I have always wanted a SMEG fridge...and this year I could be a little more tempted than usual, what with these AMAZING colour options ..I have been looking at the different colour combinations and just can't decide...

Although being that it is BIG UP BLIGHTY year...you know, The Olympics and The Coronation and all...I think its going to have to be the 'Union Jack' Smeg for me...I wonder what kind of fridge the Queen has....she really should have a Union Jack Fridge too! don't you think?

What design would you choose?
...And if you already have one...which one did you go for?



  1. When we moved house a SMEG fridge was on the top of our list but after buying all the essentials there wasn't enough money left, I'd have chosen the bright red shiny one followed by Paul Smith, maybe one day.....Lucey x

  2. I had a black smeg but had to sell it when we moved here 10 months ago, it broke my heart, as it wouldnt fit in the kitchen!! It would be the red one for me :)

  3. I've always wanted one but funds have never allowed it :( If I could have one then it would be the glossy red one :)

  4. A Smeg fridge remains a long term item on my wishlist. Maybe when the next one packs in:) It would definitely have to be either baby pink, powder blue, or mint green. I'd redesign my whole kitchen to accomodate it! I

  5. In an ideal world, it would be the royal blue one - but our kitchen isn't big enough!! In the next house.....

  6. Ooo! I'll take that light blue one, please! ♥

  7. What The Coronation? Is the queen retiring? Please explain to us 'over the pond' fans. I would pick the Union Jack smeg.
    Love your pictures. - Elaine from Luray VA USA

  8. We had a lovely cream one in our last house. The lady that bought the house wanted the fridge too so we picked up a pink one on Ebay. It certainly draws lots of comments and seems to be a love it or hate it thing! I'm still undecided and might have to swap it at some point. I'd be a bit cautious about a union jack one. Ok now but when blighty's done it's dash I think I might tire of it.

  9. But what about the Coronation she mentioned?

  10. oh silly me!!!! I called it the coronation...must have had my stupid head on! no its her Diamond Jubilee, 60 years on the throne....well done Mrs Windsor ay! ;) xx

    sorry to confuse you peeps Eek!

  11. Hi, do you know where to buy the paul smith one?



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