OMG...Its been one of those kinda days...!

I decided to have a rest today, because yesterday I did rather overdo it on my poorly battered and bruised legs....please do remember that I am looking kinda like a reject from a St Trinians movie LOL! but NOT in the sexy black stockined look that those naughty school girls were famous for....but in this years pasty white look! (SsSSsHhhhhh! My lovely medical tights!)
Yuk and double YUK!!!!

...anyway, where was I...Oh yes thats it! When I managed to haul myself outta bed (not a pretty sight!) and stumbled downstairs and after two, or was it three cups of tea, I was awake!...I then started to hear the hum of the TV and Mr Happy sitting on the settee looking over at me! 'What did you say'?...I heard myself saying to him!....

Turns out he had been watching QVC since 4am this morning...where aparently he couldn't sleep, because someone was snoring or something!!...not quite sure what he meant by that! but anyway QVC!!...I MEAN QVC!!...Surely only boring people with NO life watches that kinda rubbish don't they! Needles to say I poo poo'ed the whole idea...and started to read through some work which was overdue....but before long I started to look up over my computer and started watching it too! OMG it was so addictive...they were selling crafting bits and bobs....they were mesmerizing us with their enticing talk! OVER AND OVER they repeated how much we should be buying their lovely packs of cards and embellishments...and before I could stop myself...there I was trying to order this special card pack....It felt like a Pinocchio know when he gets enticed away on the wrong road by those nasty men!


GOSH!...but just as I was about to pay...I was saved by the Electron shopping scandal!...In this case I am lucky enough to own a Electron card and QVC do not take this brand!!....PHEW! SAVED!...Do you know what...I could of sooo easily spent a fortune this afternoon....but instead of thinking, lets not watch it, we carried on until the end of the programme - still mesmerized in their spells...

Are we SAD or what! LOL!

Anyway all this sitting around made us hungry so a trip to the shops was called for! where I bought some lovely steak for tea and tiramisu for afters...Yum YUM!

Gosh I wont be having a lazy day tomorrow...all it does is make you more tired and hungry!...and as for the shopping channel... well I think I will give that a miss!...but it does make you wonder, if we are in the wrong business!! as they were selling out of all that crafting stuff pretty damn quick!

Oh and I hope you like my pictures of this little ATORA book that I found in my cupboard the other day...I had completely forgotten about it! I have added some recipes for you to follow, as I do so love my puddings and thought I would share them with you...

See you soon gals

Love Happy x


  1. oh dear me!! stay away from QVC! werent there any old reruns on?? You crack me up. hope your legs are better soon!

  2. hope you feel better soon, i know where your coming from with the tights , when i was pregnant with my twins the doctors insisted i wore a pair of the surgical stockings, soo not attractive , also around that time ,suffering insomnia me and the other half used to sit for hours watching bid up tv
    nina (oldbagsandgladrags/ruby and the leopard)

  3. QVC........NOOOOOOOOOOOO! Take it away.....thats all I hear when I'm at work, they come in and say we saw it on QVC have you got it!

    Your tights - do what my friend did she put a very thin pair of coloured tights on the top!

  4. I've been lured in by the QVC people too! LOL!

    I have to confess I buy a lot of their beauty products and the odd craft thing here and there but I tend to flick backwards and forwards between other channels as they can go on for hours about 1 hand wash!!!

    Victoria xx

  5. what a lovely post, made me smile. I confess that I too get drawn into the craft stuff on QVC, it does become addictive, tend to have it on in background while doing housework ;o) They do have some really good deals, Liz Earle TSVs are always a must for me, her skincare is very good and has lovely packaging. Oh no look at me wandering off on a tangent, oops! Hope you are properly back on your feet soon xx

  6. My boys hate it that there's a shopping programme which cuts into their cartoons on French terrestrial TV! We can't believe that they have it on the main channels, not just on cable...

    Anyway, thanks for the recipes, as in the winter time there's nothing my family likes better! I can't always find Atora here in France, though, and two Christmases ago I actually made my own suet from first ingredients! The butcher thought I was pretty weird, but entered into the whole thing enthusiastically...

  7. I tend to watch QVC when the kids have me up in the middle of the night because I know it won't have anything unsuitable on! I think I saw those craft shows, well it was a cards one with different embellishments, stickers and die cuts. Well actually I saw it twice, once at 3am and then it was being repeated AGAIN when I woke up later!

    Mel xxx


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