artwork by Fred Harrisartwork by Fred Harris

5 ways to love yourself this spring

Spring is a time for new life, for fresh air, color and excitement. It’s when we throw our windows open and let spring air into our homes. It’s an exciting time of the year when we’re all looking forward to warmer weather and all of the fun that summer can bring. But, it can also be tough.

If you’ve been struggling with seasonal depression or the winter blues (like me), you might have been looking forward to spring for weeks. Only to find that when it arrives, it’s a little overwhelming, and you don’t quite know how you are meant to feel. It can be hard to throw negativity off and let springtime in.

positive mind pic

Loving yourself a little more is often the key to improving your mood ready for summer.  So, here’s a look at five of the things that you can do to love yourself a little more this springtime.

Have a Negativity Clear Out

Look at any negativity in your life. This could be a relationship that’s bringing you down, fake friends on social media, people that are always critical or holding you back, or even pages that you follow online, that are filled with negativity. You might to have a good social media clear out. Wherever the negativity is coming from, get rid, and fill your life, and timeline, with things and people that make you feel good instead. 

Get Some Fresh Air

In winter, it’s all too tempting to hibernate, especially when the weather is very dark, cold and wet, or particularly unpredictable. We’re all happy to snuggle up indoors with blankets and hot chocolate in the worst weather. But, the danger is that this becomes a habit. We get used to staying inside, and this isn’t good for our mental health or mood. 

So, push yourself to get out more now that the sky is brightening, and the temperature is climbing. Go for at least a short walk every day, and when you are at home, try to open some windows and let some fresh air in. Fresh air is good for us, even if the Government advises us to stay indoors…get out into your garden or walk the dog, do things out in the open that involves not a lot of people…we all still need fresh air in our lives to keep us healthy.

spring garden with tulips

Love the Summer Body You’ve Got

Spring can be a struggle if you are unhappy with your body, or feeling pressure to start getting it ready for summer. There’s a big focus online, especially on social media, about finding your summer body, and it can be easy to get sucked in. 

Your summer body is literally your body, in a short-sleeved t-shirt or swimming costume. If you are unhappy, make healthy changes to your diet and try to do a little more exercise, but don’t set wild summer body goals for the sake of fitting in.


Treat Yourself

Sometimes, the smallest things lift our mood. Take yourself shopping (perhaps online for now!),  pick some flowers from your garden, head to the spa (or perhaps have a spa day at home), or just treat yourself to a relaxing bubble bath.

Make Some Plans

Its easy to say this, but with Coronavirus showing its nasty head, perhaps it’s not a good idea to book a holiday right now or to make plans where you will encounter a lot of people.  But what you can do, is make plans for yourself in your home and garden…that embroidery you got for Christmas you haven’t started yet, that spare bedroom you haven’t decorated…little or big things that you have been meaning to do for ages, you can now fit into your busy schedules…you have the time to be you…to find out who you really are and getting creative within your boundary.

Check out the pictures on this post HERE

What are you doing to make yourself feel better this Spring?

Bye for now my lovelies

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