Here I have taken pictures of some of my favourite things around my home...
One of them is my cute Airedale Terrier wooden door stop...isn't he just soooo cute!
 My Antique bowls and my colourful collection of modern is always a pleasure to rustle something up in the Happy Kitchen!
My 1960's musical manicure set...
everyone is on strict instructions to replace all the items if they are to use them ;)

  My New red microwave...a bargain at only £49.00!...
well it was until the 'blooming' handle fell off lol
...and my red spotty plates...I have had these for years, but have only just found them again in the garage...perfect for Festive Dinners ;)
and even though I love our Green caravan, I also love this one too... I will definitely be decorating her in the spring...she needs a little care and attention and I am itching to get her painted :)

What are your favourite things in your home at the moment?



  1. Hello dear Happy! I love your gorgeous blog! Your favorite things are all so beautiful, happy and cheerful! You inspire me so much! My favorite things are my little pink Christmas tree, my petite Blythe doll my sweet hubby and son gave me for an early Christmas pressie, a sweet elf girl doll I made, and a darling little teddy bear made by a sweet girl on Etsy. I have so much to be thankful for! My most favorite of all though, is my hubby, son and doggies! :D Lots of love to you! Wishing you and your dear ones a very Merry Christmas! xo~Paula

  2. Rosie, You sure are a girl who loves color. I am amazed at the wonderful pyrex...never dreamed they had so many different designs and colors. Merry Christmas to you and yours. xo,Susie

  3. Always a visual pleasure visiting your blog - just had to say thank you for the inspiration! I share a love of color, kitsch and vintage - and became a proud owner of a 1967 pink camper this past summer (I believe I first saw the caravans on your blog and thus began my obsession - they are not yet as popular in the states).
    Happy holidays and New Year to you. Keep on inspiring:)

  4. Merry Christmas Happy! I want to thank you for keeping your blog going all this past year as I spent lots of time looking at your colorful HAPPINESS! Thank you for the inspiration and smiles!


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