Happy Loves Rosie Blog is full of inspiration for your home
If you have little space in your property, you need to go through your belongings to see if you could make some more room. It’s time to get rid of unwanted belongings which are taking up space. The lounge, in particular, can get really crowded so you need to go through your stuff. Then you can have more room for yourself and your guests when they come over! Here are some easy ways to make more space in your lounge.

Throw out old cushions
Over the years, we tend to accumulate a lot of beautiful cushions which we put on our sofa. As time goes on, we end up with so many which we don’t need. Over time, they can get dirty and tatty! so go over to your sofa and decide on which ones are ready to go in the bin. You can keep a couple, after all, cushions can really add character to a room, but try only to leave a maximum of four. You could always give any old ones to charity so they can sell them on.
Happy Loves Rosie Blog is full of inspiration for your home
 Remove ornaments
If you have a fireplace or even a window sill, you can often clutter them up!... Receiving unwanted gifts from Friends can often leed to a clutttered room problem and they can start to take up too much space...Just because you feel too guilty not to have them displayed! Go through all your ornaments and decide if you like them, and if they actually match!... If you don’t feel they enhance the room, consider moving them to another part of the house to make more space. Or you could even give them away to charity or as a birthday present for a friend. (make sure it's not the friend that gave you it in he first place though! lol!)
Happy Loves Rosie Blog is full of inspiration for your home
Sort your furniture We tend to go for large sofas which unfortunately take up too much room in the lounge. We think that a bigger sofa is better, but in fact, they often make the sitting room look too crowded. If you don’t have guests over often, it might not be necessary to have a three piece suite. You could cut back to a two seat sofa or even a chair if you live on your own. Check out companies such as lovethesign.com to see what unique seats they have to offer. And you could even sell your old ones, meaning you are making some money!
Getting your lounge ready summer
Remove some photo frames
As much as displaying loads of photos in your lounge is great, they can take up so much space. If you want your sitting room to look less crowded, you should go through your pictures and decide whether you really need them on show. Take a look at your picture frames and make a decision if they do need to be in your lounge. Old photos could be hung on the walls in a collage ensemble to make more space on your dressers ...Or you could try Fred's old trick here and make a scrapbook to keep them all in.

Give your lounge a clean and sort through everything and it will soon be looking fresher and fit for the many summer parties that await.


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