Hello me ole chickadees! 
A lot has been happening this week...I have launched my new buttons, one of which is above....do you like it?...well I have a few more available on my freebies page, so go and click on the button above and get them on your blog asap! I thought we could all do with 'Biggin up Blighty' especially as the World Cup is on its way and the Olympics! I don't think we give ourselves enough credit these days....so come on gals....Lets 'Big it up'!
On a sadder note :( My computer has died again! it has already suffered from a disk error 3 months after buying it! and it has happened again! only a year down the line, so everyone that has emailed me with a question or for information or anything indeed, please email me again HERE as I just know the 'Tech Guys' will wipe the hard drive again...along with all my info and settings with it! Grrr! Drat! and double Drat!

Stay clear of buying a Packard Bell computer folks, especially with the free photoshop elements pack...this computer is to be avoided at all costs! I have had nothing but trouble with it...and silly me accepted a repair only after 3 months of owning it! when really I should of demanded a new computer! but they have you over a barrel don't they!  I just thought, I didn't want them slinging it on a heap and it being sent to Africa or some third world country, where those poor little children have to breathe in toxic waste! and plus the thought of someone taking all my info off my hardrive and using it scrupulously...made me just want it mended! but I know I have been conned! This computer was a lot of money and really not worth it at all as now it has gone wrong a second time...they just don't build 'em to last these days do they!
I was planning not to go out at all this weekend, but just stay in and have a couple of productive days crafting! I have wanted to make sooo many things lately and just haven't had the time!...I somehow think that beautiful weather will have something to do with keeping me away from my crafting though!  As the garden looks soooo inviting now that the grass has been cut again and all the lovely vintage deckchairs are scattered about here and there!

I also have a million pictures to take for my website, so that I am ready for the magazine launch in mid to end of June!...Yes gals! do you remember that 'Happy's House' will be in the BBC Homes and Antiques July Edition! Yay! I can't wait! although the thought of my chubby face and elephant like body in a magazine makes me feel slighty 'ick! but I told Selina & Debi not to include any pictures of me, unless I look totally slilth like! LOL!...so fingers crossed!

So my luverley lassies! I hope to be very productive while my computer is in hospital, I don't think it will take longer than a week! although they will not be picking it up until Monday!  I am using my hubbies Mac at the moment! but I don't like it...its not the same! but one day I will probably have to have one, because they just don't go wrong! and that is a BIG plus!!

So to all the luverley ladies that I am working with at the moment...blogs, banners and bespoke designs, please do bare with me! I will be in touch soon, but won't be back to work for about a week! Sorry!

Speak soon gals and have a lovely weekend :)


  1. Will look out for the magazine and sorry to hear about your poorly computer...Hope she is up and running soon.


  2. Oh no! Bloody PCs. My work one causes me grief and then I get home to mac and all my troubles go away! ah. ;-)

  3. Sorry to hear about your computer, it's amazing when they break down it's like loosing an arm, I always feel completely cut off... stupid hey. Anyway LOVE your blog and especially when we see pics of Max, he is the spitting image of my gorgeous Daisy so now have your button of him on my blog. Have a lovely crafty weekend it's supposed to be a hot one..

  4. Hope computer problems are solved asap.

    Remind us nearer the time when the mag comes out - I shall be wanting to buy one :)

  5. Sorry to hear of your PC troubles, i often turn the air blue when dealing with my laptop - swearing does not work - mind you it feels pretty good! xx

    As said by the rest of the Girls - give us a shout when you are 'IN'!

  6. The appropriate terminology here in NZ wold be Bugger! Looking forward to that July issue. Hope your PC gets out of hospital quickly Happy!
    Love Jacqui

  7. Sorry to hear about your computer... it's like loosing an arm when they break down isn't it!

    I can't wait to see your home in print, I can see me pouring over those pictures for hours.

    Victoria xx

  8. So sorry to hear about your computer. Life would be so much easier ( and maybe boring) without them. But, without them, I couldn´t see here from Finland your lovely lovely colours!!! = ))

  9. Just found your blog and got one of your delicious buttons :)

  10. Hope you are all mended soon. The new buttons are lovely.

  11. Oh I love the photos you've posted.I will keep in touch with your blog.Hope to see more.

  12. I hope to read your magazine.I'm excited.

  13. I have just seen you in the Homes and Antiques magazine, which was popped through my door today, and I absolutely loved the article. The piccies of your home are gorgeous, I adore the crochet throw you have over your arm chair. Your home is an absolute delight, I just love it, and I see your a huge fan of the 50's, I am too! Love, love, love your home. What magazine will you be launching Happy? I will have to go back a few posts I think to find out what your talking about, as, if your in any more magazines, I would love to know, so I can buy them and read the article. :) xxx


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