Well! here they are...and after a long wait...this is the new version of the old Routemaster bus!...When I saw a glimps of it this morning...all I could think about was OMG! why oh why have they wasted a shed load of money and resdesigned them!
  I thought they were going to keep the old design...
vintage blighty and all that!...

  But they have gone and made it all swanky...and I am not sure that I like swanky!...apparently there is not a lot of space for the mother travelling with a buggy either! tut tut! Boris!
  ...But as I was researching this post...I found that I have been warming to them...getting a side view of the openess at the side...The hop on and off bit...I thought Yeh! I like that design!...and I suppose we have to have a swanky new bus for the olympics eh!
 Oh my! Health and safety ALERT! can I see doors on the 'hop on' 'hop off' bit! OMG!...talk about safety! how many peeps are going to be running for the bus and bust their noses of the safety doors lol!
I do like the new look...being that it is more ozone friendly and all!...but I still hanker after the good ole original Routemasters

There was even room for prams and buggies on this old version! ;)

all pictures from The Independent and This Blog



  1. What a sweet ride. We don't have double deckers here in the Midwest as a rule. However, there is ONE that runs during the summer. This area is all about football so it is green and gold and advertises the Green Bay Packers. It runs from downtown out to a small amusement park. I have never ridden a bus-can you believe that? I take that back- I rode one in Mexico on holiday a couple of times. xo Diana

  2. I think the old ones were beautiful.

  3. Ooooooooohhhhhhhh, the old ones were so London! So what we feel is british. I really have to get used to this ones.

  4. Great to see them back - loved the old design - it is my favourite.
    Liz @ Shortbread & Ginger

  5. All the best bits of being a London girl (now living in Lincolnshire) is remembering how I would wait for hours for a reddie to come along and then squeeze myself silly into a small gap, usually the seat :) Oh happy days!

  6. They don´t look too bad I think, but no place for moms&buggies is an absolute nono to me ;) We have double deckers here in Berlin as well and it was just yesterday when my little cutie and me had a ride with our stroller AND 4 other moms with theirs too. ok, it was a bit tight, at least for all the other passengers, but it was fun :) I can´t wait for my boy to grow a little bigger, so that we can make a tour sitting upstairs in the 1st row and watch the streets from above, I guess this will be even more fun for him!


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