OK OK so I feel a bit like Michael Fish! lol!..
.I did laugh in my last post, at the prediction on the One O'clock show, about the Opening Ceremony, having a giant sized Voldermort and 50 Mary Poppins in it...I soooo laughed when it actually happened...The Opening Ceremony was such a blast!...from beginning to end, to us, it was captivating!...
The Industrial Revolution and the forging of those rings...
to the lovely Queen Lizzie being a Bond Gal!...Way To Go MA'AM!
 Mr Bean playing that ONE note on his keyboard lol!...A giant Voldermort and a plethera of Mary Poppins coming to rescue the children in Hospital...to the lighting of the torch, by nominated young athletes of the future...which was such an amazing and brilliant idea, better than any famous person lighting it!...

Oh we loved it all!
We laughed, we cried...we were captivated, as indeed I am sure the whole world was!
 ...And now I am hooked...every spare moment I get, I am watching it and willing TEAM GB on!
We watched the girls beach volleyball the other night...Wow! how fast moving is that!...It was neck and neck...us and the Canadians...I had to go out of the room for the end...just incase I bought them bad luck hehe!....When I heard Freddy yell...I knew we had it in the bag!...we were through to the semi's!
 I won't bore you with everything that I have watched as I am sure you are the same...there's something about it all being on home turf...and especially as it is all, just around the corner to us...oh it is so exciting!
Pictures are all new items just arrived into the Happy Shop this week.

I definitely have Olympic fever...do you?



  1. I'm loving every moment! I love seeing all the shots of London! When I'm not cheering on the USA, I am cheering for Great Britain :) Enjoy!!

  2. We are loving every second of the games! I don't want them to end! We're also sooo impressed by the venues, and the beauty of London!
    This MN girl must get there someday! :)

  3. 100% with you! The gold medals are coming thick and fast now! What a great post - Hello Kitty, the manicure set, the little bag - all my favourite things!!

  4. a very British - here here! i loved loved the opening ceremony. it was brilliant watching on a big screen with hundreds of other in Blackheath - right next to Greenwich - you can smell the horses!!!

  5. We have been watching it from the Midwest (Wisconsin)...even our grandkids love it- Love your sweet items- xo Diana

  6. I tell you Rosie...when they did the James Bond bit, I about fell over laughing. When at first they showed the back of the Queen...I kept saying that is not the real Queen...I just knew it wasn't. When her Majesty turned around, I was so shocked I was speechless. What a good sport she is.

  7. Enjoying the Olimpics here in the States too! Your country has done it's self proud!

  8. I am loving the moment. The Olympic fever is all around. Some times your cheers, some times not but always in The Olympic fever.

  9. So jealous that your in the mix of it all! The athletes are amazing and I'm inspired by their stories every day! So fun to see London market...I must go some day! My brother-in-law is working in London doing transportation and is so impressed by the happy spirit of the people! Enjoy...!

  10. We have been loving the Olympics here too! And I am loving your pretty little embroidered tea cozy and crocheted bedspread too!


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