I can't get warm today!...I have put the heating on FULL and I am cozied up on the chair by the fire in the sitting room.  We have snow again, but its that silly kind that really should be rain...at least it has started to melt.

I have been looking through my old photos and decided to show you some of them...piccies that I havn't looked at for ages and some that I had forgot I had altogether!  So rather than actually blog about more snow (coz I have actually had enough of it all now!) I thought I would show you some Happy pics :) and that way, hopefully the snow will get the hint!
Don't the winter months seem so long, those 'orrible dark nights...errr! I hate them and yet summer flies past!
I can't wait till Spring...I have decided that is my favourite month...because here in the Happy House's Garden, there is so much to get excited about...the beautiful flowers and shrubs that appear here are fabulous.

...and its also a time for sorting and re-arranging....and I love all that kinda thing.
My feet are starting to warm up now, well they should of done really, as I have 6 pairs of socks on, with Uggs and the fire on! Phew! and thats not including the central heating! which is on FULL!...STILL!

Really I should do some exercise...the washing up needs doing! does that count as exercise! in my book it does! as I have been sooo lazy lately...oh yes, lazier than little Maxi above! although wherever I am...Max is not far behind! Bless him I am sure he thinks I am his Mummy! I know most of you think he is a puppy, but Max is in his 7th year, but is soooo small, he is ever so sweet and doesn't eat much, if you give him something to eat and he doesn't fancy it...he will hide it somewhere in the house! he is sooo funny, as he digs the Rugs up as if it was mud in the garden and shoves food underneath them, ahhhh! ain't that sweet! yes it is! Until you trip over it!!! Arghhhhhh! that ain't a pleasant experience! LOL!

Just had dinner...Yes I decided to move and actually I am feeling quite warm now! Infact I am feeling quite sick! My feet feel about 200 degrees and I am feeling very dizzy! I think I will have to go out and get some air!
Or take some of my layering off....I think perhaps that scarf and hat took me over the warmth threshold! Especially once I fired up the stove to make dinner! LOL!

Yes! I will have to look into seriously getting fit soon.  Perhaps starting to take Max for a walk again will do the trick....no-one wants to take him out in our house, as he never has really grasped the idea of cocking his leg and just doing the one poo! (sorry about that!) Nope Max will poo at every lamp post and wee like a girl! LOL!
Rosie has just left the house, she will be staying around a friends house tonight and they will be going to college together in the morning....rather than go upstairs, she has decided to borrow my Uggs for the trip to college in the morning...at least I am starting to cool off a bit now!
The House is quiet once more and I am sitting back on my cozy chair by the fire!...which is now turned OFF! Phew its hot!...I am watching 'Great British Railway Journey's' with Michael Portillo, I have found this series very interesting indeed, today he has taken a steamboat tour of lake Windermere....which looks sooo beautiful...I Want to go too!.
I have come to the end of my photo's...I hope you have enjoyed them and they have helped make you feel happy :) I had better go now as my feet are beginning to feel a little cold again! obviously bad circulation! Eek! all this feeling hot and cold throughout the day is hard work in itself....Goodness only knows what the heating bill will be like!
Oh and I must just say...not that its an overthought or anything, but my lovely son Daz went back to Uni on Sunday and I am missing him soooo much, we had such a lovely time, he was with us for about a month and I loved looking after him although the fridge was always empty! and there was never any peanut butter left for toast in the morning! my toiletries have all been used up and there was always wet towels on the floor!..But this week I have been pining like a lioness that has lost her cub (paw me!) He has grown into a lovely guy and I am sooo proud of him :)
Roll on Spring, more holidays and warm feet!
Love Happy x


  1. Wow! This blog makes me... HAPPY! :) I love it!

    I'll be back for sure.


  2. I'm so with you = I've totally had enough of the snow. Have you seen greengates spring/summer catalogue ... I just posted some links on my blog. Just looking at them made me feel a bit better, can't wait for the summer:o)

  3. Smashin photos - I hope your body has reached perfect temperature by now! I fell for you with your son being gone - my two are only 7 and 2 and I'm dreading it already! Never mind when they fall in love and leave for good!
    I'm with you on the Spring thing - hate Jan (and Feb actually!) Lovely when the bulbs start peeking through - won't be long now! xx

  4. Adorable photos - I bet you warmed up just looking at them! Is that a collection of 'Knitting Nancy's in one photo? They go together so well.

