Gosh I really do not know where to start here! First let me say a BIG thankyou to everyone that left a comment about our holivan...we really have been overwhemed by all your support and lovely comments...you really have bolled us all over here at the Happy house!...I am speechless honestly :)


Our little holivan has attracted so much attention - it is phenominal, mind you she is soooo cute, bright and fun!...she is blushing out there, as I am writing this post...see :-

OMG what is all that I can hear you GASP!!...Well you know that we downsized last November, well this is another lot of our lovely enamel, that we thought we would bring into the house!! 

Anyway we had a fun time cleaning it all and finding places for it and surprisingly enough, we have fitted all in to our little cottage...we are now 'bursting at the seams'! and now the house looks even more colourful than it did before! Ill bring you some more piccy's soon gals :)

A lot of things have been happening over these last few weeks...Golly has it been that long! One of which the launch Party for 'Blogging for Bliss' was celebrated...book release date 4th August Woo hoo! Seeing as I am featured in it, you would of thought that I would of joined in with the celebrations eh! but no not me!!! I forgot all about it! Doh! Never mind!.... everything went well and even though B4B is not due out here in Blighty until October 5th - my lovely page mate, Monica from Happy Zombie (Monica is on page 42 and I am on 43) sent me a copy of my page, so I am soooo grateful to her :) Do pop over to hers....I love her to bits, Thanks Monica xx

Also this week I have to thank Jenny from 'Everyday is a Holiday' blog....Gosh I love her to bits too...well apparently her new 'Kitchenology' range of pictures, has been inspired by me and Rosie and our decorating style...isnt she so sweet :) and look at the lovely print above! I also love the way it incorporates, plenty of tea and coffee and cake and more cake - she must know that I have a totally sweet tooth :) Thank you Jenny xx

Go and visit her over here and here - you will not regret it gals :)

We also had a day out to Herne Bay in the week....I needed to get some exercise (as my belly is now much larger than my BOOBS!!! Eek not a good look!!!) and thought a lovely walk along the promenade would do the trick! Herne bay is about 45 minutes away from us and it is a lovely little town....its full of lovely quaint english fish and chip shops, cafe's and of course BINGO and the AMUSEMENTS! Oh how we love all of those things...we take all our change with us....and love trying to win silly prizes on the 2p machines like the one above and below!

When I asked the lady behind the counter of these lovely flying saucers, (Yum Yum! and very Low in fat!) if I could take a piccy....she said 'Why'!.....I thought why not!.....The colours and memories of those flying saucers were enough for me!...I decided she was NOT from my clan! LOL! and quickly took the shot anyway, mumbling something 'bout loving them as a kid! he he he!

We ate chips on the Pier, (not very good for the belly situ!) we had an icecream on the Promenade (ditto about the belly situ!) and a lovely cuppa in the car from the flask that we had taken with us! (I don't take sugar!...perfect for cutting down!...a bit like having a full english! from the 'Greasy Spoon Cafe' and a diet coke! LOL!) and watched the world go by!...

Now you cannot leave the seaside without a lovely cuppa from the flask in the car! LOL!...whether its time spent getting the sand out from between your toes or your childrens toes...its just gotta be done!
This is the lovely Rosie with her cup full of winnings!...we even managed to fit in a game of Air Hockey...where I let rosie win! ;) - Actually we laughed so much playing that game, we attracted a bit of an audience!, mainly toddlers though...well it is the school holidays!

...Oh and please do wish Rosie luck tomorrow gals...as last week she had an interview to work in a fashion boutique in town and today she found out that she has got the job! We couldn't believe it as this was her first interview!...I am soooo proud of her :) She will be starting at 9.00 am tomorrow and needless to say she is very excited....Its about time she bagged herself a job, as the list is endless of what she is going to buy with her earnings!

...Oh being young eh!.

I had better go now gals...I'll be back soon, have a nice few days.


  1. Gorgoeus enamel collection- how envious am I!

  2. Good luck to your Rosie!! Im sure she'll knock em dead.

    You certainly looked like you had fun over at Herne Bay. And, winnings. Yay!

  3. GOOD LUCK Rosie
    Lovely emamalware.

  4. Congrats to Rosie, its all about working the outfit for tommorrow! I hope she gets some freebies out of it!

  5. Maybe I am living under a rock but I have never seen the polka dotted enamelware! I love it! My newly started collection needs it! I think I have found a mission...

    Best of luck to Rosie- don't spend all of that first paycheck in one place...sorry, that's the mom in me coming out-blow it wherever you want!

