happy harris

Well here we are, I have finally been able to make some time in order to start my blog...its now 1 0'clock in the morning and everyone else is asleep, but I am wide awake!...I am not quite sure how all this started! (the tap is dripping in the kitchen, but somehow the noise is quite comforting, like an old clock ticking, somewhere from my past). I am in the dining room facing the large antiqued gold mirror looking at my rosy cheeks and panda white eyes, wondering if things would ever change.

happy shabby colourful home
You see I have a very busy life (don't we all these days!) and everything that I do, I have to do perfectly! In fact I am a self confessed procrastinator and perfectionist! which is very time consuming. If I am sorting out a cupboard for instance, I would have to take everything out, clean and wipe all the surfaces and then sort out the contents and put them all back neatly and in order...it takes me forever and a day to do anything, I have to plan, think about it a bit, think about it a bit more and even think about how I would do things differently...and then all the time this is going on in my head, my 'significant other' has made breakfast...gone to the library...and the gym...and done another 101 things, all very quickly, often making mistakes, but getting on with life. 'Time Management' he calls it!...So really in short, I need a much longer day then he does, hence me blogging at 1 0'clock in the morning and him tucked up in bed getting his full eight hours!...I don't think I'll ever get the hang of 'Time Management'!

That's why I decided to call my first blog 'The Hare and the Tortoise', I think it is so apt for the both of us, and this I think makes us so compatible. The old adage that opposites attract is definitely true, especially where we are concerned.

pretty vintage  florals
We both decided that we wanted to start blogging, as we love that whole Cath Kidston, Shabby Chic, 1950's look and have been decorating like this for years. We have always been creative and I have designed clothing and home wares 1950's style when we used to own our own Boutique back in 2000. 

I even started my own label 'Edith & Bella' which is famous for vintage re-style clothing here in sunny blighty and Fred has always been very good at thrifting, he has such a marvelous eye. He is also brilliant at home decoration, not so much the DIY sort, but the actual styling and decoration kind.

pared back shabby chic
Rush, rush hurry rush, *Fredsworld is up and running and 'Happy loves Rosie' (Mine) is in its early stages, I don't think either of us will ever change, it has been too long now. twenty years in fact. But ones things for sure, we will be bringing you two sides of our busy hectic lives, a masculine and feminine view in homemaking and we are both looking forward to it very much!

*Fred no longer writes a blog.

Love Happy x  


  1. Happy new blog, from one procrastinator perfectionist to another! Can't wait to read more :-)

  2. I have just discovered your blog! LOVE IT! I definitely am coming back for more........you even make camping look like something out of a decorating magazine!

  3. Welcome to blogland! I found you via Fred's via Yvestown. Love, love, love Cath Kidston. I've been a fan before she started her online shop and my first purchase was the 2-cup Sprig teapot. That started the obsession! And now that they've closed both the LA and New York shop, I have to think about what I have to buy and ignore the fact that the standard shipping is unbelievably astronomical! Enough about me whining because no matter what I will have my CK stuff, dammit! lol!
    Anyhoo, love your blog and Fred's. I hope you don't mind I've added you and Fred's to my blog list.

  4. It's lovely.
    I'm from Portugal and i love very mutsh your blog.
    vou adicionar.

  5. Hello Happy! I have just found your blog and I am already a fan! I am also a "procrastinator perfectionist" (so far it has taken me two days to get my blog looking pretty, let alone writing anything!) I look forward to reading the rest of your blog, Morwenna :-)


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