Hello there my name is Max and as you know my Mummy is called Happy!
Well please do not tell her, but you see this 'ere picture...isn't it awful!

  It's full of Spanish ladies with material skirts on Postcards (WOOF!)...
Well I expressed to Mummy by growling at it a few times...my disgust!...but she ignored me!

(WOOF!)...so as it was propped up against a chair and my Mummy was admiring it (looking at THAT and not ME!)...I ran up to it and pushed it very hard with my nose!
Well it came HURTLING towards me at a rate of knots! and scared the cats whiskers outta me!...I RAN very fast BACKWARDS (WOOF!) and barked A LOT! and when Mummy looked at me, I gave her my (IT WASN'T ME) look (ABOVE).
...And then I gave her this...
Oh Mummy, I am too cute for you to tell me off, aren't I, look!....
And then I got a BIG Cuddle (WOOF!) from her!

Lol Grrr! She is such a sucker!



  1. Max is too cute for words - but your hilarious words gave me a good laugh! It's President's Day here in the USA - I vote Max the Wonder Dog for our next president. Love you Mr. Max!!

  2. Oh Max you are such a cutie...work it baby!! Us Mummys will do anything for that look xx

  3. Max would melt your heart. You could never tell him off. He looks like king of the castle on your chair.

  4. What a cute, cute boy you are! Your Mom must love you to bits~ xo Diana

  5. hi Max , you are a lovely dog ! XO Patricia from Paris

  6. Oh Max you sweet precious baby. I hope your mom spoils you alot with wonderful treats



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