Here it is my lovely lassies! I am officially in a Magazine! WOW! I am sooo chuffed! The magazine came out on Wednesday and not Tuesday like I originally posted about, sorry if you went to the shops a day early! Whoops, you can slap my wrists! LOL!
Yes this is the cover, idyllic homes with great ideas to steal! This issue does not let you is a 'cool' magazine this month with lots of lovely items to read about and drool over...there are articles about lovely icecream! Yummy! and a jolly postcard article, just the kind of thing that 'happy' would buy!
...And of course theres our article, all about the 'Happy House'...a whistle stop tour of our rooms and a lovely little 'read up' to go with it too!
Titled 'Colour Me Happy'
...A cheery palette, jaunty patterns and a 1950's caravan in the garden, ensures that theres never a dull day at Happy Harris's Kent cottage!...and boy! are they right! LOL!
I can't stop looking at it! seems funny looking at your Home in a magazine like this!  This has always been one of my dreams....and now it is a reality! It just seems 'unreal'!
Heres a piccy of me and Rosie by the caravan, Debi managed to get all my bellies into the picture! After I told her not too! LOL!....I was going to pretend that I used my FAT stunt double for the pictures! and that really I was stealth like and glamorous....but I didnt think you would believe me...knowing how much I like my chocolate! LOL!:) Also there is a feature with links to shops that I like to buy 'Get the Look'!

As I look through the magazine, it makes me realise how many of the rooms and pictures that they did not use! Debi Treloar and Selina Lake, came and photograped our 'Happy House at the end of last summer....Thanks gals for the lovely pics in this issue, by the way...You Rock!
They were sooo impressed by the amount of enamel that we had, that they made us get it all out and Selina made a display on the shelves in the garden (see below) This was one of the piccies that I really thought they would of used in the article...but it is not there, I suppose though, there is only a certain amount of pictures they can use for each piece and I am really pleased with how they all look and the write up, so I can't complain!
...But the print is available in my shop, if you are interested CLICK HERE
You might of seen our lighting in the mag...
well I just love this idea and have used it in quite a few of our rooms, its a real design statement and looks soooo lovely and a little different....I was inspired to do this when we used to go abroad to Germany for work, years ago now!...Over there, all the state of the art trendy pubs and shops were displaying them and when we came back from one of our trips...we popped into TK Maxx to re-create the look ourselves and its stayed with us ever since.
Since the Magazine has come out...the sun has been shining, and I have been washing cushion covers and quilts and digging down my old material cupboard to see what I can find...I thought it was time for a change in a few of the rooms...a little freshen up with fabrics and the like!...And (above) I found this lovely french cherry table cloth and some french lacey bits..that really brighten up this little area in the Living room!...
I have also added a table cloth and lacey doily to the TV table! Yes I have a TV! and it is a BIG TV! too! Eek! I heard somewhere that if your TV was too big for your room you were 'common'! LOL! Well I have never pretended to be something I am not! but the Telly did used to fit into our other house, before we that is my excuse! LOL! and I luuuurve watching the old films on the BIG Telly :)))) even though I am only 3 ft away from it!!! LOL!
So there we have it!...The magazine is out and I am as Happy as Larry!
In my next post I will be offering a few copies as a give-away so if you add me to your followers gals,  you will be informed of the give-away date and won't miss out :)

Have a lovely weekend, won't you...and Happy Thrifting!


  1. OMG!Happy, I was so excited to see you in Homes and Antiques.It is the one mag that I buy every month without fail.I think the Happy spread is just sooooo gorgeous.We have similar taste as my house has a predominate palette of red white and duck egg blue with a leaning to 1950's blighty.Anyway shut up Anne!You must be sooo proud,but I bet it must be quite strange seeing your own home through a professional eye.Was it hard work and did you have to shove stuff under the bed etc.Is that where Fred was?!! You should feel soooo proud.You have exquisite taste and I love your sense of humour.Keep eating the choccie,darling. I am cultivating an amazing collection of chins during my twilight years!!We can't have it all!!
    Much love Anne x

  2. OH HAPPY! What a wonderful treat to have been featured in a magazine! I have always been such an admirer of your decorating style...especially of the Garden Caravan. I am BEYOND green with envy! And all that enamelware...and the quilts...and...and...and...

    Anyway, wishing you the best before I hyperventilate from the excitement of it all...YAY! Awaiting your FAB giveaway!Already (OF COURSE) a follower!

  3. Massive proud moment! The article looks fantastic, so inspiring.

  4. Oh my goodness that is soooo very exciting !! Your homes is beyond gorgeous and I adore all of your beautiful things ~

  5. Loved the article, love your home. :) xxx

  6. How fantastic for you to be living a dream come true. I am so excited for you. Your home is a testament to your creativity. So beautiful, fresh and fun. Good for you!

  7. Wow - well done you, I must nip out and get a copy. it'll almost be like seeing someone I know in a magazine lol x

  8. CoNgRaTuLaTiOnS!!!! Wow! You are famous!! I am off to buy the mag - off course I will be showing everyone how my mate Happy is so famous!!! Did The Dog get a look-in? xx

  9. oh Happy dear, I am so happy for you! Congrats.. how I wish I could grab this mag at my side of the world book store.. but apparently, it was just my wishful thinking! but still I am so happy and proud of you! as always your collection always amaze me a lot! your colourful pretties just soooo beautiful!

