Hello my lovely lassies...I am working to a deadline this weekend! Computer is now back from the menders! and I am on a mission!...Yep! I have about 10,000 things to list on my website! LOL!
You see I thought I had a few weeks left to get my website ready for the Magazine launch! Do you remember...last year when the lovely Selina Lake and Debi Treloar came to visit us and took pictures of our house! well the time has arrived and the mag will be out on Tuesday! Yikes! I didn't realise it was going to be out soooo sooooon! so I am a Gal on a mission this weekend :)
Last week whilst were out and about I spotted this guy and just had to take a piccy of his taxi! What a guy eh! A pearly king indeed and a pearly taxi - how fun! and he was selling gardening equipment and tools...just the thing for the Happy House Garden!
I don't seem to pick up much around here these days as it seems to be all baby equipment and DVD's!! but I did manage to find this wonderful little dutch gal jug....isn't she divine and sooo appealed to me...Yes she has that cheeky face, that soooo reminds me of my Nanny Hilda...so of course I just had to buy her!
I have been pottering around in the garden too, and whilst the sun was shining last week I even managed to get a few hours in sunbathing! Although I get very restless laying there doing nothing! I fidget and think about everything that I should be doing and feel very guilty indeed!, needless to say I am still white (shall we say English Rose!) whereas Fred is very tanned indeed! LOL!
We have also celebrated my Mums 80th Birthday...do you rememer back in January her party celebrations were cancelled because of the snow..well here we are in May and everyone was able to turn up and celecrate in style with her...
These are my Mums friends singing 'We'll meet again' at the top of their voices...ahh bless! They actually bought a tear to my eye...it was a lovely day indeed!
I thought I would show you some of the photos of the flowers in the garden that they bought along for the photoshoot the other week...for the yummy caravan cards, that will be in the shops very soon! :)
Well they left quite a few of the fresh flowers for us, alot of them were on their last legs, so we got out all our enamel and vases and made lots of displays...theres nothing like fresh flowers in your home is there!  The photo's at the start of this post are some of them and so
are these ones...they lasted a good week too!
...and how pretty they look!

Anyway I had better be off! as I have a lot of work to do! the only thing is I am feeling a little tired right now as I had some Sangria...only a little tipple! LOL! this afternoon and alcohol has a funny effect on me - probably because I am usually teeeeetotal! Hic! Bad idea that was! hehehe! I thought I was slipping down the chair! and feeling a little too hot!...Oh well onwards and upwards! at least I can pretend I am working and have a few catnaps, behind the laptop lid! LOL! Hubby won't see, as now I have almost slid down off the chair completely! LOL!
Do have a look on my website I have been listing around the clock! and remember to buy BBC Homes and Antiques! Out Wednesday 2nd June! Coz happy is in it! YAY!

Gosh I bet I look FAT! Shhh I know I am FAT! but I told Debi that she had to do a slimming trick with her state of the art camera...or leave me out completely! lets hope its the latter! LOL!


  1. Glad to see your blog is more exciting than ever.....love your spirit, Dianne
    kitsch n Stuff

  2. fab to hear how your week has gone, sounds exciting! You have such a cool style :)

  3. Oh these pictures brightened my day! So lovely to see some of the "other side of the world" :)

  4. I could spend whole day here, in your lovely colours, but gotta go to sleep...Good nigt from Finland!

  5. Glad you're up and running again...or was that sliding!
    Will keep an eye out for Homes and Antiques, I love that mag, it is better than a lot of the home ones out now.

  6. What a happy twirly lovely swirly post!

    Thanks for a sweet smile to end a very long day!

  7. All the floral arrangements on your blog looks awesome. It was nice going through your blog. Keep on posting.

  8. Recently joined your gorgeous looking blog. Stunning photos, funny, quirky and interesting posts. Thankyou! (-:

  9. You do not look fat at all in the piccies in the magazine, you look very nice indeed, and content, loved the article. By the way, which shops will be selling the cards? xxx

  10. Michelle Flower29 May 2010 at 18:43

    Hi Happy,
    Just been over to look at Fredsworld, I find something new everytime I come on here. Tell Fred to type in Tim Holtz into Google, I think he might like his style:)
    Michelle x

  11. Your mom is lovely! I just lost mine to cancer, so I popped over because I needed a bit of "happy". Thank you!

  12. Your blog just brightened my day, its so colorful and HAPPY~!

    I will be back to get some more happiness.

    Have a wonderful day!

  13. Glad to hear everything's going well, and that you had a great party for your mum! Beautiful photos and a darling jug!

  14. I've just discovered your gorgeous blog through some friends on fb- Just LOVE it!!

  15. look at you! look at this blog! Bubbling with energy, excitement and amazing eye candy. I'm so happy to have bumped into you!


  16. hi sweet Happy! everything looks great there...as usual! YOur mom especially looks great for 80! she is lovely. All the flowers are pretty too! I have so much gardening to do.. tomorrow!! its a holiday weekend here so I'm off from work tomorrow... thank God! Today were off to the lake for a picnic!
    hugs and have a sweet day!

  17. Happy birthday to Happy's Mum! Love your flowers too. That was a lucky perk getting to keep them.
    Is the mag out for the June issue or July? Presume it comes out in June for July in the uk, in which case I should reserve mine now from this part of the world. Going to look at your shop. Have fun, Jacqui

  18. Glad to hear the computer is back once again and even better than no snow stopped your mums celebrations.

    Victoria x

  19. Wow congrats on getting into a mag, if anyone deserves it, it's you :)

    The flowers are gorgeous and everything looking lovely. Your mum doesn't look 80!

    Mel xxx

  20. hi Happy, I rushed all around scarborough yesterday looking for a copy of Homes and Antiques, but nobody had it in :((( finally manage to get a copy today and skipped everything else to look at your interview. Love it! and your house looks absolutely gorgeous!! No doubt you will be blogging about it soon, and I'll probably comment there too but just had to dash on here and gush a bit ;) Hope you are happy with the article. xxx

  21. hi Happy, I rushed all around scarborough yesterday looking for a copy of Homes and Antiques, but nobody had it in :((( finally manage to get a copy today and skipped everything else to look at your interview. Love it! and your house looks absolutely gorgeous!! No doubt you will be blogging about it soon, and I'll probably comment there too but just had to dash on here and gush a bit ;) Hope you are happy with the article. xxx

  22. I'm so happy for you and your wonderful success! I'm wondering if we can get that mag here in the states?? Please have a giveaway if not so I can try and win one! I e-mailed you about doing my new blog design but I know you've been crazy busy and without a computer...let's speak soon! Love ya!

  23. I am an ex Londoner who now lives in France so was sooo happy to stumble upon your all singing all dancing British flag waving quirky fun and stylish blog. Oh what fun! I am an artist/antique dealer and we have similar ideas me thinks; although gotta say you are more 'out' there!
    In a bored moment please feel free to visit chez moi:

  24. I must go to London on 25 June, have you a shop in London, i will love to see all your beautifuls things ! all is so nice on this blog ! bye Sylvie from France

  25. Hi, been loving and following your blog for a while, and was thrilled to see your fab house in homes and antique,sat in the sunshine with a cappichino and savoured both the drink and your feature! you must be chuffed, and you and Rosie both look lovely and content and happy!! congrats,bestest wishes,Linda.

  26. I've seen the article in the mag and it rocks! You look fine in it - one happy woman surrounded by the people and things she loves.


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