Although Rosie is only 19 she has had so many hair colours and styles...
I suppose being a Hair Technology Student helped...but so far she has had red hair...
She has had Black Hair
Red White and Blue Hair

She has rocked spikey hair...
Geek Hair...Love This!
Short Black Hair...
Short Blonde Hair...
Brown Hair...
Mauve Hair...
Blonde and Brown Hair
But the bestest hair of all is what she has now!
She is back to the hair colour she was born with...
She seems to rock any colour or style...
She is my Rosie, my best friend, my gorgeous daughter and I love her to bits.




  1. This made me smile!! How lucky it is to have a daughter as a best friend!! I have one too♥

  2. Was trying to decide which I liked best, but think I agree with you!

  3. This is really funny! Just last night I was looking through your flickr photos for some miniature furniture inspiration and I saw the photo of Rosie with blond hair. You know the one you had as a banner for some time & I thought to myself, Rosie should be blond, if I were a friend in the real world, I would have told her so. The last photos I've seen were with black hair. And today you write this! Weird world :) Yes definitely blond and a very interesting education! Best wishes to both :)

  4. She is so beautiful no matter what the color...I'd like to see her with that pastel pink or lavender color too ;) Heehee

  5. How fun. She is just lovely...a true English Rose.

  6. I wish you wonderful olympic games - it´s funny to see your pics. If you like, come over and see my UNION JACK CAKE, especially made for the Olympic Games:

    Have a great time.




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