  6. Good luck to Rosie!

    That look like a really fun day. And your enamel is gorgeous.

    Mel xxx

  7. Oh gosh, I love this post. BTW I ordered the book yesterday and can't wait to get it. I will come back after my shopping trip for yarn. This will take me at least 4 hours to drool over.

  8. Good luck for your first day Rosie. Hope all goes really well.
    Lisa x

  9. Hi, I just want to tell you how much i love your vintage caravan - It´s lovely! I want to move in.. ;-)

  10. What a lovely collection. I have one handpainted French enamel container that I've been able to pick up since moving here, but on the whole I find it's pretty overpriced in its homeland...

    I was telling my husband about your holivan as we drove past some vintage caravans on the payage, and he thought it sounded wonderful. That's quite a compliment coming from a blog cynic!

  11. Love the spoty tray1
    So cute!

    Good luck with your first job.....:>))x

  12. Well done to Rosie on her job and good luck!

    I can't wait to see more pictures from your lovely home with all that fabulous enamel inside,

    Victoria xx

  13. Long live the 2p machine. 3 British things that should never change, the Red Bus, the Red Telephone Box and those 2p machines, they're great. What will happen when they do away with the 2p though. I love you're French Enamel.

  14. im quite new to your blog, i dont know how i have mnanaged to miss it, but when i saw your caravan pics i was hooked!i could imagine your caravan being featured in country living!
    good luck to rosie for her new job! and i love your enamel collection, i cant wait to see the photos, fliss xx

  15. Don't you just love dots!! What a wonderful collection!

  16. Now I know that I have to come here when I need some color inspiration!!!

  17. ooh pretty enamel collection you have there Happs.I hope Rosie has a fab first day at her new job and charms the pants off everyone.
    you are sooooo lucky to be near enough to visit the seaside.I LOVE the British seaside.So utterly kitsch and tacky.
    It's rubbish sometimes living land-locked!
    ps my word verification was 'crumbl' !!bugger the diet..do you want custard or cream with it?

  18. You are one Happy Go Lucky Gal! Nothing like hanging out with like minded positive people. I once lived in a pink doll house on wheels called The Happy Camper. You may enjoy my blog, I'm bloggin about my childhood home, Just go to Once Upon a Fairyland. I love vintage dolls, gnomes, elves and fairytales. Keep your blog sparkling, we all LOVE IT! Great job!

  19. Good luck to Rosie!
    And congratulations to her mum...this blog is FABULOUS!

  20. What a lovely place you have here. Of course I love red blogs. I'm looking for a vintage camper but have not found one...yet. Hugs! I'm following you.

  21. I can't believe I *just* found your blog. Uh-maaazing! I am utterly in love. One of my absolute favorites of all time. Seriously, I am just blown away by the shear awesomeness! Wow. I will be back...again and again. :)

  22. You do make me larf! Am always cheered by your colourful blog and funny words. Herne Bay...takes me back....best of luck to Rosie in her new job - go, girl!

  23. Zowie! Have you been busy! Well I would give my neighbors right arm for your enamel collection. Going to check out the linkys youve so graciously provided.

  24. Congratulations to Rosie! How exciting!!! I was scrolling and ooh and ahhing over the beautiful enamil... and there pops up my name... and all the sweet things you said! GUSH.

    I heart you so much, dear sweet page-mate!

  25. Yes.....Blogging For Bliss!! It is Fantastic!!!! I was soooo excited to see you featured as well!!! So exciting!! I'm on page 22!! Tara truly did an amaaazing job!!! And I LOVE monica to bits as well!! Such a doll!! Super funny to boot!!

    And yes!! Kitchenology....you sooo inspired it!! You Brits dazzle!! And you my dear are the Brit Queen of Cute!!!

    I'm cracking up about how identical your arcades are to ours here on the Jersey Shore!!! what a riot!!

    Great pics!!!

    XOXO Jenny

  26. I went to Herne bay only a couple o' weeks ago, and played on that very air hockey!
    Steve used to do Roller Hockey games down on the pier in the 70's.
    them 2p machines!, i can play for ages on them and end up spending about 3 quid and all I win is a batman badge worth about 10p!

  27. Hi there. I just found your blog and I had to tell you how hard you made me laugh when you wrote about your belly being bigger than your boobs. You made me laugh hysterically!!!!!! How wonderful you are for admitting that!!!!! Don't tell anybody but my belly is bigger than my boobs, too!!!! : ) Thanks so much for the share and I look forward to following you on your blog!! : )

    ~ Wendy


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