Hello...Maxy here!....

Sorry Mummy has not been blogging lately, only it has been a bit hectic here at The Happy House!...you see, I have had a bad paw!  I have been to the vets...lovely place, well they tricked me actually...it was a new place....I thought I was going out for a walk...only I had to get in the car! Phew what an adventure that was!...I loved looking out of the window and got quite excited about all the people and animals that I could see along the way!

When we got there...so many doggies were giving me the eye!...they all loved my dungarees and one Mummy asked if she could take my picture on her phone!...

My Mummy told me to sit down and of course I did as I was told...but i did cry a bit at all the other doggies...coz I would of so liked, to of gone and sniffed them...but mummy said I should sit quietly with her...so I did!

Apparently is was a cyst on my paw...nothing serious! and I was given some tablets...hmmm! I won't be taking them in a hurry!...

When we got home Mummy gave me a few treats for being such a good boy at the vets...! she wrapped what looked like a sweetie in some bread and marmite and rolled them into little balls for me to eat...oh they were sooo yummy...she gave them to me, now and again, throughout the whole week...and sometimes I just swallowed them straight down without chewing!..after those treats..I did start to feel a little drowsy...and fell asleep a lot on the new sofa! 
Even Rosie fell asleep with me sometimes...oh I am sooo spoilt!

...and much to my surprise...my paw started to get better! I don't know why coz I hadn't seen any of those tablets!

I feel fit as a fiddle now!...Oh don't I look handsome!...I sit up this end of the sofa...all the time now...and when I want to look really cute..I pull this face and look at Mummy...she just can't resist me!..she gives me lots of cuddles and feeds me loads of snacks...!
Well I had better go now before Mummy catches me writing this, although if I pull my cute face, I know she will let me off! woof woof!

Bye for now
Love Maxy xx



  1. Oh sweet Maxy, I'm so glad your little paw is feeling better. I won't tell Mummy you were on her blog, your secret is safe with me. You are a very enchanting beautiful pup, thanks for visiting us. Hugs ~ Mary in the USA

  2. Maxy, I'm so glad your paw is all better. You seem to have your mommy wrapped right around it. These photos of you made my day. I'll bet I'm not the first person to tell you how cute and adorable you are!

  3. My goodness your a writer too! I can see why Mamma treats you so well!

  4. What a complete darling Max is, and those dungarees! What a star :D

  5. Ah Maxy, I'm so pleased that your paw is feeling much better, those treats must have done the trick, if only the person who gave you those tablets to take had known about those yummy treats instead that could have saved you and many other doggies I'm sure a lot of worry, still at least your Mummy knew about them and you didn't have to take any of those nasty tablets. Lovely to hear from you, Lots of love, hugs and kisses, x x x x

  6. Dungarees!!!! oh I need some for my spoodle Molly, they are sooooo cute!!! I'm so glad you're feeling better Max & you even did it without the yucky pills. :-)))

  7. I love your dog...he is so cute.



  8. So glad to read your paw is doing better, little Darlin'. Hugs and cuddles from California :)


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