As summer draws to an end you’ll probably want to make the most out of the garden by hosting BBQs, tea parties or just having your friends around for a cup of tea. You've spent the last couple of months pruning those bushes with trusty hedge trimmers, which you can buy at Tesco, and watching the geranium and hydrangeas grow, but there is a great BIG pampas grass sitting in the middle of your garden that you have been meaning to get rid of for ages!
Hence my Pampas Grass below! Eek!

Mine has grown over 6ft high so I have always taken pictures of my garden leaving out this monstrosity!  I am not a fan of the thing! We acquired it when we moved here 6 years ago and I have aways been told that they are very difficult to get rid of...making them a most stubborn nuisance to me. 
So let's take a look at these tips on what to do if you would like to remove one from your garden!


Here are the pieces of equipment that you'll need:
Rubber gloves
Safety goggles
Long-sleeve shirt & long trousers
Black bin bags
Gardening shears
Rubber gloves
Herbicide containing glyphosate

1. Put on the gloves and ensure that your clothes cover your arms and legs. Grab several pampas grass stalks and bunch them together. Cut the stalks down to around two inches above the ground with a pair of gardening shears. Do this until you have cut all the grass down to a similar size. Fill the rubbish bag with the cut grass as you go along, tie it securely and take it to the tip.
2. Next, spray the cut down stalks straight away with a ready-to-use herbicide that contains glyphosate as the active ingredient. Use it liberally for the best results.
3. You'll have to repeat the treatment process a week later. Monitor the location regularly and spray any newly sprouted pampas grass with the glyphosate herbicide.
Some people might try and just dig up the root of the pampas but the only effective way is to use chemicals as well, otherwise it will just grow again. There are many products out there that are right for the job so just ask your local garden center worker and they'll point you in the right direction. Be careful to avoid spraying any nearby plants that may be harmed by the chemicals.
Then you can get down to enjoying the rest of the season in a beautiful, flawless garden that isn't overshadowed by pesky pampas.

You could always hide it (like I have for years) with a Garden Gazebo Lol!
Happy Days xx

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