  10. Dear Happy, How GREAT for you! I love your blog and this post just proves that your style is admired by so many. I wish we could find that mag in my part of the US but oh well...Congrats! Smile, Sally

  11. I just found your blog... it's sooooo beautiful. Ooooh lovely!
    I'm going to buy the magazine to cut out pictures for inspiration!

  12. How fabulous. Love your blog and now I'm gonna go get the mag so I can drool over the lovely piccies. xx

  13. Oh Happy Happy Joy Joy! That is fabulous!!! I would love to get a copy, is it available here in the States? You have a new friend in California who would love to see it in print, congats love!

  14. Oh Happy, what a happy thing!
    Congratulations! And honestly, it was about time to see your home in a magazine!!
    *kiss* maaria

  15. Dear Happy,

    I am so "happy" for you. I haven't bought the magazine yet, but I am going to try and find it in the magazine store at our local train station. As I live in Holland the magazine is not as easy to buy as in the UK. What I can see from the photo's you published, the article looks simply fantastic!!


    Lieve groet, Madelief

  16. Congratulations, Happy! This is fantastic! Only wish I could get my hands on a copy of the mag but I can't, being in the States and all:( REALLY hoping I'll get lucky and win a copy!

  17. Wow, the mag spread looks fabulous--I'm so excited for you!

  18. So pretty! awesome!! Congrats!!
    Love your style, and your attitude!!
    I am over here in the states... (Wisconsin) so I dont think I can find the mag here... but I lOVE LOVE LOVE seeing the pics you had!!

    Your home is just so exciting!! it just makes me smile from ear to ear!!
    Giggles too to your t.v.!!

    Happy weekend!!


  19. Hi Happy - so pleased you like the feature! Debi and I had so much fun when we came to your cheery home last summer - thanks again! x

  20. Wow, well done! I would love to be in a magazine one day but my home's not a patch on yours. You deserve to see your lovely place in print!

    Oh and we must be v common as we have a 42" TV in a not very big at all living room... but I think it's the number of TV's you own that makes you common because we only have one ;)

    Mel xxx

  21. All looked wonderful ... really envy all your enamelware!!

  22. Now, that's some exciting news! Good for you...

    Warm blessings,

  23. Unfortunately that magazine`s not available in Finland, but I´m glad you gave us a little peek into that article! Looks lovely! I really love your blog, it´s so different, all the colours and everything :) Thanks for sharing all your lovely things with us!

  24. How wonderful and exciting!Every single image is gorgeous!
    Rachel x

  25. I LOVED the article, I ran out to buy it and wasnt dissapointed, your home is droolsome (is that a word??!!) anyway I love it.
    and by the way, You are by no means fat! Silly you!
    Nope, you are just like me....Curvy!

  26. We get that magazine over here! YAY! I will definitely buy a copy when it comes here. How wonderful-what a great article.

    Best wishes,

  27. Congrats Happy, it looks fab. I sooo hope I can get a copy here. I'll be entering your giveaway as well. One way or other I'll find it!Can't wait.

  28. Can't wait to read your article - tried to get a copy locally to no avail this morning, so the hunt continues..... Congratulations on being featured!! x

  29. Oh my goodness! So glad I had you do my blog BEFORE you got so famous! I'd love a copy, add me to the giveaway! Congratulations!!!

  30. I always love to look at your blog because the photos are so bright and colorful they make ME HAPPY! And now you're featured in a magazine! How WONDERFUL AND EXCITING! Congratulations! sandy

  31. Wow your home is lovely, I already have the mag firmly placed in my suitcase ready to read on my holls next week. By the way, You're not fat... just cuddly and happy! Lucey xx

  32. It must have been hard having to wait all that time for the feature to be printed.

    I would love to have my house in a mag but I need to master the art of house work first ;)

    Well done & congrats!

  33. How fab! They sell that magazine in the bookstore in my little town so I'm go to go hunt it down tomorrow. xo, suzy

  34. Blissfulment! I'll have to head to BN to see if it's here in Big D! This gave me the first big belly smile I've had in hours!

  35. If you'd seen me the other day going through all the home magazines as I couldn't remember which one it was in!! I now am the proud owner of a copy, great to see your fabulous home in print.

    Victoria xx

  36. I do believe congratulations are in order once again! You may have to start charging for autographs!

  37. I bought my copy of the mag last Wed at the airport on the way to our wek in the sun! I read about your home whilst sat by the pool! Oh the decadence! It really is a fab issue, made all the better for seeing the Happy Home in it. Congrats to you.
    Lisa x

  38. I must try to get this! Wow Happy, this is brilliant, I bet you are doing cartwheels! Suzie xxx

  39. hi Happs, sorry I'm so late in posting this (its a nightmare to get hold of a copy of H&A in Malvern!)Just wanted to say how fab the article was, I so LOVE your happy house!! xx

    ooooh my word verification is 'Bumbar'..sounds painful! lol!

  40. Well done! That is such an achievement, you sound so excited and I am not surprised!

  41. My dear pagemate... I'm squealing with joy for you!!! Squealing with joy for me, as I can now curl up with your lovely photos of your beautiful life (hey... it's been hard snuggling with my monitor!). I'm going into The Big City tonight and hope to find me a copy!

    Bravo, bravo and congratulations!
    Happy, happy, joy, joy!!! xoxom


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