cath kidston and happy loves rosie
One of the plus points of moving to a new home is all the latest mod cons!  After living at Meadow Cottage for 7 years with bog standard fixtures and really is a dream here...
It actually feels like we have won the lottery!

I have a switch for everything! infact I thought I was putting a bathroom towel rail heater on for the first couple of weeks of moving here, every morning, only to realise it was a heater for my airing cupboard! What bliss! being able to air my washing off in a cupboard with a heater! (I know! it's the little things aye!)
cath kidston and happy loves rosie
I used to drool through magazines and websites, looking at the latest bathrooms and kitchens, wishing I could have the same Kinda styles you see at don't get me wrong...I know my Kitchen at the old house was popular in magazines, but it wasn't really workable.
There was no space on the worktops to move and cooking became a chore not a pleasure at all!

Now in my New Kitchen I can feel a few makes and cakes coming on...I have not filled the it up at all...leaving plenty of space on the worktops to prepare and serve...I am not saying that it will not change over the months to come, but it is such a lovely place to prepare food in that I dont think it will...
vintage enamel kitchen love
As for all my vintage enamel...yes i still have it, but i think i am going to have to cull it down a bit this year.  Just moving in here, well I must have got rid of about 50 black sacks of unwantables to
charity...which made me feel really good...I feel that all my brain fog was despatched away in those black sacks lol!

Living here at 2A is like a dream come true...Lights that work, toilets that flush, doors that lock, switches for everything, a modern kitchen sink and room to breathe is the best thing...

What do you love the most about your house?


  1. It's nice you're happy and, yes, small things add to the charm of a satisfied, content life. What I like about my home is the space...inside and out. This old farmhouse is huge, more so since Dave died, but it's still beautiful. Finally, after 4 years the heater is working properly so it's WARM inside. The views are still stellar, the work is still bone numbing hard and I still love living here.

  2. I have just moved to a cottage in the country with 2.5 acres we are renting it from a close family friend and after living in the town for 24 years I cant tell you the joy this new life and home gives me. My gorgeous Belfast sink in my kitchen, a real open fire and log burner that's 3 life long wishes just there. The outside space the way the light changes around the house through the windows seeing the moon and stars at night just by looking through the windows, being able to grown my own vegetables this year and have some chickens it really is the dream life us right now :-) I am so pleased to hear you have found a new home to love and breath in, I to understand about culling your vintage collections I have been doing the same,
    . this new house although its 50's i didnt want to clutter and over do it. enjoy every moment, dee :-)

  3. I am moving soon yay, but I do love the neighborhood I am in. Quiet, not a lot of traffic, 2 great parks close by and a great area for dogs to play. Great natural lighting upstairs, but downstairs is not great lighting which is one of the reasons I am moving. :)



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