Well my lovelies Christmas is well on its way now and I am no way near prepared! Usually my  decorations are up and I am enjoying a little ‘tipple’ every evening! but this year and what with everything that has happened…I am not prepared at all.

 I am over at my Mum’s house in London at the moment…I have left Freddie and Rosie in the  care of my son ( I have hinted a lot about the decorations and could they please put them up for me!) Poor them! they will all probably starve Eek!

Still! a new KFC has just opened up around the corner! so that will be handy 😉

 I have had a lot to do over here, whilst I am staying with Mum…I will be helping her to put her decorations up, I have had ‘the ‘Men’ in to change her TV and broadband to Virgin! Yay! better Television and Netflix! We have a couple of Christmas Meals to go to! and also we will be visiting my Auntie Joyce in Richmond for a few days, to deliver pressies and celebrate her birthday….so it is all go!

 But time is really flying…and whilst the Virgin guys were here this afternoon, we both took the opportunity to write some cards…! Oh and aren’t stamps dear! I bought a book of second class stamps on Monday and was charged £6.00 for 12!… I was horrified! I don’t know what planet i have been living on to not realise that jump in stamp prices!

 So today, we have to pack, write more cards, wrap pressies, go and eat a lovely meal at The Moby Dick and put some more decorations up and I will have to write a couple of articles in the meantime! Phew! it all makes me tired just thinking about it all! we usually have a afternoon nap! but I can’t see that happening today! It’s all go go go!

 I just hope its all go go go at my house and that my son Daz is putting up mine…I’ll keep you updated on that one! 🙂 …by the time we get back from my Aunt’s house and I finally make it home to mine, it won’t be many sleeps till Christmas… I don’t have any close family pressies bought or any Christmas cakes or puddings prepared….so it will be all last minute for me!

How are all your Christmas preparations going?
Are you on target?
Do Share!

Bye for now my lovelies.

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