Since getting the ball rolling on my Mum's house move, her tastes are a changing!
The more properties we are looking at, the more she is falling out of love with her dark mahogany furniture! (thank gooodness! ;)) She is also starting to love white walls which is also a plus, as we all know who else loves white walls don't we!

Aiken House & Gardens: Living space with white furniture, a white fireplace and white planked floors:
We have looked at about 8 properties now and the one she likes in particular, it is a ground floor maisonette with its own front and back garden! It is also the closest to me of all the others and we have made an offer on it, which has been accepted!...there have been a lot of problems along the way! as indeed there always is...House Moving is not the best of events is it!...but we are getting there!...Having a garden of her very own is just the best thing and we are planning all the lovely plants that we want to add in there...
Mum has decided that she wants to have a more modern approach to furnishings...I guess the white walls and modern kitchen of the new property has helped with that! I can't show you it yet, as our offer has only just been accepted and I don't want to tempt fate...but it is perfect for Mum....

Cottage look:
We have been talking about how we are going to decorate it and looking on sites like Beytug for all of her new things...we particularly like the idea of having new bed linen in her bedrooms, she is liking more of the French shabby chic look but with a modern twist, so I will be looking forward to decorating her new home myself...not in my style...but following Mum's directions of course!
French Shabby Chic style we Love
There are a few adjustments to be made though, for instance she needs to have a shower cubicle added to the bathroom, as at the moment there is just a shower over the bath...making it almost impossible for her to get into it, what with her poor mobility!  Also there are a few steps that need sorting out so that Mum can get into the garden, which will also make it easier access for Freddy in his in other words we are making it all 'super human proof'!
antique plates wall decor:

There is a lot of work to be done of next week I am going over to her London flat which is now Sold and we are going to have a big sort out! I am a dab hand at all of that now...she is fretting about it, but I have told her not to worry as I will be doing most of the packing and we are also going to be paying for decent removal men...not the 'likely lads' that I had, where they left everything on the walls and in the garden behind! lol!...I suppose you pay for what you get!

So watch this space and I'll be updating you very soon.
Bye for now.

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