This little cutie was overdue a haircut!
He he he! Bless him!
But usually I cut his hair, as he hates anyone else doing it! Especially Fred! my hubby!
Then one morning we all woke up to Maxy looking like this!!!
OMG!! I can hear your cry!
 Somebody! had got to him before me and it wasn't Rosie!
Just look how my Hubby has hacked away at poor little Max! ahh Bless!
Never again! Freddy! Grrrr!
Luckily...that was a good few weeks ago now and in that time Max's hair has grown a little longer! Phew thank goodness for that eh!
...and this is him this afternoon!...sorry but I just had to show you this piccy...he is just soooo cute, he really believes that he is a human baby and not a little doggy at all!
 Rosie and I are keeping all sharp instruments out of hubbies reach in future! LOL!
Speak soon gals and guys,


  1. Oh, Happy! Dear little Max has endured a bad haircut just like the rest of us...however, I believe you have done the right thing hiding the scissors! YIKES! He's so adorable! Thanks for sharing his sweet little face with us!

  2. Oh! Hug-hug-kiss-kiss! He is SO cute!!

  3. Max is too adorable! You're right about keeping your hubby away from all sharp instruments though, although it looks like the pup has recovered nicely.

  4. Max is soooo cute, even with a bad haircut!

  5. Love dogs who are having a bad hairday !
    Our dog Joep also lookes like something went off in his fur ....
    Take a look at my blog and you will see what i mean ;-)

    Greetings from Holland !


  6. My Westie hates getting his hair cut too. Luckily, I have found a great doggies salon that makes him look like a clean little lamb ;-). But to be honest, I kind of like his messy look better...

    Love, Debby

  7. You need to train poor Max to run--fast--if he sees Fred approaching with scissors!

  8. Max is such a cutie even with a bad haircut, and as for him thinking he's a human baby well...I have daisy also a westie and she think exactly the same!!! Maybe thats why we luv them soooo much?
    Pene x

  9. Such a cute doggie!! My Nan and Granddad had one just like him when I was little and I loved him! He was called Trigger!!

  10. I've never really connected with you in this big world but I come to your blog often and have occassionally left comments. I love dogs too. If you have a minute you can come and meet my famous Tazmo in the grocery cart today!
    I'm Jacqueline from Once Upon a Fairyland which was my childhood home. I'm thought I'd just stop a minute and say...your blog is great and it brings me such joy! Keep it up you Happy-go-Lucky girl.

  11. Max is so adorable he can wear his hair any way the "stylist" cuts it and he's still a cutie!!

    Susan and Bentley

  12. Oh, your Max is just a darling. Any haircut, even bald, he would still be handsome. I love Westies!

  13. Max is too cute - even when he's long and scruffy:)

  14. Ahh, he looks a bit like my mum's westie, Alfie, when I thought I'd try trimming him. He's just had his hair done properly and he's looking like a very handsome chap. For some reason a haircut always makes him go all puppy like and cheeful x

  15. It would be impossible to make that adorable little tyke look bad, even with an over-enthusiastic darn could you ever be anything but in love with that puppy?

  16. Max is adorable - what wonderful photos!!!

  17. What a little cutie pie your Max is, love his denim coat. Thanks for choosing me as your "happy blog of the week" Love Lucey xxx

  18. He's such a cutie, with or without his hair!!! I just got the July issue of BBC homes and antiques. Sooo exciting. Super photos of your cottage, and garden. I have read it 3 times now! Lovely to see the real you!`And the real Rosie. Was Fred a bit shy?
    Luv Jacqui

  19. He is so cute, even with the bad hair cut FRED!!!

    Mind you, you should see my Sons hair when I have finished with it:)!!

    Only kidding! But he is 15 and you know how they get about their hair at that age?

    Well sometimes there are 2 or 3 strands of hair that wont do what they are told and I am instructed to cut them off!!

    Just had a thought!! Why isnt Rosie cutting his hair?
    Michelle x

  20. My in-laws have a Westie. Sooooo adorable! I'm impressed you cut his hair yourself. Does he wriggle? My children do wriggle wriggle wriggle when I cut their hair!

    Love your blog. So Happy to be your new Follower (boom boom!).

  21. Hi Doll, your doggie is adorable. how cute he is all sprawled out like that. Also, your bloggy dos are sweet. I know the girls you did them for must be thrilled. YOu can always tell youre work. You have your own little style going on there!
    have a great week my friend!

  22. Hehehe ! He looks darling !
    We started grooming our Shih Tzus
    ourselves and they sort of looked
    like that ~
    Kind of that scruffy look ~
    They remind me of teddy bears that
    have been played with for quite
    awhile ~
    Little scruffle heads ~


  23. Oh my word - he is the cutest wee thing ever, questionable haircut and all! :)


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