What with the credit crunch here in Blighty and indeed most of the world, I thought that I would have a 'Make Do and Mend' weekend and do something crafty. I was inspired by the War Posters of WW2, this saying was one of a collection to boost morale amongst citizens and encouraged people to recycle unwanted or worn out items...

I so often go out to quaint little towns and wish that I were back at home, doing the things that I want to do, so rather than go anywhere last weekend, I stayed in! Its so rewarding, creating something that you have been wanting to do for ages....

I bought this little trolley last summer at a boot fair for £3.00 its brand new, and it was made of red vinyl, it had been staring at me for a very long time...do you know the feeling! every time I passed it - it would say ' Remember me!' you were supposed to cover me!
So I decided to make a list of all the things that I wanted to MAKE, DO AND MEND! and it started with covering this trolley.
My wanting to do it was also inspired by this lovely picture (above)...cut out from a magazine...I think Country Living....and it looks to be covered with a Cabbages and Roses material which I love, but as I was spending no money I decided to cover mine with a vintage piece that I already had.
I was so chuffed with how it turned out and I will gladly pull this along with my shopping in tow, as now I live on a regular bus route (albeit the end of the line!) So I have decided to go green and take the bus more often....;0)

Keep watching for more MAKE, DO AND MEND crafts that I will be making shortly....bye for now.


  1. What a lovely cart. Wish I had one. Love what you did. Thanks for sharing.
    Hugs and Love

  2. Your Post looks lovely, I love how you altered your cart it is charming, your Blog is always a pleasure to visit, I love the whole look!

  3. Hi Happy,I just love it! I agree it is the time to mend and make do. I have so many projects that need my attention. Thank you for reinforcing this and I better get busy or those projects will never get done.

    Kindredly, Lynne Laura

  4. Looks great. Very much in the spirit of make do and mend.

  5. I'm very much in the Make Do And Mend camp. And I love what you refashioned.

  6. so very lovely , you did a excellent job. YOU sew very well, that looks like it would be tricky to do :)
    I agree with so many others , I just love to view your blog. I think I am a cottage lover , would love to throw out all my stuff and go with white , pink and soft yummy green, I have always loved roses.
    Hope all is going well for your husband. Nice to chat with you Happy
    hugs all the way from Fort Worth Texas-
    Jann C.

  7. What a wonderful transformation. The inspiration picture was perfect for the transformation.

    I loved seeing photos of your new cottage. It is already oozing with Happy and Fred charm. I'm keeping Fred in my prayers.

  8. I can always count on your cheery site to boost my spirits and today more so than ever! I have what I call my "teapot savings" in which I deposit small bits of coin and bills quite literally into a teapot.It's amazing how quickly a dollar here and there can add up and when it does I treat myself to something special. Past treats have included a Singer Featherwieght, a blue willow platter, and a lovely wooden peg doll. With a nearly full pot once again I had begun eagerly planning for a mini home dec project...new paint, curtains, rugs and such were going to be a thrill. Unfortunately our water heater took a turn for the worse and my teapot contents spilled out in response. Ho-Hum no redec for me for awhile...or so I thought! Your make do and mend post, however, has inspired me back into action! I've got plenty stashed away to work with without a single trip to the store...or so the challenge shall be! Wish me luck!

    natalie jo

  9. Brilliant idea - and if you are like us it will help carting the three million books you use back from the library.

    How old is your daughter that you home ed ?

    No I havent joined education otherwise - do you think its worth it?


  10. I just wanted to thank you for taking the time and trouble to explain to me about the blog header. Thank you very much.
    Love this shopping trolley, I think MAKE, DO AND MEND posts will be very popular.
    So sorry to hear of your husbands ill health, how horrible for him (and you).
    Wishing you every happiness in your new home.
    Gladys x

  11. What a great job you did on your trolly. It's beautiful! I have always been a fan of "Make do and Mend",but it's also always been something I pretty much have had to do as well...I really enjoy visiting your blog!


  12. The trolley is lovely! I have an ugly grey one which I regularly trundle from home to supermarket, and I'd love to cover it. The grey fabric is wipe-clean, though, and as it gets muddy that's very useful. Do you think it would be possible to cover it with oil cloth?

  13. Now doesn't your trolley look so much better. I have a far less attractive one that i use for my bootsales, I think I need to try and make it more like your one.

    Victoria x

  14. Happy!
    I love what you did to your "shopping cart" as we would call it here ~ although I prefer trolley ~ sounds so much more jolly. (Oh no! bad poetry). Anyway, I love your blog and love to visit it ~ it's always inspiring!

    ~ Dawn
    Edmonton, Canada
    Hope you'll visit my blog sometime too ~
    ART of Humungous Proportions

  15. My god. I just found you today somehow or other and your blog and your delicious attitude are just so adorable.


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