and the odd race!

  6. Will be watching the opening ceremony at home,just the hubby and me,with nibbles and a glass or two of nice cold cider.Enjoy! :0)

  7. Congrats Rosie and Freddy! How exciting to have the olympics so close to you and what a great year you're all having across the pond! We'll be watching the opening ceremonies on the TV here in Ohio. I'm sure it's going to be great!

  8. Really looking forward to watching the ceremony later. Love the cushion!!

  9. Just finished watching the opening ceremonies. Was very very impressed! A Wow Experience for sure! Congratulations London!

  10. Oh Happy! Those were wonderful opening ceremonies! Loved the films, the progression from agrarian to industrial to digital/modern age and all the mucic! Loved the torch lighting! So much work went into it all....well done. Very well done!

  11. Wasn't the opening ceremony fantastic! I got completely wept along with watching it!

    Victoria xxx

  12. Hellooo Happy!
    Been catching up with your splendid blog....
    The earlier post and video clip of our fantastic paralympions struck a cord in my heart, as my son is one of the athletes taking part in this years Paralympic's!!
    I have the TV advert recorded,so I can keep playing, as I am soo humbled to the guys and girls taking part!
    I get goose pimples thinking wow, my boy will be running around that amazing track shortly, with his GB vest proudly worn!
    Yep I am proud!

  13. Hello again Happy!
    Thank you for kindest words over on mine.....
    When I was writing my comment on your postie, I actually wanted to 'say' more, but alas couldn't fit it all in!! haha, that's me, always a lot to say!!
    I can't seem to find your email on your blog Happy?
    Sooo will write what I can in this spot...
    Dean's race will be on Mon 3rd Sept at 9.25pm... (1500 Metres)
    Awww am a getting excited...
    But know I will probs been in tears during the race!
    Thanks for taking the time to comment over on mine!
    Love you blog, been reading it for ages now!!
    Love Maria x

  14. still so nice here,
    have a good day !
    sylvie from france


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