    Stay warm and well, Happy.

  5. I enjoyed all of your pictures and I hope you stay warm!

  6. Your pics are so pretty! I love happy colors, too!

  7. All those colors just put a smile on my face, it feels like spring now...not really.
    I love the bags on one of the photos, did you make those? So pretty.

  8. I agree they made me Happy :D Im cold and so are my feet, have just put the electric blanket on in my bed so il be ok soon.

    Much Love Katy xx

  9. Just when I thought I was the only one in the world that LOVES red I find you!!!! I do believe miss you are the queen ! I so LOOOOOVe your blog and will be a constant visitor. come on over for a visit sometime. Texas needs a another red queen....

  10. Love all the pretty eye-candy. Great photos.

    Happy New Year!

  11. Oh Happy!
    I honestly feel like I've been on a short little excursion to England and spent the day with you and Maxi snuggled up by the fire!
    I just had to gigggggle when you admitted to finally getting heated up...and on fire!
    Funny funny!
    So me!
    Turning on that stove will do it every time!
    Delighted to get to gaze into your world.
    Love the pics my friend!
    You need to invite The Queen to your cozy little world!
    Oh..and all of her CORGIS!
    Don't you just love Corgis.
    That is what I had before Mr. Doogan!
    Oh...took my first knitting class today...knitting a pink raspberry scarf!
    Do pop over Happy!
    Hosting my very first PINK WEEK Giveaway!
    I would be oh so honored if you would take a peek!
    I'm a bit nervous drawing this kind of attention to my blog!
    But I'm going for it!
    I really want to let my readers know how truly appreciated YOU are!
    Happy Day in England!
    Doogan sends wags to Maxi!
    And I am oh so delighted you enjoyed your son so!
    I know he must think you are heavenly!

  12. Well if you want exercise but don't want to overdo it, just get Max's most stylish coat out, pop on a pair of snazzy wellies, elegantly wrap yourself up and power walk to the nearest field, guaranteed exercise and fun too. My dog poops for Britain and wee's like a girl so we go early in the morning and at dusk no one see's us then!
    Love the photos bright and cheery!

  13. Love the photos. Your sight always makes me warm and cheery no matter what the temperature outside. Jamie

  14. Such super photos...especially the pup...bless....... the cold does make you want to 'go' more so I can see pups point of view ;)

  15. Thanks, for the canister info, Happy...I've never heard of that store, which probably means I can't find it in the US! I've had fun looking through your new pics...lots of Cath Kidston in your home! Another place we cannot visit here! Love to visit it in your home!

  16. Such Happy pics! Dear Max is adorable, quirky habits and all!

  17. Wonderful pictures as always!!

    Keep warm this weekend, at least the snow has disappeared for now

    Victoria xx

  18. lovely photos - makes me want spring to be here now.

  19. You always make me smile...I so adore your lovely blog and your sweet image of your puppy is so adorable! Thanks for making my day once again!

  20. Such lovely photos, and even more lovely thoughts. Your Max is such a darling, even with his seemingly odd behaviors. That just makes him more interesting. Your colorful photos are always so cheery!

  21. can't wait until spring {or even better, summer} either! xo

  22. Never mind when they fall in love and leave for good!

    Work from home India

  23. Oooo, I love your pictures. The colors are so inspiring!!

    Barb ♥

  24. Thats because its FREEZING! Even here in Sunny California

  25. What gorgeous pictures of beautiful things ... you might not like me very much anymore when I tell you that I'm sitting here in a singlet and shorts typing this from Down Under where tomorrow it will be 36 degrees celsius! It was lovely to visit you again - I'll back soon. Cheers, Suzy ;)

  26. Hi Happy!
    You know how much I love your blog, it always makes me smile if not laugh out loud, so I have passed on a sunshine blog award to you. Pop over to mine to collect it! Best wishes, Kirsty x

  27. Love your photos. I see a lot of Cath Kidson in there! What fun collections.

    If you could us a "warm" snow theme come for a visit.

    - The Tablescaper

  28. I love your blog. It is so colorful. You make beautiful settings with the most simple of things. Kudos to you for a job well done. I would like to invite you to www.thrifthappy.com. I hope you will take my bedroom challenge. I would love to see what you would come up with.

    Thank you and best of luck!


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