Happy House Bedroom
Well Folks...the work has been well underway here at The Happy House!
The wet room is nearly finished...and the sliding door in my bedroom is being fitted as I speak to you! I must admitt!...I was dreading all of this work being done...but it has actually been ok...we have had brilliant builders here, who are very proud of their work and are doing a great job of it all!

We have chosen a Light blue floor for the new bathroom...only to realise, that is the floor they have in the bathrooms of our local hospital...oh dear! it's probably because we visit there so often, that we subconsciously felt that we had to have the same lol!
happy house bathroom before wet room
This picture above is of how our bathroom used to look when we just moved in!
The lift will not be installed in the living room/bedroom until February 10th with the completion on the 14th February...that is when Freddy will finally be able to go upstairs (those of you that don't know, he is in a wheelchair) and after 2 years of bed washes and top and tailing by the sink he will be able to have a proper shower!..Just two weeks of not being able to shower properly has made me feel yucky...let alone 2 years since his accidentso you can imagine how he must feel…
Bless him! He is sooo looking forward to be able to live in our house to the full...actually sleeping in our bedroom (he is currently sleeping in the lounge) using the bathroom...just the little things that we all take for granted! he will be able to do again...just brings me to tears with happiness. I now know how those people in DIY SOS feel...I am so Happy I could cry!

So are you now ready for the transformation....? This is what our new Freddy accessible wetroom looks like... Taa Daa!
happy house wetroom revealed
Fanbloomingtastic isn't it! The door opens the other way now so that Freddy will have plenty of room to manouever, it used to open into the room, therefore blocking a lot of space, but now with it opening straight onto the (left) wall side, it leaves plenty of room for him to wheel in!

Here is another view...happy house wet room
 Very plain and simple at the moment...but we need a bit of storage here and there...I thought perhaps a mirrored cabinet above the sink... and then something on the wall above the loo...we are going to try and find something quirky as now the year is up and the house is all ready for painting and decorating of the 'Happy kind'...that means pictures can go up, happy shabby coat hooks and wonderful chandeliers can finally show themselves again! Yippee! we are soooooo excited!
mum and me 1965
I am leaving home to visit my Mum on Monday 16th and staying for the week in London with her and then on Friday 20th she is moving over to live just around the corner from us for good! Yay! Yes it is finally happening...after 6 months of shall we shan't we, can we? should we!...
Then it just all fell into place and now it just feels so right, that it is all finally happening and she will only be around the corner...so I can visit her every day if I want too and only 6 minutes down the road!
I am such a lucky girl :)
So once again it's going to be a hectic few weeks for us...but I promise I will keep you all informed, as there will now be two homes to blog about...(Mums new Garden Flat is soooo modern and chic!) Gosh! You'll all be sick of the sight of me soon! lol!
Oh and by the way...if any of you spot me out and about...please do excuse my extra long...nearly down to my knees Grey blonde roots...Yep! never got a chance to have them done before Christmas and then the builders ripped the bathroom apart and well! the rest is history! lol!
Bye for now my lovelies xxx
Please do leave a comment if you fancy and tell me all about your news - I'd love to catch up :)

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