Well the day had arrived...I had washed, dusted and hoovered all on my ownio! Yes! everyone was going to help me! but when I finally decided to have a BIG clear up...everyone had made themselves scarce! typical eh!...anyway at least everything was done my way ;)

Liz and Charlie arrived a little after 9am and we started by having some freshly brewed coffee and a chat before they 'fired up the camera'!
(liz checking the pictures are just right with charlie)

 Liz bought some pretty bits and pieces with her, as she wanted to create a pretty vintage sewing style of card...and I got to work getting together all my sewing collectables....and goodness me! did we make a mess between us! lol!

oh yes...we were getting in a right 'ole state! look at all the ornaments and flowers etc scattered around the dining room...!

Max was looking at me...as if to say! 'Mum! why the hell did you bother to clean up! They are wrecking the house!' :D
Liz always brings an array of pretty flowers with her, as the range of cards that she styles for is called 'Posies and Petals' so naturally everything has to be styled accordingly! I popped out into the garden to photograph some of them...aren't they divine! and what a wonderful selection!

Tulips are definitely her signature flower I think...she styles them so beautifully...I did drop a few hints about her leaving the flowers with me! but alas it didnt work :( lol!...next time!
 !More mess!

 A bit of tweaking here and there and plenty more coffees and cream cakes later..IT WAS A WRAP! Finally at 5.45pm they had finshed...what a long day....but so much fun!

By the time they had left Max needed a well earned cuddle! I had been previously occupied all day...and he was feeling left out! ahh Bless!...

We all had a lovely time...Roll on the next photoshoot!

Speak soon my luverlies :)



  1. Your Blog is wonderful. And Max is my perfect man dog! He's adorable. xx

  2. Looks like a busy but fun day!
    Give Max another hug from me, he's just adorable.
    Love from Holland; Joni

  3. my sister introduced your blog to me, and i am so happy about that! i just came back from the Lakes saturday. Your home looks so lovely and cosy place to live in!

    Delila, from Finland

  4. You have one amazing pretty house, there is so much lovely eye candy everywhere its like a treasure trove of delights ;-) I love it so much color it just makes you smile. Bless Max is so cute, enjoy the rest of your week, dee x

  5. Fab photo shoot, can I come and stay in your house please? Hope there are lots more photo shoots to come xxx

  6. Glad you had a great day and guess you were cleaning again the next!! Everything looks gorgeous as usual and I bet the photos are wonderful.

  7. How wonderful!
    I love all the colour and there is so much to look at.

  8. wow so much to look at, fabulous home. Scarlett x

  9. Happy I can't wait to see the final products. So much to see I am sure. The house looks divine. Extra hugs for Max. Smiles...Renee

  10. Looks like fun :) You'll have to let us know when the new cards are out :)

  11. How cool to have a photoshoot!! I love all of your items! Your dog is so cute that I'm convinced to get a westie too!

  12. How cool to have a photoshoot!! I love all of your items! Your dog is so cute that I'm convinced to get a westie too!

  13. Your home is well deserving of every photograph taken of it!

    Victoria xxx

  14. Everything looks fab! Sometimes you can't imagine that doing something you love so much can tire you out like that!
    Glad everything went so well...

  15. Just wanted to stop by & say hi from California! We love your blog! It's so colorful, positive, & detail-oriented. We just started a blog where we will be photographing events & travels, & writing about the things in life that bring us happiness. We'd love to have you drop in & say hi! Thanks, and have a wonderful day :-)
    Sheri, Jess, & Nel


  16. oooooo i love love and it looks wonderful. xx


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