modern victorian interior decor

I don't know whether I have been watching too much Grand Designs lately but I am loving the Modern Victorian look...You know what I mean don't you? This kinda thing...

modern victorian glass extension

I just so love the way the old style is mixed with ultra modern design...we have all done it for years, mixing up our interiors, but now mixing up our exteriors ROCKS! in my book! Sash Windows by Quickslide (which are the best in my opinion!), mixed with full glass panels is the best of both worlds...letting lots of light into your home like this is sure to make you happier and more creative!

ultra modern extension

What I like about these homes is the traditional look of the front with the completely ultra modern extension on the back..I don't like the idea of renovating the front, as I love the Victorian era! it is so part of our heritage, especially living here in Dickens Country...but changing the back of the house with a state of the art extension is just so cool in my mind!

ultra modern quickslide patio doors
...And as for the interiors...well what fun you can have mixing old with new...renovating and sanding down old pieces of furniture to mix with up to date modern accessories...anything goes in a property like this...You can chuck a modern piece of art on the wall! An Eames Era chair in the sitting room and a country cottage dresser in the all kinda goes together! especially if you add a bit of colour here and there!
modern victorian decor in Brighton

Here at the Happy House we have always mixed our styles up...just really buying what we like when we see it, never really following one certain look...Your home should be all about you! the things that you love looking at...the things that make you smile...memories and hand me downs...everything in your home should make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside!

We are trying to do that here at the moment, but now hubby can get about, he has also been having an opinion (darn!) about our decor and both our styles seem to be changing (in a different direction!)...I still like a bit of colour and he doesn't want any! Eek! So needless to say we have been bickering a bit! ;) That's why I have so many boards on pinterest lol! I keep adding new boards called 'my style' and 'my happy home' etc etc!

Anyways I just love this Modern Victorian style and if I ever move again...I hope it will be to a property very similar to the ones above!

What is your favourite style of property at the moment?
Are you living in it?

Love Happy x

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